us recognize that extreme poverty anywhere is a threat
to human security everywhere. Let us recall that poverty
is a denial of human rights. For the first time in
history, in this age of unprecedented wealth and technical
prowess, we have the power to save humanity from this
shameful scourge. Let us summon the will to do it."
-- Kofi
us continue to work together to develop and nurture
in future generations a culture of human rights, to
promote freedom, security and peace in all nations."
-- Kofi
future of peace and prosperity that we seek for all the
world's peoples needs a foundation of tolerance, security,
equality and justice. That foundation is the family. It
is only by protecting families, from famine as well as from
fragmentation, that they can prosper and contribute to the
family of nations that is the United Nations.
-– Kofi
"The existence of nuclear weapons presents a
clear and present danger to life on Earth. Nuclear
arms cannot bolster the security of any nation because
they represent a threat to the security of the human
race. These incredibly destructive weapons are an
affront to our common humanity, and the tens of billions
of dollars that are dedicated to their development
and maintenance should be used instead to alleviate
human need and suffering."
-- Oscar
Arias Sanchez
"Our work seeks to focus attention on the necessity
of developing security for the global village, meeting
its need for clean air, water, food and a healthy
habitat, as well as fostering clarity of vision on
cooperation and development."
-- Rosalie
can be no real growth without healthy populations.
No sustainable development without tackling disease
and malnutrition. No international security without
assisting crisis-ridden countries. And no hope for
the spread of freedom, democracy and human dignity
unless we treat health as a basic human right.
-- Gro
is no mere matter of men fighting or not fighting.
Peace, to have meaning for many who have known only
suffering in both peace and war, must be translated
into bread or rice, shelter, health, and education,
as well as freedom and human dignity - a steadily
better life. If peace is to be secure, long-suffering
and long-starved, forgotten peoples of the world,
the underprivileged and the undernourished, must begin
to realize without delay the promise of a new day
and a new life.
-- Ralph
J. Bunche
United Nations exists not merely to preserve the peace
but also to make change - even radical change - possible
without violent upheaval. The United Nations has no
vested interest in the status quo. It seeks a more
secure world, a better world, a world of progress
for all peoples. In the dynamic world society which
is the objective of the United Nations, all peoples
must have equality and equal rights. --
J. Bunche
"It is my profound conviction that nuclear weapons
did not, and will not, of themselves prevent major
war. To the contrary, I am persuaded that the presence
of these hideous devices unnecessarily prolonged and
intensified the Cold War. In today's security environment,
threats of their employment have been fully exposed
as neither credible nor of any military utility."
-- General
Lee Butler, head of US Strategic Nuclear Forces
It is a measure of arrogance to assert that a nuclear
weapons-free world is impossible when 95% of the nations
of the world are already nuclear-free. I think that
the vast majority of people on the face of this earth
will endorse the proposition that nuclear weapons
have no place among us. There is no security in nuclear
weapons. It is a fool’s game.”
-- General
Lee Butler, head of US Strategic Nuclear Forces
can truly flourish when the world is free of poverty,
hunger, discrimination, exclusion, intolerance and
hatred - when women and men can realize their highest
potential and live a secure and fulfilling life. Until
then, each and every one of us would have to contribute
- collectively and individually - to build peace through
-- Anwarul
demand a non-violent world where human security is the
basis of our common global security. People have the
right to live in a world where the basic needs of all
peoples are addressed. No more military attacks. No
more war.”
-- Shirin
Ebadi |
world law can assure progress towards a civilized
peaceful community."
-- Albert
world government with powers adequate to guarantee
security is not a remote ideal for the distant future.
It is an urgent necessity if our civilization is to
-- Albert

want to defeat terrorism and they want the basic character
of this country to survive and prosper. They want
both security and liberty, and unless we give them
both — and we can if we try — we have failed.
-- Russ
Of course,
there is no doubt that if we lived in a police state, it
would be easier to catch terrorists. If we lived in a country
that allowed the police to search your home at any time
for any reason; if we lived in a country that allowed the
government to open your mail, eavesdrop on your phone conversations,
or intercept your email communications; if we lived in a
country that allowed the government to hold people in jail
indefinitely based on what they write or think, or based
on mere suspicion that they are up to no good, then the
government would no doubt discover and arrest more terrorists.
But that probably would not be a country in which we would
want to live. And that would not be a country for which
we could, in good conscience, ask our young people to fight
and die. In short, that would not be America.
-- Russ
role of the U.S. in the new world corporate order
is going to be to export security. That means endless
wars and weapons in space. The Pentagon will send
our kids off to foreign lands to suppress opposition
to corporate globalization. How will we ever end America’s
addiction to war and violence as long as our communities
are dependent on military spending for jobs? We must
work to convert the military industrial complex to
sustainable technologies like windpower, solar, and
mass transit.”
~ Bruce
contention that a standing army and navy is the best
security of peace is about as logical as the claim
that the most peaceful citizen is he who goes about
heavily armed.
-- Emma
Nuclear weapons elimination will make all states and
their people safer. It is time to assert our right
to live in a nuclear weapons free world.
-- Jonathan
treaty, however much it may be to the advantage of
all, however tightly it may be worded, can provide
absolute security against the risks of deception and
evasion. But it can, if it is sufficiently effective
in its enforcement and if it is sufficiently in the
interests of its signers, offer far more security
and far fewer risks than an unabated, uncontrolled,
unpredictable arms race.
~ John
F. Kennedy
must create world-wide law and law enforcement as
we outlaw world-wide war and weapons"
-- John
F. Kennedy
is no excuse for human rights abuse, whether in the name
of security or in the name of liberation.”
-- Irene
hope of a secure and livable world lies with disciplined
nonconformists who are dedicated to justice, peace
and brotherhood."
Luther King, Jr

