you say fiscal responsibility, it seems to me that you really
mean rich people keeping their money.
-- Alice Adams
system of corporate life is a new power for which our language
contains no name.
We have no word to express government by moneyed corporations
-- Charles Francis Adams

goes to two poles -- to those who've got the money
and those who've got the people.
-- Saul
is quite clear that as long as the nations of the world
spend most of their energy, money, and emotional strength
in quarreling with words and weapons, a true offensive
against the common problems that threaten human survival
is not very likely. A world government that can channel
human efforts in the direction of the great solutions
seems desirable, even essential. Naturally, such a world
government should be a federal one, with regional and
local autonomy safeguarded and with cultural diversity
-- Isaac
community is a group of people who have come together,
and they work and they live to try and improve the standard
of living and quality of life - and I don't mean money.
-- William
Baldwin |
think it must be conceded that it is possible to create
a society in which the response to market failure
is not a swing to socialism, but an exacerbation of
individual efforts to stay ahead by making and spending
yet more money. Does the public health service have
long waiting lists and inadequate facilities? Buy
private insurance. Has public transport broken down?
Buy a car for each member of the family above driving
age. Has the countryside been built over or the footpaths
eradicated? Buy some elaborate exercise machinery
and work out at home. Is air pollution intolerable?
Buy an air-filtering unit and stay indoors. Is what
comes out of the tap foul to the taste and chock-full
of carcinogens? Buy bottled water. And so on. We know
it can all happen because it has: I have been doing
little more than describing Southern California. Now
it is worth noticing two things about the private
substitutes that I have described. The first is that
in the aggregate they are probably much more expensive
than would be the implementation of the appropriate
public policy. The second is that they are extremely
poor replacements for the missing outcomes of good
public policy. Nevertheless, it is plain that the
members of a society can become so alienated from
one another, so mistrustful of any form of collective
action, that they prefer to go it alone.
-- Brian Barry
nature is worth more than knowledge, more than money,
more than honor..."
-- Henry
Ward Beecher |

spoke out, committed civil disobedience, and went to
jail because the peace hangs senselessly and precariously
upon weapons costing billions to build and billions
to improve — weapons which become more useless as we
add to their destructive force. With this money we could
have fed the world's people. Half the children on earth
go to bed hungry — millions more have retarding and
stunting protein deficiencies. Instead of building the
peace by attacking injustices like starvation, disease,
illiteracy, political and economic servitude, we spend
a trillion dollars on war since 1946, until hatred and
conflict have become the international preoccupation."
-- Daniel
Berrigan |
complex reasons, our culture allows "economy" to mean
only "money economy." It equates success and even
goodness with monetary profit because it lacks any
other standard of measurement. I am no economist,
but I venture to suggest that one of the laws of such
an economy is that a farmer is worth more dead than
alive. A second law is that anything diseased is more
profitable than anything that is healthy. What is
wrong with us contributes more to the "gross national
product" than what is right with us.
~ Wendell
its array of gadgets and machines, all powered by energies
that are destructive of land or air or water, and connected
to work, market, school, recreation, etc., by gasoline
engines, the modern home is a veritable factory of waste
and destruction. It is the mainstay of the economy of
money. But within the economies of energy and nature,
it is a catastrophe. It takes in the world’s goods and
converts them into garbage, sewage, and noxious fumes—for
none of which have we found a use.
-- Wendell
Berry |
can spend the money on new housing for poor people and
the homeless, or you can spend it on a football stadium
or a golf course.
-- Jello Biafra |

can't build hospitals or schools, you can't spend
money educating or immunizing your people, whilst
there is this burden of debt sitting on your head.
It effects the lives of about a billion people who
are living on less than a dollar a day. We're trying
to get them a fresh start... It is a moral as well
as economic imperative that we come to their aid right
now... That's what we're asking for these poorest
nations of the world - Give them a fresh start. Cancel
those old debts. Let them get up off their knees and
take care of themselves...
-- Bono
important lever for sustained action in tackling poverty
and reducing hunger is money.
-- Gro
Harlem Brundtland
everything is worth money, then money is worth nothing.
-- David Byrne
is just a word. You have to give it meaning. The US
is not a democracy. Most Americans do not vote. We haven't
had a real choice for a long, long time now. Wealth
rules. Corporations rule. The US is a plutocracy --
government by wealthy people. Certain people control
multinational corporations. You couldn't get elected
in the US without lots of money."
-- Ramsey
Clark |
riches have their origin in mind. Wealth is in ideas - not
-- Robert Collier
after the last tree has been cut down, only after the
last river has been poisoned, only after the last fish
has been caught, only then will you find that money
can not be eaten.
~ Cree Indian Prophecy |

