a Hero for a Better World ... Every Act of Kindness Makes
a Difference!
of what's leaked about the TPP indicates that it's
not about trade at all, it’s about investor rights.”
-- Noam
not a free trade agreement. It has virtually nothing
to do with free trade... It's a protectionist agreement;
it's anti free-trade. -- Noam
designed to carry forward the neoliberal project to
maximize profit and domination, and to set the working
people in the world in competition with one another
so as to lower wages to increase insecurity”
-- Noam
not against trade...but they're not really trade deals.
They're really investment deals between international
corporations...They're saying we want to get a race
to the bottom so we can exploit the most unfortunate
worker." ~ Rep.
Keith Ellison
economy has definitely been improving, and things
like the stock market are doing better, but the economy
has to be good for working-class and middle-class
families who work every day, send their kids to a
school like is in front of my house, and they have
to be able to enjoy their lives. That's why you don't
pass a trade agreement that ships even more jobs overseas."
-- Russ
should we believe people who constantly try to push
these trade agreements and won't even admit when one
has gone wrong? It makes working people feel like the
process is rigged. The reason is, it is rigged."
-- Russ
"This is not free trade; it’s fake trade... Listen,
we are in a deep, deep hole, thanks to fake trade.
...And there’s a simple rule about holes: When you’re
in a hole, stop digging. Stop digging!"
~ Alan
your rep & #StopFastTrack, before it's too late.
-- Daryl
Krugman on TPP:
thumbs down. I don’t think the proposal is likely
to be the terrible, worker-destroying pact some progressives
assert, but it doesn’t look like a good thing either
for the world or for the United States, and you have
to wonder why the Obama administration, in particular,
would consider devoting any political capital to getting
this through."
-- Paul
will be voting to #StopFastTrack. Trade deals should
create jobs, not offshore them. ~Rep
Barbara Lee
TPP is a Trojan horse in a global race to the bottom,
giving big corporations and Wall Street banks a way
to eliminate any and all laws and regulations that
get in the way of their profits... The Trans Pacific
Partnership is the wrong remedy to the wrong problem"
~ Robert
Trans Pacific Partnership is the wrong remedy to the
wrong problem
~ Robert
believing the TPP is good for Americans take note:
The foreign subsidiaries of U.S.-based corporations
could just as easily challenge any U.S. government
regulation they claim unfairly diminishes their profits
– say, a regulation protecting American consumers
from unsafe products or unhealthy foods, investors
from fraudulent securities or predatory lending, workers
from unsafe working conditions, taxpayers from another
bailout of Wall Street, or the environment from toxic
~ Robert
trade deals like the proposed Trans-Pacific Partnership
are a major reason for the collapse of the American
middle class and the increase in wealth and income
inequality in the United States. This agreement, like
bad trade deals before it, would force American workers
to compete with desperate workers around the world
– including workers in Vietnam where the minimum wage
is 56-cents an hour. Trade agreements should not just
work for corporate America, Wall Street and the pharmaceutical
industry. They have got to benefit the working families
of our country. We must defeat fast track and develop
a new policy on trade."
~ Sen.
Bernie Sanders
TPP is another corporate-backed agreement that is
the latest in a series of trade policies which have
cost us millions of decent-paying jobs, pushed down
wages for American workers and led to the decline
of our middle class. We want American companies to
create decent-paying jobs in America, not just low-wage
countries like Vietnam, Malaysia or China. The TPP
must be defeated."
~ Sen.
Bernie Sanders
the debate over NAFTA President Clinton said, 'I believe
that NAFTA will create a million jobs in the first
five years of its impact.' WRONG. According to the
Economic Policy Institute, NAFTA has led to the loss
of more than 680,000 U.S. jobs. I voted against NAFTA
and other bad trade agreements and am fighting to
stop the TPP."
~ Sen.
Bernie Sanders
the 1999 debate over Permanent Normal Trade Relations
with China President Bill Clinton said, 'In opening
the economy of China, the agreement will create unprecedented
opportunities for American farmers, workers and companies
to compete successfully in China's market. WRONG:
Our trade deficit with China has increased from $83
billion in 2001 to a record breaking $342 billion
in 2014." ~ Sen.
Bernie Sanders
economics is a myth. Enriching corporations — as the
TPP would — will not necessarily help those in the
middle, let alone those at the bottom."
~ Joseph
(Nobel Prize-winning Economist)
from Nobel Prize-winning Economist Joseph Stiglitz
on TPP: Right
now, there are trade proposals in the works that threaten
to put most Americans on the wrong side of globalization.
is a real risk that it will benefit the wealthiest
sliver of the American and global elite at the expense
of everyone else. The fact that such a plan is under
consideration at all is testament to how deeply inequality
reverberates through our economic policies.
like the TPP are only one aspect of a larger problem:
our gross mismanagement of globalization.
that the president himself has emphasized that inequality
should be the country’s top priority, every new policy,
program or law should be examined from the perspective
of its impact on inequality. Agreements like the TPP
have contributed in important ways to this inequality.
Corporations may profit, and it is even possible,
though far from assured, that gross domestic product
as conventionally measured will increase. But the
well-being of ordinary citizens is likely to take
a hit.
much worse than a blank check about trade, because
the trade agreement has provisions that would affect
a whole set of regulations that would affect the environment,
worker safety, consumer safety and even the economy...would
not only become the law of the land, but every other
law would have to adapt to it ... and our Congress
would have given up all authority in those areas.
Taibbi on TPP:
"Instead of standing in true partnership with
unions and working people and employing a strategy
of forcing the rest of the world to democratize and
grant workers real rights in exchange for access to
American consumers, they've done the opposite- beating
up on the captured labor demographic as a way to reassure
big business."
you ready to fight any more trade deals that say
'We're going to help the rich get richer and leave
everybody else behind'?"
~ Elizabeth
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