What made traditional economies so radically different
and so very fundamentally dangerous to Western economies
were the traditional principles of prosperity of Creation
versus scarcity of resources, of sharing and distribution
versus accumulation and greed, of kinship usage rights
versus individual exclusive ownership rights, and
of sustainability versus growth. -- Rebecca
development, more than any single issue, is the battle
line between two competing world views. Tribal people's
fundamental value was sustainability, and they conducted
their livelihoods in ways that sustained resources
and limited inequalities in their society. What made
traditional economies so radically different and so
very fundamentally dangerous to Western economies
were the traditional principles of prosperity of Creation
versus scarcity of resources, of sharing and distribution
versus accumulation and greed, of kinship usage rights
versus individual exclusive ownership rights, and
of sustainability versus growth. -- Rebecca
we are helping create a more peaceful, just and sustainable
one act of compassion at a time... Every act of compassion
makes a difference! --
Alan Silverstein
goal is to create a world where citizens, communities,
corporations and nations work together in a responsible
way. Where decisions are not based on how much things
cost or how much profit can be made, but on the value
that it adds to the lives of our citizens and employees,
and its impact on the environment. This sustainable
life begins when we make our own lives more sustainable.
Alan Silverstein
focused on uplifting humanity, creativity can help
to create a more peaceful, just and sustainable world.
How will you use your creativity to help create a
better world? -- Robert
Alan Silverstein
is so much going on for a better world all around us that
the mainstream media never shares. Throughout history,
there have been many social movements for change ... for
democracy, for the abolition of slavery, women's rights,
for peace, for the environment ... Many advancements have
been made, but each of these causes is just part of larger
wish for a more peaceful, just and sustainable world.
These diverse movements for thousands of different causes
are beginning to converge and a more holistic movement
--what UNESCO has described as a 'global movement for
a culture of peace' -- is beginning to emerge. The
Culture of Peace Movement is helping to unite the
strengths of existing organizations and individuals so
that creating a culture of peace really is now possible.
-- Robert
Alan Silverstein
global economy is a runaway train that is causing more
and more suffering in the world. The current 'profit before
people' system is causing the gap between the very rich
and the very poor to grow larger each year. In
order to transform the global economy into a true global
community, we need to create a Better World Economy -
an economic system that gives value to other commodities
besides money. Then we can create more sustainable local,
national and global communities.
-- Robert
Alan Silverstein
are part of a movement that has worked throughout history
towards humanity's greatest goal - creating a more peaceful,
just and sustainable world. -- Robert
Alan Silverstein
can create a more sustainable, cleaner and safer world
by making wiser energy choices.
-- Robert
Alan Silverstein
we convince the people and the nations of our planet to
make 'striving for a better world' our priority and shared
goal, we will transform our culture of fear and violence
into a 'culture of peace and sustainability.'
-- Robert
Alan Silverstein
documents have been created as attempts to lay out in
a concrete way the conditions that are necessary to create
a better world. The United Nations' Declaration of Human
Rights, for instance is still a shining example of how
we should be treating each other. The Earth Charter was
produced after thousands of individuals collaborated for
more than ten years. It sets forth a wonderful blueprint
for a more peaceful, just and sustainable planet. The
Better World Handbook provides an extensive look at the
problems facing our world, and hands-on ways that we can
solve these problems and create a better world.
-- Robert
Alan Silverstein
is a human right with immense power to transform.
On its foundation rest the cornerstones of freedom,
democracy and sustainable human development."
~ Kofi

