good we secure for ourselves is precarious and uncertain
until it is secured for all of us and incorporated into
our common life.
-- Jane
Addams |
connection between women's human rights, gender equality,
socioeconomic development and peace is increasingly
Mahnaz Afkhami
empowerment is intertwined with respect for human
Mahnaz Afkhami
the future, human rights will be increasingly a universal
criterion for designing ethical systems.
Mahnaz Afkhami
USA was founded in the name of democracy, equality and individual
freedom, but is failing to deliver the fundamental promise
of protecting rights for all.
-- Amnesty International
future of peace and prosperity that we seek for all
the world's peoples needs a foundation of tolerance,
security, equality and justice. That foundation is
the family. It is only by protecting families, from
famine as well as from fragmentation, that they can
prosper and contribute to the family of nations that
is the United Nations.
-– Kofi
equality is critical to the development and peace
of every nation."
-- Kofi
“Gender equality is more than a goal in itself. It
is a precondition for meeting the challenge of reducing
poverty, promoting sustainable development and building
good governance.”
-- Kofi
aim of art is to represent not the outward appearance
of things, but their inward significance.If liberty
and equality, as is thought by some, are chiefly to
be found in democracy, they will be best attained
when all persons alike share in government to the
-- Aristotle
“Democracy arose from men's thinking that if they
are equal in any respect, they are equal absolutely.”
-- Aristotle
only stable state is the one in which all men are
equal before the law.
-- Aristotle
(384-322 BC)
Changing the structure and rules of the global economy
will require a mass movement based on messages of
compassion, justice, and equality, as well as collaborative
and democratic processes ... If we stay positive,
inclusive, and democratic, we have a truly historic
opportunity to build a global movement for social
-- Medea

Women have a lot to say about how to advance women's
rights, and governments need to learn from that, listen
to the movement and respond.
United Nations stands for the freedom and equality
of all peoples, irrespective of race, religion, or
ideology. --
J. Bunche
United Nations exists not merely to preserve the peace
but also to make change - even radical change - possible
without violent upheaval. The United Nations has no
vested interest in the status quo. It seeks a more
secure world, a better world, a world of progress
for all peoples. In the dynamic world society which
is the objective of the United Nations, all peoples
must have equality and equal rights. --
J. Bunche

"All human beings, whatever their cultural or historical
background, suffer when they are intimidated, imprisoned
or tortured . . . We must, therefore, insist on a
global consensus, not only on the need to respect
human rights worldwide, but also on the definition
of these rights . . . for it is the inherent nature
of all human beings to yearn for freedom, equality
and dignity, and they have an equal right to achieve
Dalai Lama
ago I recognized my kinship with all living things,
and I made up my mind that I was not one bit better
than the meanest on the earth. I said then and I say
now, that while there is a lower class, I am in it;
while there is a criminal element, I am of it; while
there is a soul in prison, I am not free.
-- Eugene
V. Debs
ultimate aim of production is not production of goods
but the production of free human beings associated with
one another on terms of equality.
-- John
Before God we are all equally wise - and equally foolish.
-- Albert

fight for freedom is combined with the fight for equality,
and we must realize that this is the fight for America
- not just black America but all America.
-- James
will only have true equality when men share with them
the responsibility of bringing up the next generation.
-- Ruth
Bader Ginsburg |
balance of interests rather than a balance of power,
a search for compromise and concord rather than a
search for advantages at other people's expense, and
respect for equality rather than claims to leadership
- such are the elements which can provide the groundwork
for world progress…
~ Mikhail

always been a big believer in equality. No one has
ever been able to tell me I couldn't do something
because I was a girl.”
-- Anne
America be America, where equality is in the air we
-- Langston


land is now, more than ever before, the last best
hope on earth. I know that we can--I know that we
shall--begin here the fuller and richer realization
of that hope--that promise of a land where all men
are truly free and equal, and each man uses his
freedom and equality wisely and well
-- Hubert
a new day is here. Across America -- throughout
the entire world -- the forces of emancipation are
at work. We hear freedom's rising chorus: “Let me
live my own life. Let me live in peace. Let me be
free," say the people.
-- Hubert

best principles of our republic secure to all its
citizens a perfect equality of rights.”
-- Thomas
rights for all, special privileges for none”
-- Thomas
cannot close ourselves off to information and ignore
the fact that millions of people are out there suffering.
I honestly want to help. I don't believe I feel differently
from other people. I think we all want justice and
equality, a chance for a life with meaning. All of
us would like to believe that if we were in a bad
situation someone would help us."
~ Angelina
Do not call for black power or green power. Call for
brain power.
-- Barbara

