plant seeds that will flower as results in our lives,
so best to remove the weeds of anger, avarice, envy
and doubt, that peace and abundance may manifest for
-- Dorothy
Day |
does not fare well where poverty and deprivation reign.
It does not flourish where there is ignorance and a
lack of education and information. Repression, injustice
and exploitation are inimical with peace. Peace is gravely
threatened by inter-group fear and envy and by the unleashing
of unrealistic expectations. Racial, class and religious
intolerance and prejudice are its mortal enemies."
-- Frederik
W. de Klerk |
native American has been generally despised by his
white conquerors for his poverty and simplicity. They
forget, perhaps, that his religion forbade the accumulation
of wealth and the enjoyment of luxury... Furthermore,
it was the rule of his life to share the fruits of
his skill and success with his less fortunate brothers.
Thus he kept his spirit free from the clog of pride,
cupidity, or envy, and carried out, as he believed,
the divine decree—a matter profoundly important to
-- Charles
Eastman (Ohiyesa)

is ignorance. Imitation is suicide.
~ Ralph
Waldo Emerson
is a time in every man's education when he arrives
at the conviction that envy is ignorance; that imitation
is suicide; that he must take himself for better for
worse as his portion . . . It is the harder because
you will always find those who think they know what
is your duty better than you know it. It is easy in
the world to live after the world's opinion; it is
easy in solitude to live after our own; but the great
man is he who in the midst of the crowd keeps with
perfect sweetness the independence of solitude.
~ Ralph
Waldo Emerson
enemies of peace inhabit with us - avarice, ambition, envy,
anger, and pride;
if these were to be banished, we should infallibly enjoy
perpetual peace.
-- Petrarch
want to rid my heart of envy, and cleanse my soul
of rage before I'm through.
-- Paul


the Hiroshima survivors are telling us is that no
one else should ever go through the experience they
suffered. An atomic bombing creates a living hell
on Earth where the living envy the dead.”
-- Mayor
Tadatoshi Akiba
... join
the betterworld