is the ultimate, positive revolution because it gives
each and every individual the power to control their lives.
And we can work together to create a just, sustainable
-- Bill Blackman
can be no real growth without healthy populations.
No sustainable development without tackling disease
and malnutrition. No international security without
assisting crisis-ridden countries. And no hope for
the spread of freedom, democracy and human dignity
unless we treat health as a basic human right. --
the AIDS pandemic is threatening sustainable development
in Africa only reinforces the reality that health
is at the center of sustainable development. -- Gro
safe and nutritionally adequate diet is a basic individual
right and an essential condition for sustainable development,
especially in developing countries. -- Gro
Harlem Brundtland
United States of America will be a more sustainable
society when we eliminate wasteful defense spending
and instead invest in the foundations of a strong economy
and a prosperous and productive future, by enhancing
areas such as education, healthcare and green infrastructure.
The role of Business Leaders for Sensible Priorities
is to leverage the credibility of business leaders on
fiscal issues to draw the attention of policy decision
makers, the media and the public to how the federal
budget is currently allocated and help to create a climate
where changed budget priorities can become a reality.
-- Mission Statement of Business Leaders for Sensible
Priorities |
I think about the world I would like to leave to my
daughter and the grandchildren I hope to have, it
is a world that moves away from unequal, unstable,
unsustainable interdependence to integrated communities
- locally, nationally and globally - that share the
characteristics of all successful communities.
~ Bill
one person has to do it all but if each one of us
follow our heart and our own inclinations we will
find the small things that we can do to create a sustainable
future and a healthy environment."
~ John
we have a hope of really understanding our place in
nature and of carving out a place for ourselves that
is sustainable, it’s primarily because of the new
level of communication. It used to be, ‘What you don’t
have in your mind, you have on your shelf.’ But now
we have the Web.”
~ Sylvia
must work to convert the military industrial complex
to sustainable technologies like windpower, solar,
and mass transit.”
~ Bruce
you look around Green Festival, you'd be convinced
that the movement for a just and sustainable world
is booming. But is it? The answer is a resounding
'yes'! And success is being fueled by creative, passionate,
people using powerful economic strategies to promote
fair trade, renewable energy, local economies, and
investment in healthy communities.
-- Alicia

me, the path to a sustainable energy future seems
very obvious. We have to find a way to tap into a
very small fraction of the sun’s energy to convert
it to a form suitable for supplying what are in fact
the relatively small additional requirements of modern
life. … I think the technological challenge can be
met. It remains to be seen whether the political and
organisational challenges involved in recognising
and addressing the need to change from the status
quo can also be met on a reasonable timescale.”
~ Martin
you do sustainably feels so good that you're a full-on
addict as soon as you try it. If you eat only vegetables
and fruits that you grow yourself from your garden,
or organic food, it tastes so much better and is so
much better for you, you can't really go back."
-- Daryl

