Trade supports some of the most bio-diverse farming
systems in the world. When you visit a Fair Trade coffee
grower's fields, with the forest canopy overhead and
the sound of migratory songbirds in the air, it feels
like you're standing in the rainforest." -- Professor
Miguel Altieri, Leading expert and author on agroecology
American reading his Sunday paper in a state of lazy
collapse is perhaps the most perfect symbol of the triumph
of quantity over quality.... Whole forests are being
ground into pulp daily to minister to our triviality.
~ Irving Babbitt |
we lived in a desert and our lives depended on a water
supply that came out of a steel tube, we would inevitably
watch that tube and talk about it understandingly. No
citizen would need to be lectured about his duty toward
its care and spurred to help if it were in danger. Teachers
of civics in such a community might develop a sense
of public responsibility, not only by describing the
remote beginnings of the commonwealth, but also how
that tube got built, how long it would last, how vital
the intake might be if the rainfall on the forested
mountains nearby ever changed in seasonal habit ot amount.
It would be a most unimaginative person, or a stupid
one, who could not see the vital relation between the
mountains, the forests, that tube and himself."
-- Isaiah Bowman |
the physical realities of our planet does not mean
a dismal future of endless sacrifice. In fact, acknowledging
these realities is the first step in dealing with
them. We can meet the resource problems of the world
-- water, food, minerals, farmlands, forests, overpopulation,
pollution -- if we tackle them with courage and foresight.
~ Jimmy
has been endowed with reason, with the power to create,
so that he can add to what he's been given. But up to
now he hasn't been a creator, only a destroyer. Forests
keep disappearing, rivers dry up, wild life's become
extinct, the climate's ruined and the land grows poorer
and uglier every day.
~ Anton Chekhov |

interminable forests should become graceful parks, for
use and delight.
~ Ralph
Waldo Emerson |
of trying to be responsible for all the problems in
the world, we should take on what we love and care
about. Then we honor both our inner world and the
outer world at the same time. There’s no separation
between the two, and there is no hesitation, no self-doubt.
This will help us develop great faith that others
are taking care of their piece. People who don’t know
the details about climate change may care deeply about
the forests, the animals, and the children. It is
very important that we share, not only our merit,
but also the responsibilities. Somehow we have to
relieve ourselves of the enormity, which is so debilitating.
~ Paul
doesn't take a genius to pump up the GNP [of a developing
country] by burning down rainforests, using slave
labor and social repression to keep things in place.
-- Hazel
is an efficiency parameter if we look at the whole global
civilization. It is not an efficient way of meeting
human needs if one billion people starve while another
billion have excess. It would be more efficient to distribute
resources so that at least vital needs were met everywhere.
Otherwise, for example, if kids are starving somewhere,
dad goes out to slash and burn the rain forest to feed
them -- and so would I if my kids were dying. And this
kind of destruction is everyone's problem, because we
live in the same ecosphere."
-- Karl-Henrik
Robert |

when you have bad governance, of course, these resources
are destroyed: The forests are deforested, there is
illegal logging, there is soil erosion. I got pulled
deeper and deeper and saw how these issues become
linked to governance, to corruption, to dictatorship.
~ Wangari
join with me in this campaign. Lend me your strength
and your support-and together, we will call America
home to the ideals that nourished us in the beginning.
From secrecy, and deception in high places, come home,
military spending so wasteful that it weakens our
nation, come home, America.
From the entrenchment of special privilege and tax
From the waste of idle hands to the joy of useful
From the prejudice of race and sex-
From the loneliness of the aging poor and the despair
of the neglected sick, come home, America.
Come home to the affirmation that we have a dream.
Come home to the conviction that we can move our country
Come home to the belief that we can seek a newer world.
And let us be joyful in the homecoming,
for:' this land is your land, this land is my land.
From California to the New York Islands.
From the redwood forest to the Gulf Stream waters.
This land was made for you and me.'
May God grant us the wisdom to cherish this good land
and to meet the great challenge that beckons us home.
This is the time.
-- George

generation takes the earth as trustees. We ought to
bequeath to posterity as many forests and orchards
as we have exhausted and consumed."
~ J.
Sterling Morton, Founder of Arbor Day
clearest way into the Universe is through a forest
wilderness. ~ John
MAN is in the woods, and waste and pure destruction
are making rapid headway. If the importance of forests
were at all understood, even from an economic standpoint,
their preservation would call forth the most watchful
attention of government." ~ John
battle we have fought, and are still fighting for
the forests is a part of the eternal conflict between
right and wrong, and we cannot expect to see the end
of it ... So we must count on watching and striving
for these trees, and should always be glad to find
anything so surely good and noble to strive for."
~ John
policy over the past century has largely failed to
promote an energy system based on safe, secure, economically
affordable, and environmentally benign energy sources.
The tax code, budget appropriations, and regulatory
processes overwhelmingly have been used to subsidize
dependence on fossil fuels and nuclear power. The
result: increased sickness and premature deaths, depleted
family budgets, acid rain destruction of lakes, forests,
and crops, oil spill contamination, polluted rivers
and loss of aquatic species and the long-term peril
of climate change and radioactive waste dumps–not
to mention a dependency on external energy supplies.
~ Ralph

forest is not a resource for us, it is life itself.
It is the only place for us to live. --
Nugkuag Ikanan
in the Forest
I thought the earth remembered me,
she took me back so tenderly,
arranging her dark skirts,
her pockets full of lichens and seeds.
I slept as never before,
a stone on the riverbed,
nothing between me and the white fire of the stars but my
and they floated light as moths among the branches of the
perfect trees.
All night I heard the small kingdoms breathing around me,
the insects, and the birds who do their work in the darkness.
All night I rose and fell, as if in water, grappling with
a luminous doom.
By morning I had vanished at least a dozen times into something
Mary Oliver
may be possible for a minority of humankind, albeit
at great cost, simply cannot work for the humankind.
Our kind of progress depends on lacerating the Earth,
on gouging out its riches, on stripping is life-sustaining
skin of soil and forest, on poisoning its pure air,
on defecating copiously in its pure water... the single
most important indicator of environmental decline is
the extent to which the damage done is reversible. The
most heinous ecological crime of all is for any one
generation so seriously to assault the web of life that
the damage done is literally irreversible for every
generation that follows."
~ Jonathon Porritt |
must protect the forests for our children, grandchildren
and children yet to be born. We must protect the forests
for those who can't speak for themselves such as the
birds, animals, fish and trees."
-- Qwatsinas (Hereditary Chief Edward Moody), Nuxalk
Nation |

"A nation that destroys it's soils destroys itself.
Forests are the lungs of our land, purifying the air
and giving fresh strength to our people."
~ Franklin
D. Roosevelt |
there is any one duty which more than another we owe
it to our children and our children's children to
perform at once, it is to save the forests of this
country, for they constitute the first and most important
element in the conservation of the natural resources
of this country.
-- Theodore
time we stopped turning up our noses at the nation's
garbage dumps and started appreciating them for what
they really are -- the municipal mines, forests, oil
wells and energy sources of the future!
-- Max Spendlove |
will have gone out of us as a people if we ever let
the remaining wilderness be destroyed; if we permit
the last virgin forests to be turned into comic books
and plastic cigarette cases; if we drive the few remaining
members of the wild species into zoos or to extinction;
if we pollute the last clear air and dirty the last
clean streams and push our paved roads through the last
of the silence, so that never again will Americans be
free in their own country from the noise, the exhausts,
the stinks of human and automotive waste.
~Wallace Stegner |
... join
the betterworld