the economy I want workers and consumers to have control
over their own economic lives. I want everyone to have
fair conditions that fully utilize their talents and
potentials. I want incomes that accord with the efforts
people expend in their labors. I want what is produced,
by whom, under what conditions, and with who consuming
the result--all determined in accord with enhancing
human well-being and development and all decided by
the people involved and affected. I want an end to hierarchies
of power and wealth and to class division with most
actors subordinated to an elite few. To accomplish all
these ends I favor the institutions of participatory
economics -- worker and consumer councils, remuneration
for effort and sacrifice, balanced job complexes, and
participatory planning. If someone should demonstrate
that those institutions somehow fail to accomplish necessary
economic functions or have social or personal by-products
that outweigh their benefits -- I would simply return
to the drawing board. Exploitation, alienation, poverty,
disempowerment, fragmenting and debilitating labor,
production for the profit of a few -- much less harsh
homelessness, starvation, and degradation -- are not
like gravity. They arise from institutional relations
established by human beings. New institutions, also
established by human beings, can generate other vastly
superior outcomes. Defining and working to attain those
new institutions ought to be our economic agenda.
-- Michael Albert |
men are prepared to accomplish the incredible
if their ideals are threatened.
-- Maya
“ is about using the idea that we are
all connected to accomplish something good. It is
my hope that Six Degrees will soon be something more
than a game or a gimmick. It will also be a force
for good, by bringing a social conscience to social
-- Kevin

is the ability to work together toward a common vision.
The ability to direct individual accomplishment toward
organizational objectives. It is the fuel that allows
common people to attain uncommon results.
~ Andrew
of the important things in the world have been accomplished
by people
who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope
at all.
-- Dale Carnegie
you doubt you can accomplish something, then you can't
accomplish it. You have to have confidence in your
ability, and then be tough enough to follow through.
-- Rosalynn
have the ability to provide clean water for every
man, woman and child on the Earth. What has been lacking
is the collective will to accomplish this. What are
we waiting for? This is the commitment we need to
make to the world, now."
~ Jean-Michel
“Anger and hatred cannot bring harmony. The noble
task of arms control and disarmament cannot be accomplished
by confrontation and condemnation. Hostile attitudes
only serve to heat up the situation, whereas a true
sense of respect gradually cools down what otherwise
could become explosive. We must recognize the frequent
contradictions between short-term benefit and long-term
~ Dalai

be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to
make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.”
~ Ralph
Waldo Emerson |
To accomplish
great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not
only plan, but also believe.
- Anatole France
are expected to reach unattainable goals with inadequate
The miracle is that at times they accomplish this impossible
-- Haim G. Ginott
is a scourge that must be overcome, and this can only
be accomplished through concerted international efforts
involving effective partnerships between developed and
developing countries and between government, the private
sector and civil society.
-- Dr. HAN Seung-soo, Former President of the UN General
Assembly |
No matter
what you've done for yourself or for humanity,
if you can't look back on having given love and attention
to your own family,
what have you really accomplished?
-- Lee Iacocca
what millions of us can accomplish... we will make
our dream of a better world a reality.."
-- Ellis
creation of something new is not accomplished by the intellect
but by the play instinct acting from inner necessity. The
creative mind plays with the objects it loves.
-- Carl Jung
long to accomplish a great and noble tasks, but it is
my chief duty to accomplish humble tasks as though they
were great and noble. The world is moved along, not
only by the mighty shoves of its heroes, but also by
the aggregate of the tiny pushes of each honest worker.
-- Helen
Keller |

if we wish to accomplish in the next 15 years what
we failed to accomplish in the last 15, we would
do well to focus on democratizing structures of
power. That means imagining, and then creating,
economic democracy.
-- Marjorie
you do nothing, you feel overwhelmed and powerless.
But when you get involved, you feel the sense of hope and
that comes from knowing you are working to make things better.
-- Pauline R. Kezer
"If I have brightened up one single sad childhood,
then I have at least accomplished something in my
-- Astrid

YOUR family tree
and Find YOUR Roots & Connections
is genius in persistence. It conquers all opposers.
It gives confidence. It annihilates obstacles. Everybody
believes in a determined man. People know that when
he undertakes a thing, the battle is half won, for his
rule is to accomplish whatever he sets out to do.
-- Orison Swett Marden |
who labors diligently need never despair; for all things
are accomplished by diligence and labor.”
-- Menander
have to build things that we want to see accomplished,
in life and in our country, based on our own personal
experiences ... to make sure that others ... do not
have to suffer the same discrimination.
-- Patsy
Mink |
worth doing is completed in our lifetime, Therefore,
we are saved by hope. Nothing true or beautiful or
good makes complete sense in any immediate context
of history; Therefore, we are saved by faith. Nothing
we do, however virtuous, can be accomplished alone.
Therefore, we are saved by love. No virtuous act is
quite a virtuous from the standpoint of our friend
or foe as from our own; Therefore, we are saved by
the final form of love which is forgiveness.
-- Reinhold Niebuhr
let the fear of the time it will take to accomplish
something stand in the way of your doing it. The time
will pass anyway; we might just as well put that passing
time to the best possible use.
-- Earl Nightingale
don't accomplish anything in this world alone ... and
whatever happens is the result of the whole tapestry
of one's life and all the weavings of individual threads
from one to another that creates something.
-- Sandra Day O'Connor |
is a real magic in enthusiasm.
It spells the difference between mediocrity and accomplishment.
-- Norman Vincent Peale
kindness can accomplish much. As the sun makes ice
melt, kindness causes misunderstanding, mistrust,
and hostility to evaporate.
-- Albert
times the road of life can seem dark, cold, and lonely
and our dreams feel so far away. But then an encouraging
word from a friend or even reading an inspiring quote
or listening to a moving song can renew our sense
of hope and give us the strength to keep on trying
once again to accomplish our dreams.
Alan Silverstein
can accomplish by kindness what you cannot do by force."
-- Publilius Syrus (1st century BC)
in life has nothing to do with what you gain in life or
accomplish for yourself.
It's what you do for others.
-- Danny Thomas
improvement of life was only accomplished to the extent
to which it was based on a change of consciousness,
that is, to the extent to which the law of violence
was replaced in men's consciousness by the law of love.
-- Leo
Tolstoy |
is amazing what you can accomplish if you do not care who
gets the credit."
-- Harry Truman
the peoples of the United Nations, determined to save
succeeding generations from the scourge of war, which
twice in our lifetime has brought untold sorrow to
mankind, and to reaffirm faith in fundamental human
rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person,
in the equal right of men and women and of nations
large and small....And for these ends to practice
tolerance and live together in peace with one another
as good neighbors...have resolved to combine our efforts
to accomplish these aims."
-- Preamble, Charter of the United Nations.
I saw as a teacher how, if you take that spark of
learning that those children have, and you ignite
it, you can take a child from any background to a
lifetime of creativity and accomplishment.
-- Paul
who have no record of what their forebears have accomplished
lose the inspiration which comes from the teaching
of biography and history.

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the betterworld