question is...whether we shall, by whatever means, succeed
in reconstituting the natural world as the true terrain
of politics, rehabilitating the personal experience
of human beings as the initial measure of things, placing
morality above politics and responsibility above our
desires, in making human community meaningful, in returning
content to human speech, in reconstituting, as the focus
of all social action, the autonomous, integral, and
dignified human "I,"...
-- Vaclav
Havel |
goal is to empower as many people as possible to take
simple, effective actions in their daily lives that
will make the world a more just and sustainable place.
-- Ellis
most patriotic thing you can do is to take care of
the environment and try to live sustainably."
~ Robert
F. Kennedy, Jr.
achieve true sustainability, we must reduce our 'garbage
index" - that which we permanently throw away into
the environment that will not be naturally recycled
for reuse - to near zero. Productive activities must
be organized as closed systems. Minerals and other
nonbiodegradable resources, once taken from the ground,
must become a part of society's permanent capital
stock and be recycled in perpetuity. Organic materials
may be disposed into the natural ecosystems, but only
in ways that assure that they are absorbed back into
the natural production system.
-- David
citizen-activists the world over merge, they can become
an irresistible force to create peace and protect
the planet. From here will come a new movement to
abolish nuclear weapons and all weapons of mass destruction.
From here will come the demand for sustainable communities,
for new systems of energy, transportation and commerce.
From here comes the future rushing in on us. How does
one acquire the capacity for active citizenship? The
opportunities exist every day...Active citizenship
begins with an envisioning of the desired outcome
and a conscious application of spiritual principles.
is time for a sustainable energy policy which puts
consumers, the environment, human health, and peace
first. -- Dennis
vision of interconnectedness resonates with new networks
of world citizens in nongovernmental organizations linking
from numberless centers of energy, expressing the emergence
of a new organic whole, seeking unity within and across
national lines... If governments and their leaders,
bound by hierarchy and patriarchy, wedded to military
might for legitimacy, fail to grasp the implications
of an emerging world consciousness for cooperation,
for peace and for sustainability, they may become irrelevant."
~ Dennis
Kucinich |
is at the moment in the world a battle going on between
those who are pursuing materialistic paths—globalizers
of economic growth and those hell-bent on this ‘big
is better’ idea—on the one hand, and on the other
hand those who are dedicated to spiritual renewal,
more small-scale development, more human scale, more
sustainability, more crafts and arts. Where human
beings are not just sold to companies and money and
those kinds of things. Where human beings have a sacred
-- Satish
conscious choices about what we eat, based on what
the earth can sustain and what our bodies need, can
help remind us that our whole society must begin to
balance sustainable production with human need.
-- Frances
Moore Lappe
feel privileged to work at an organization that is
part of a growing movement to help people adopt environmental
and social justice practices into their lives and
helps them encourage these values in the broader economy,
where our consumer and investor dollars can "vote"
for sustainability. At a time when corporations are
exerting increasing power over people's lives and
the environment, it is vital that we work directly
with companies to promote greater responsibility.
-- Todd

the extreme poverty in remote parts of Affrica can
make you feel sad and powerless until you realize
how little it takes to change these people's lives
fundamentally in sustainable ways."
-- John


journey of 1,000 miles begins with a single step. The
collision of short and long food chains strategies are
at the basis of our current crisis. Indigenous peoples
living on their ancestral lands can help industrialized
countries by living in a sustainable manner (not the
contrary). If we destroy their environments and communities,
we will lose the answers they have to solving our problems,
and to the protection of our common futures. The most
complex nuclear power station is less important than
a tropical tree, and the most simple and sustainable
answer more useful than any National Library.
aim is to convince the world's leaders that our cities,
towns and villages need to be healthy, safe, just and
sustainable. -- Wally N'Dow |
We could dramatically accelerate innovations in sustainability
and social justice just by making choices to use our
money for positive solutions.
-- Carol
think those of us who have extraordinary wealth have
an opportunity to leverage that wealth to stimulate
a just and sustainable economy. I know it goes against
the grain but I know it's possible. It's just about
deciding what kind of choices we want to make.
-- Carol
"As a nation, this is the moment to start seriously
investing our time, energy and resources into proven
methods of reducing violence, both within our nation
as well as internationally. The cost of violence to
our culture and our children is simply not sustainable."
-- Joaquin
long as war and violence are in our hearts and our
streets as well as in our nations, as long as corporate
greed and unsustainable consumption are at the forefront
of our economies, no child will be born into a truly
safe, peaceful or loving world."
~ Ocean
feel that our planet is in peril and that creating
a sustainable planet for my children and my children’s
children is the most important thing I can do in this
-- Kyra

"The primary threat to nature and people today comes
from centralising and monopolising power and control.
Not until diversity is made the logic of production
will there be a chance for sustainability, justice
and peace. Cultivating and conserving diversity is
no luxury in our times: it is a survival imperative."
~ Vandana
The Earth Charter is important as an expression of
the commitment of people throughout the Earth to evoke
their own deepest moral, spiritual and ethical principles
in the task of ensuring a sustainable future for those
who inhabit the Earth now and those who will follow
us on the Earth.-- Maurice
all, sustainability means running the global environment
- Earth Inc. - like a corporation: with depreciation,
amortization and maintenance accounts. In other words,
keeping the asset whole, rather than undermining your
natural capital. -- Maurice
... join
the betterworld