empowerment is intertwined with respect for human
Mahnaz Afkhami
our hectic, fast-paced, consumer-driven society, it's
common to feel overwhelmed, isolated and alone. Many
are re-discovering the healing and empowering role
that community can bring to our lives. The sense of
belonging we feel when we make the time to take an
active role in our communities can give us a deeper
sense of meaning and purpose.
-- Robert
Alan Silverstein
alienation, poverty, disempowerment, fragmenting and
debilitating labor, production for the profit of a
few -- much less harsh homelessness, starvation, and
degradation -- are not like gravity. They arise from
institutional relations established by human beings.
New institutions, also established by human beings,
can generate other vastly superior outcomes. Defining
and working to attain those new institutions ought
to be our economic agenda.
-- Michael Albert
the economy I want workers and consumers to have control
over their own economic lives. I want everyone to
have fair conditions that fully utilize their talents
and potentials. I want incomes that accord with the
efforts people expend in their labors. I want what
is produced, by whom, under what conditions, and with
who consuming the result--all determined in accord
with enhancing human well-being and development and
all decided by the people involved and affected. I
want an end to hierarchies of power and wealth and
to class division with most actors subordinated to
an elite few. To accomplish all these ends I favor
the institutions of participatory economics -- worker
and consumer councils, remuneration for effort and
sacrifice, balanced job complexes, and participatory
planning. If someone should demonstrate that those
institutions somehow fail to accomplish necessary
economic functions or have social or personal by-products
that outweigh their benefits -- I would simply return
to the drawing board. Exploitation, alienation, poverty,
disempowerment, fragmenting and debilitating labor,
production for the profit of a few -- much less harsh
homelessness, starvation, and degradation -- are not
like gravity. They arise from institutional relations
established by human beings. New institutions, also
established by human beings, can generate other vastly
superior outcomes. Defining and working to attain
those new institutions ought to be our economic agenda.
-- Michael Albert
people should be at the forefront of global change
and innovation. Empowered, they can be key agents
for development and peace. If, however, they are left
on society's margins, all of us will be impoverished.
Let us ensure that all young people have every opportunity
to participate fully in the lives of their societies."
literacy is an empowering process, enabling millions
to enjoy access to knowledge and information which
broadens horizons, increases opportunities and creates
alternatives for building a better life. ~ Kofi
is no tool for development more effective than the
empowerment of women." -- Kofi
"School feeding is a great tool to encourage education
and provide food aid to children born into extremely
impoverished situations. The kids in school being fed
by WFP are empowered by their school meal to learn and
better their lives!"
-- Lauren
Bush |

of upheaval require not just more leadership but more
leaders. People at all organizational levels, whether
anointed or self-appointed, must be empowered to share
leadership responsibilities.
-- Rosalynn
people become economically empowered, they gain political
and social power. Many of the groups that we work
with do more than just produce crafts; they're involved
in community development, health and education. For
the women we work with, the effe ct is even greater.
As they gain employment, they become able to leave
abusive situations, to seek legal assistance, to acquire
education, to become independent. Their work allows
them to be economically significant in the family
and gives them leverage to be considered an equal
-- Bob Chase, executive director, SERRV International
leads to empowerment. Empowerment leads to full humanity.
Many faith groups have a trust relationship within
their own community. ... Justice is part of our core
mission. So media justice is part of what it means
to advocate for a just society.
-- Rev. Robert Chase
mitigation... increases the self reliance of people who
are at risk - in other words, it is empowering."
-- Ian Davis
need to support the governments of the world to create
the world we want and I also think we need to empower
the UN so that the secretariat, the people who work
day in and day out, know that the people are behind
-- Jeremy
is truly a privilege to be able to support all women's
causes on a global level. It is remarkable that something
as simple as television can empower us to create change
and awareness in the world. I am blessed to be able
to work at a job I love and also give back in the most
vital way--to people in need.”
-- Teri
Hatcher |

often say that 'beauty is in the eye of the beholder,'
and I say that the most liberating thing about beauty
is realizing that you are the beholder. This empowers
us to find beauty in places where others have not dared
to look, including inside ourselves.
-- Salma Hayek |
goal is to empower as many people as possible to take
simple, effective actions in their daily lives that
will make the world a more just and sustainable place.
-- Ellis

As a Goodwill Ambassador for YouthAIDS, I’ve
learned that the face of AIDS is increasingly young
and female. By educating young people and empowering
them to make the right choices we can stop the spread
-- Ashley
empowerment of girls and women is an essential tool
to preventing the HIV/AIDS emergency from exploding
any further
-- Ashley

the world women are joining hands in solidarity and
support, in a global women’s movement, sharing knowledge
and experience and empowering themselves to build
a peaceful and fairer world."
-- Marilee
Nike says, just do it, that's a message of empowerment.
Why aren't the rest of us speaking to young people
in a voice of inspiration?
-- Naomi
write books to change the world. Perhaps I can only
change one little piece of that world. But if I can
empower teachers and good citizens to give these children,
who are the poorest of the poor, the same opportunity
we give our own kids, then I'll feel my life has been
worth it.”
-- Jonathan

enable consensus politics to develop we need to empower
people where they live. This means devolving financial
resources and political power down to the community
level. One of the greatest blocks to movement is fear.
This fear can only be removed when people feel their
voices are being heard by government and when they have
a say in their own lives and communities.
-- Mairead
Corrigan Maguire |

an empowerment right, education is the primary vehicle
by which economically and socially marginalised adults
and children can lift themselves out of poverty, and
obtain the means to participate fully in their communities."
-- Koïchiro
Matsuura, UNESCO Director-General
think that the celebrity is a really important thing,
because we have the voice that's recognizable, that
can educate people to make a difference and empower
them to make a difference, and to also get things
in motion with the people in charge that can effect
-- Alyssa
my mind, the purpose of education is to enable human
beings to develop to their full potential, intellectually
and spiritually. That means that students have to
be empowered to pursue self-knowledge and the skills
that will help them be of service to their fellow
human beings. Education should encourage people to
develop their curiosity about life; above all, it
should not trivialize either the students or their
-- Michael
Small loans can transform lives, especially the lives
of women and children. The poor can become empowered
instead of disenfranchised. Homes can be built, jobs
can be created, businesses can be launched, and individuals
can feel a sense of worth again.
-- Natalie
A Difference Day is a great way to introduce kids to the
rewards of volunteering.
It's fun, it's focused and it's empowering to know that
millions are motivated to do the same.
-- Kate Snow (NBC Nightline)
essence of spirituality is the duty to live to its
full the glorious destiny of being human. The purpose
of religion should be to empower all people in this
adventure of living with dignity and fulfillment.
-- Swami
religions of the world must be assessed, not on the
basis of their convoluted theologies, but in terms
of the extent to which they serve as forces of liberation
and empowerment. -- Swami
human beings have a right, and duty, to be joyful.
Anything that thwarts this spiritual human right goes
against the very purpose of human being. Spirituality
mandates us to wage a relentless war to eradicate
these forces of oppression and disempowerment. --
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