slays thanksgiving, but an humble mind is the soil
out of which thanks naturally grow. A proud man is
seldom a grateful man, for he never thinks he gets
as much as he deserves.”
-- Henry
Ward Beecher

We are
a country that prides itself on power and wealth, yet there
are millions of children who go hungry every day. It is
our responsibility, not only as a nation, but also as individuals,
to get involved. So, next time you pass someone on the street
who is in need, remember how lucky you are, and don't turn
-- Lesley Boone
as people take pride in their national independence,
we know we are becoming more and more interdependent.”
~ Bill
We discovered
that peace at any price is no peace at all. We discovered
that life at any price has no value whatever; that life
is nothing without the privileges, the prides, the rights,
the joys which make it worth living, and also worth giving.
And we also discovered that there is something more hideous,
more atrocious than war or than death; and that is to live
in fear.
-- Eve Curie
press is not only free, it is powerful. That power is ours.
It is the proudest that man can enjoy."
-- Benjamin Disraeli
is the voice of the people put into action.
These actions shape and mold the present into a future of
which we can all be proud.
-- Helen Dyer
native American has been generally despised by his
white conquerors for his poverty and simplicity. They
forget, perhaps, that his religion forbade the accumulation
of wealth and the enjoyment of luxury... Furthermore,
it was the rule of his life to share the fruits of
his skill and success with his less fortunate brothers.
Thus he kept his spirit free from the clog of pride,
cupidity, or envy, and carried out, as he believed,
the divine decree—a matter profoundly important to
-- Charles
Eastman (Ohiyesa)
world of ours... must avoid becoming a community of
dreadful fear and hate, and be, instead, a proud confederation
of mutual trust and respect.
-- Dwight
D. Eisenhower

best thing to give to your enemy is forgiveness; to
an opponent, tolerance; to a friend, your heart; to
your child, a good example; to a father, deference;
to your mother, conduct that will make her proud of
you; to yourself, respect; to all men, charity.”
-- Benjamin

I have been very dispirited. But if we disappear,
we leave the door open to all kinds of abuse. So
I say to my colleagues, “Don’t be too ambitious.
If you look at all the problems in Cambodia at once,
you cannot work. Like you build a house, you build
it brick by brick. If one day you save only one
victim, be happy for a day. The next day, save two.”
Some days we save 10, 20, 100 or 200.” So I say,
“Don’t look for quantity, look for quality. It will
take a long time to advance human rights, but keep
moving.” When I save a child or a woman, I’m happy,
because I remember the little girl of seven I was.
It’s a reward for me to see the new generation of
advocates. They are our future. I am very proud
of them.
-- Kek
has the technology and resources to meet all its energy
needs while safeguarding the earth's climate. The
urgent question now is, 'Do we have the will?' At
least one city does, and I'm proud to live in it."
~ Denis
"I am
done with great things and big plans, great institutions
and big success. I am for those tiny, invisible loving human
forces that work from individual to individual, creeping
through the crannies of the world like so many rootlets,
or like the capillary oozing of water, which, if given time,
will rend the hardest monuments of pride."
-- William James
now stands as the world's foremost power. We should
be proud: Not since the age of the Romans have one people
achieved such preeminence. But we are not Romans; we
do not seek an empire. We are Americans, trustees of
a vision and a heritage
that commit us to the values of democracy and the universal
cause of human rights." -- Senator John Kerry |

labor movement is organized upon a principle that
the strong shall help the weak. The strength of
a strong man is a prideful thing, but the unfortunate
thing in life is that strong men do not remain strong.
And it is just as true of unions and labor organizations
as is true of men and individuals. And whereas today
the craft unions of this country may be able to
stand upon their own feet and like mighty oaks stand
before the gale, defy the lightning, yet the day
may come when those organizations will not be able
to withstand the lightning and the gale. Now, prepare
yourselves by making a contribution to your less
fortunate brethren... Organize the unorganized!
-- John
L. Lewis
like to see a man proud of the place in which he lives.
I like to see a man live so that his place will be
proud of him.
-- Abraham
enemies of peace inhabit with us - avarice, ambition, envy,
anger, and pride;
if these were to be banished, we should infallibly enjoy
perpetual peace.
-- Petrarch
am also very proud to be a liberal. Why is that so
terrible these days? The liberals were liberators—they
fought slavery, fought for women to have the right
to vote, fought against Hitler, Stalin, fought to
end segregation, fought to end apartheid. Liberals
put an end to child labor and they gave us the five
day work week! What's to be ashamed of?"
-- Barbra
how blind people are! They are horrified by the torture
chambers of the Middle Ages, but their arsenals fill
them with pride!"
-- Bertha
Von Suttner |
same stream of life that runs through my veins night and
day runs through the world and dances in rhythmic measures.
It is the same life that shoots in joy through the dust
of the earth in numberless blades of grass and breaks into
tumultuous waves of leaves and flowers. It is the same life
that is rocked in the ocean-cradle of birth and of death,
in ebb and in flow. I feel my limbs are made glorious by
the touch of this world of life. And my pride is from the
life-throb of ages dancing in my blood this moment.
-- Rabindranath Tagore
are faced with having to learn again about interdependency
and the need for rootedness after several centuries of having
systematically—and proudly—dismantled our roots, ties, and
traditions. We had grown so tall we thought we could afford
to cut the roots that held us down, only to discover that
the tallest trees need the most elaborate roots of all."
-- Paul L. Wachtel
in this country is independent and proud. It has not to
ask the patronage of capital, but capital solicits the aid
of labor.
-- Daniel Webster
is the soul that has something to look backward to with
pride, and something to look forward to with hope."
--Oliver G. Wilson
not men then in the pride of power, use the same arguments
that tyrannic kings and venal ministers have used,
and fallaciously assert that women ought to be subjected
because she has always been so.... It is time to effect
a revolution in female manners -- time to restore
to them their lost dignity.... It is time to separate
unchangeable morals from local manners.
-- Mary
... join
the betterworld