believe there should be a part of society that conscientiously
works as a ‘critical partner’ of the government.”
-- Dewi
Rana Amir
an age where community involvement and partnerships
with civil society are increasingly being recognized
as indispensable, there is clearly a growing potential
for cooperative development and renewal worldwide.
-- Kofi
us work in partnerships between rich and poor to
improve the opportunities of all human beings to
build better lives."
-- Kofi

is essentially a partnership."
-- Aristotle
the threat of global terror hanging over all of
us, there is only one path: to pursue the Millennium
Development Goals with fresh resolve –confronting
violence, bigotry and hatred with the same determination
that we attack the causes from which they spring
– conflict, ignorance, poverty and disease. The
world we seek, where every child can grow to adulthood
in health, peace and dignity – in short, aworld
fit for children – has remained a dream for more
years than we can count. But we at UNICEF are convinced
that working together with committed partners, and
with an appropriate plan of action and a commitment
to resources, we can make that dream a reality for
each and every child on earth.”

the Western countries that link their partnership with the
poorest countries with respect for democracy
also have to consider that they have obligations towards
these countries.
-- Omar Bongo
are not servants. Volunteers are partners working together
for improving America's future."
-- Mayor Richard Daly
"...gender relationships, which are tough for
people to deal with, are key to whether a society
orients to domination or partnership in all its relations."
-- Riane

is a non-confrontational communication, where both
partners are willing to learn from the other and therefore
leads much farther into finding new grounds together
-- Scilla

who think cannot but see there is a sanction like
that of religion which binds us in partnership in
the serious work of the world.
-- Benjamin
is a scourge that must be overcome, and this can only
be accomplished through concerted international efforts
involving effective partnerships between developed and
developing countries and between government, the private
sector and civil society.
-- Dr. HAN Seung-soo, Former President of the UN General
Assembly |
nations must be organized internationally and induced
to enter into partnership, subordinating in some measure
national sovereignty to worldwide institutions and
-- Arthur
married couples should learn the art of battle as they should
learn the art of making love.
Good battle is objective and honest - never vicious or cruel.
Good battle is healthy and constructive, and brings to a
marriage the principles of equal partnership.
-- Ann Landers
you want to make peace with your enemy, you have to
work with your enemy. Then he becomes your partner.
-- Nelson
Mandela |
more we increase the active participation and partnership
with young people,
the better we serve them.
… And the more comprehensively we work with them as service
the more we increase our public value to the entire community.”
-- Carmen Martinez
"There can be no global security without respect for
children. We have to be more than just observers of
children's suffering, we have to be partners with
them in their struggles."
-- Landon
if we act immediately, the world is doomed to lose many
of its animal and plant species and this inturn will
reduce the ability of ecosystems to deliver vital services
to human populations. The Red List gives all of us a
practical tool for raising awareness of the biodiversity
crisis and for forging new partnerships within the international
-- Achim Steiner, IUCN Director General |
wedding anniversary is the celebration of love, trust, partnership,
tolerance and tenacity.
The order varies for any given year.
-- Paul Sweeney
seen miracles in post-war situations, in famines,
in places of horrendous brutal subjugation and oppression,
when women step forward and play their rightful
role in co-equal partnership with men. It's not
the answer all by itself, but it is a powerful and
incredibly effective step to give women their rightful
role and voice and the resources to back it up."
-- Lynne
are those who create anything at all, for they shall
relive the thrill of their own conception and realize
a partnership in the creation of the Universe that
keeps them responsible and cheerful.

been supportive of the idea of government partnership
with faith-based organizations and other non-profit
organizations to do the work of fighting poverty.
We've done it for years, overseas and here. I think
it needs to be done.
-- Rev.
Jim Wallis
... join
the betterworld