people of my country want the two freedoms that spell
security: freedom from want and freedom from fear.
-- Aung
San Suu Kyi
Peoples have always believed that peace is central
to human security and all life forms that exist in
a community, a nation, Mother Earth and the universe…
-- Hilda
Even strong as they are today, rich countries should
have no illusion: nobody is safe in a world of injustices.War
will never bring security.War can only generate monsters:
bitterness, intolerance, fundamentalism, and the damaging
denial of current hegemonies.The poor must be given
reasons to live, not to kill or die.
-- Lula

and security don't just happen, they are the result
of collective consensus and public investment. We
owe our children, the most vulnerable citizens in
our society, a life free of violence and fear."
-- Nelson

only true and lasting security is the one that concerns
itself with the protection of people, their welfare no less
than their opportunity to lead healthy and productive lives
in an environment that encourages them to attain their full
potential as human beings.
-- Wally N'Dow

"There can be no global security without respect for
children. We have to be more than just observers of
children's suffering, we have to be partners with
them in their struggles."
-- Landon
social and economic development throughout the world
and eliminating nuclear weapons from military arsenals
are two fundamental prerequisites to replacing the
culture of war with a culture of peace, and building
true security for all the world's people.
-- Douglas
the future days which we seek to make secure, we look
forward to a world founded upon four essential human
freedoms. The first is freedom of speech and expression
--everywhere in the world. The second is freedom of
every person to worship God in his own way-- everywhere
in the world. The third is freedom from want, which,
translated into world terms, means economic understandings
which will secure to every nation a healthy peacetime
life for its inhabitants --everywhere in the world.
The fourth is freedom from fear, which, translated
into world terms, means a worldwide reduction of armaments
to such a point and in such a thorough fashion that
no nation will be in a position to commit an act of
physical aggression against any neighbor --anywhere
in the world. That is no vision of a distant millennium.
It is a definite basis for a kind of world attainable
in our own time and generation. -- Franklin
D. Roosevelt
the militarily most powerful - and least threatened
- states need nuclear weapons for their security,
how can one deny such security to countries that are
truly insecure? The present nuclear policy is a recipe
for proliferation. It is a policy for disaster.
-- Joseph
question of whether violence or law shall prevail
between states is the most vital of the problems of
our eventful era, and the most serious in its repercussions.
The beneficial result of a secure world peace are
almost inconceivable, but even more inconceivable
are the consequences of the threatening world war
which many misguided people are prepared to precipitate.
The advocates of pacifism are well aware how meager
are their resources of personal influence and power.
They know that they are still few in number and weak
in authority, but when they realistically consider
themselves and the ideal they serve, they see themselves
as the servants of the greatest of all causes.
-- Bertha
von Suttner
In the long run the purpose is to form a new security
system in a world when nobody goes hungry because
we spend money on armaments.
-- Inga
will never be entirely secure until men everywhere have
learned to conquer poverty without sacrificing liberty or
-- Norman Thomas
the last analysis, human security means a child who
did not die, a disease that did not spread, an ethnic
tension that did not explode, a dissident who was not
silenced, a human spirit that was not crushed.”
-- Mahbub
ul-Haq |
There can be no lasting peace, no security, nor can
we as human beings begin to touch our full potential,
as long as hunger overwhelms the human spirit around
this planet.
-- Dennis
War and the preparation for war rob resources from
human security. As long as we honour war and warriors
we maintain fear and hate, always based on ignorance;
and fear is the enemy of learning, it gives ignorance
its power. As long as we misplace money for weapons
– we keep water polluted, we keep far too many women
illiterate and unskilled, we prevent health care and
education from being universally enjoyed – we promote
poverty. These are among the root causes of violent
-- Cora
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