“We believe in equality for all and privileges for none. ” --
Barbara Jordan

"The earth is the mother of all people, and all people should have equal rights upon it."
-- Chief Joseph
If any man claims the Negro should be content... let
him say he would willingly change the color of his skin
and go to live in the Negro section of a large city.
Then and only then has he a right to such a claim.
-- Robert
F. Kennedy |
can be no peace without justice and respect for human
rights. I passionately believe in the power of human
rights as a set of global values to bring our fractured
and divided world together. Around the world human
rights activists are giving hope to millions of people
- women, indigenous people, the poor and the marginalised
- in their struggle for equality and dignity.
-- Irene
have a dream that one day this nation will rise up
and live out the true meaning of its creed: "We hold
these truths to be self-evident: that all men are
created equal." I have a dream that one day on the
red hills of Georgia the sons of former slaves and
the sons of former slaveowners will be able to sit
down together at a table of brotherhood. I have a
dream that one day even the state of Mississippi,
a desert state, sweltering with the heat of injustice
and oppression, will be transformed into an oasis
of freedom and justice. I have a dream that my four
children will one day live in a nation where they
will not be judged by the color of their skin but
by the content of their character. I have a dream
Luther King, Jr
Fourscore and seven years ago our fathers brought
forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in
Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all
men are created equal.
-- Abraham
men ask for just the same thing, fairness, and fairness
only. This, so far as in my power, they, and all others,
shall have.
-- Abraham
cause is the cause of equality between nations and peoples.
Only thus can the brotherhood of man be firmly established.
-- Chief
Albert John Lutuli |
poverty and obscene inequality are such terrible scourges
of our times -- times in which the world boasts breathtaking
advances in science, technology, industry and wealth
accumulation -- that they have to rank alongside slavery
and apartheid as social evils.
-- Nelson

we confuse dissent with disloyalty — if we deny the
right of the individual to be wrong, unpopular, eccentric
or unorthodox — if we deny the essence of racial equality
then hundreds of millions in Asia and Africa who are
shopping about for a new allegiance will conclude
that we are concerned to defend a myth and our present
privileged status. Every act that denies or limits
the freedom of the individual in this country costs
us the. . . confidence of men and women who aspire
to that freedom and independence of which we speak
and for which our ancestors fought."
-- Edward
R. Murrow
I know my country has not perfected itself. At times,
we've struggled to keep the promise of liberty and
equality for all of our people. We've made our share
of mistakes, and there are times when our actions
around the world have not lived up to our best intentions.
-- Barack
believe in the equality of man; and I believe that religious
duties consist in doing justice, loving mercy, and endeavoring
to make our fellow-creatures happy.
-- Thomas
Paine |

would like to be known as a person who is concerned
about freedom and equality and justice and prosperity
for all people."
-- Rosa
never doubted that equal rights was the right direction.
Most reforms, most problems are complicated. But to
me there is nothing complicated about ordinary equality.
-- Alice
only way to solve the problem of women’s subordination
is to change people’s mindset and to plant the new idea
of gender equality into every mind.”
-- Qingrong
Ma |

know that equality of individual ability has never existed
and never will, but we do insist that equality of opportunity
still must be sought."
-- Franklin
D. Roosevelt |
love of domination we must substitute equality;
for love of victory we must substitute justice;
for brutality we must substitute intelligence; for
competition we must substitute cooperation. We must
learn to think of the human race as one family.
-- Bertrand
America everybody is of the opinion that he has
no social superiors, since all men are equal, but
he does not admit that he has no social inferiors,
for, from the time of Jefferson onward, the doctrine
that all men are equal applies only upwards, not
-- Bertrand
was told Indian women don't think like that about
equality. But I would like to argue that if they don't
think like that they should be given a real opportunity
to think like that."
-- Amartya
is no simple reform. It really is a revolution. Sex
and race because they are easy and visible differences
have been the primary ways of organizing human beings
into superior and inferior groups and into the cheap
labour in which this system still depends. We are talking
about a society in which there will be no roles other
than those chosen or those earned. We are really talking
about humanism.
-- Gloria
Steinem |

expanding ethnic diversity of this century, a time
when we will all be minorities, offers us an invitation
to create a larger memory of who we are as Americans
and to re-affirm our founding principle of equality.
Let's put aside fears of the "disuniting of America"
and warnings of the "clash of civilizations." As Langston
Hughes sang, "Let America be America, where equality
is in the air we breathe."
-- Ronald

One of the things about equality is not just that
you be treated equally to a man, but that you treat
yourself equally to the way you treat a man.
the 1960s we were fighting to be recognized as equals
in the marketplace, in marriage, in education and
on the playing field. It was a very exciting, rebellious
-- Marlo
women have presented an alternative proposal to society
and to humanity. It is about the construction of a
world where tolerance is a life style; Where daily
social and political divergences and its resolutions
would be seen as part of humanity; Where equality
would be possible in all its dimensions; Where knowledge
and access to education and other social possessions
would not be the privilege of a few; A world where
violence in all its forms would be past history, where
fear will not overwhelm us and where we shall be able
to enjoy the goodness of existence.”
~ Rafaela
vos Obeso
"You cannot have peace without human rights, democracy,
gender equality, and clean water. Look to the root
causes of war and you will find, in their reverse,
the root foundations of peace."
-- Cora
federation of all humanity, together with a sufficient
measure of social justice, to ensure health, education,
and a rough equality of opportunity to most of the children
born into the world, would mean such a release and increase
of human energy as to open a new phase in human history."
-- H.
G. Wells |
equality - As if it harm'd me, giving others the same
chances and rights as myself - As if it were not indispensable
to my own rights that others possess the same.
~ Walt
enormous discrepancy exists between the way we talk
about equality in the abstract and the value as translated
into laws and justice.”

cannot be friends upon any other terms than upon the
terms of equality."
-- Woodrow
can be no equality or opportunity if men and women and
children be not shielded in their lives from the consequences
of great industrial and social processes which they
cannot alter, control, or singly cope with.
-- Woodrow
Wilson |
uses of government should be to foster, protect and
promote the possession of equality.
-- Victoria
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