two globalizations. There's the globalization of the
elites, of the corporations, represented by the World
Bank, the IMF, the World Trade Organization. That's
the global state. It's a secret global government
information. There's another globalization that's
grass roots globalization. The Fair Trade Networks,
the Sister Cities, Sister Schools, Citizen Diplomacy,
the work we do at Global Exchange, linking people
up at the grass roots. That represents majority forces.
The elite globalization represents minority forces.
The elite globalization is about making money. It's
money values. The people's globalization, the democratic
mass globalization is about life values. So you got
two paradigms, the money cycle and the life cycle
and they're in contestation.
-- Kevin
and corruption are ruining the land,
crooked politicians betray the working man,
pocketing the profits and treating us like sheep,
and we're tired of hearing promises that we know they'll
never keep.
--Ray Davies
I groan within myself and think how hard it is to keep
writing about love in these times of tension and strife
which may, at any moment, become for us all a time of
terror, I think to myself: What else is the world interested
in? What else do we all want, each one of us, except
to love and be loved, in our families, in our work,
in all our relationships? God is Love. Love casts out
fear. Even the most ardent revolutionist, seeking to
change the world, to overturn the tables of the money
changers, is trying to make a world where it is easier
for people to love, to stand in that relationship to
each other…There can never be enough of it."
-- Dorothy
Day |

cannot reform itself; it is doomed to self-destruction.”
-- W. E. B. Du Bois
work just for money. Money alone won't save your soul
or build a decent family life or help you sleep at
night. We're the richest nation on Earth, with the
highest number of imprisoned people in the world.
Our drug addictions and child poverty are among the
highest in the industrialized world. So don't ever
confuse wealth or fame with character.
-- Marian
Wright Edelman
do not have a money problem in America.
We have a values and priorities problem.
-- Marian
Wright Edelman
you as parents cut corners, your children will too.
If you lie, they will too. If you spend all your money
on yourselves and tithe no portion of it for charities,
colleges, churches, synagogues, and civic causes, your
children won't either. And if parents snicker at racial
and gender jokes, another generation will pass on the
poison adults still have not had the courage to snuff
out. -- Marian
Wright Edelman |
biases the media has are much bigger than conservative or
They're about getting ratings, about making money, about
doing stories that are easy to cover.
-- Al Franken
has considerably accelerated in recent years following
the dizzying expansion of communications and transport
and the equally stupefying transnational mergers of
capital. We must not confuse globalization with “internationalism”
though. We know that the human condition is universal,
that we share similar passions, fears, needs and dreams,
but this has nothing to do with the “rubbing out” of
national borders as a result of unrestricted capital
movements. One thing is the free movement of peoples,
the other of money.
-- Eduardo
Galeano |
full extent of the problem of hunger is not obvious
to most of us. We see the homeless, but there are a
great number of working poor, struggling to survive,
who don't have enough money to put adequate food on
the table. We must find a solution to this ever-increasing
problem — and quickly.
-- Scott Glenn |
you realize that $150 billion of our tax money is
given to the corporations, unions and wealthy people
for tax breaks, special subsidies and special regulations?
That money would be available for health and education
and building bridges. -- Doris
Haddock (Granny D)
of the millions of young men who died fighting for
democracy. We spit on their graves when we let democracy
slip away into the sewer of illegal money."
-- Doris
Haddock (Granny D)
peace is not in power, money, or weapons, but in deep
inner peace.
-- Thich
Nhat Hanh
lives are fed by kind words and gracious behavior. We
are nourished by expressions like 'excuse me' and other
such simple courtesies...Rudeness, the absence of the
sacrament of consideration, is but another mark that
our time-is-money society is lacking in spirituality,
if not also in its enjoyment of life."
-- Ed Hays |
"To me, love, spirituality and life are all the same
thing. To me they're all about honoring the circle,
and they're just different ways of defining the same
understanding. Our society as a whole, because we
have placed our love for money above our love for
life, has devalued the sacred and devalued love."
-- Julia
Butterfly Hill
believe - though I may be wrong, because I'm no expert
- that this war is about what most wars are about: hegemony,
money, power and oil.”
-- Dustin
Hoffman |
consumerism is about buying things we don't need,
with money we don't have, to impress friends we don't have
time for.
-- Leo Horrigan
it is true that only about 20 percent of American
workers are in unions, that 20 percent sets the standards
across the board in salaries, benefits and working
conditions. If you are making a decent salary in a
non-union company, you owe that to the unions. One
thing that corporations do not do is give out money
out of the goodness of their hearts.
-- Molly
hope we shall take warning from the example of England
and crush in its birth the aristocracy of our moneyed
corporations which dare already to challenge our Government
to trial and bid defiance to the laws of our country.
-- Thomas

we are fighting for is not just the fishes and the
birds. We protect nature not for nature's sake but
for our own sake because it's the infrastructure of
our communities, and if we want to meet the obligations
of our civilization and our culture which are to create
communities for our children that provide them with
the same opportunities for dignity and enrichment
as the communities that our parents gave us, we've
got to start by protecting that infrastructure; the
air that we breathe, the water that we drink, the
landscapes that enrich us. We're not protecting nature
for nature's sake. We're protecting it because it
enriches us, yes, it enriches our economy and we ignore
that at our peril. But it is also enriching us aesthetically,
recreationally, culturally, historically and spiritually.
Human beings have other appetites besides money. And
if we don't feed them, we're not going to grow up…we're
not going to become the kind of beings that our creator
intended us to become."
~ Robert
Kennedy, Jr.
We are living in a science-fiction nightmare where children
are gasping for breath on bad-air days because somebody
gave money to a politician. And my children and the
kids of millions of other Americans can no longer go
fishing and eat their catch because somebody gave money
to a politician. ~ Robert
Kennedy, Jr. |
love of money as a possession--as distinguished from
the love of money as a means to the enjoyments and realities
of life--will be recognized for what it is, a somewhat
disgusting morbidity, one of those semi-criminal, semi-pathological
propensities which one hands over with a shudder to
the specialists in mental disease
-- John Maynard Keynes |
water is a necessity that we can no longer take for
granted. Each year more people die of water related
diseases than any other cause of death on this planet.
With a higher rate of suffering and mortality than
diabetes, cancer, high cholesterol, or war; or any
two combined for that matter! An entire economy is
growing around water. Those without money are suffering
the most and risk severe illness from contaminated
-- Jewel
nation that continues year after year to spend more
money on military defense than on programs of social
uplift is approaching spiritual death."
Luther King, Jr
the institutions of money rule the world, it is perhaps
inevitable that the interests of money will take precedence
over the interests of people. What we are experiencing
might best be described as a case of money colonizing
life. To accept this absurd distortion of human institutions
and purpose should be considered nothing less than
an act of collective, suicidal insanity."
-- David
used deregulation to effect a series of mergers limiting
competition. In order to accelerate profits, cost
cutting ensued, involving the layoff of thousands
of utility company employees, including some who were
responsible for maintenance of generation, transmission,
and distribution systems. A number of investor-owned
utilities stopped investing in the maintenance and
repair of their own equipment, and, instead, cut costs
to enhance the value of their stock rather than spending
money to enhance the value of their service.
-- Dennis
of all, the Social Security money belongs to Main Street,
not to Wall Street. It needs to be said very clearly
here that privatization is off the table... Social Security,
as a matter of fact, is a better investment now than
the stock market. There’s a higher return. There’s guaranteed
cost-of-living increases. Privatization you have to
worry about the value of your account.
-- Dennis
Kucinich |
is at the moment in the world a battle going on between
those who are pursuing materialistic paths—globalizers
of economic growth and those hell-bent on this ‘big
is better’ idea—on the one hand, and on the other
hand those who are dedicated to spiritual renewal,
more small-scale development, more human scale, more
sustainability, more crafts and arts. Where human
beings are not just sold to companies and money and
those kinds of things. Where human beings have a sacred
-- Satish

legislation of the government has been directed rather
to the protection of the rights of money and property
than to the best good of the citizen.
-- Susette
may be described as the science of arresting the human
intelligence long enough to get money from it." -- Stephen
Butler Leacock |
see all these things that make you feel desperate
or sad, but you realize changes can be made, and it
doesn't take a lot of money on our part to make a
change in people's lives."
-- John

focus on money and power may do wonders in the marketplace,
but it creates a tremendous crisis in our society.
People who have spent all day learning how to sell
themselves and to manipulate others are in no position
to form lasting friendships or intimate relationships...
Many Americans hunger for a different kind of society
-- one based on principles of caring, ethical and
spiritual sensitivity, and communal solidarity. Their
need for meaning is just as intense as their need
for economic security."
-- Michael

place of the Old Bottom Line of money and power, a New
Bottom Line of Love and Generosity is possible. People
of all faiths need to shape a political and social movement
that reaffirms the most generous, peace-oriented, social
justice-committed, and loving truths of the spiritual
heritage of the human race.
-- Rabbi
Michael Lerner |
see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves
me and causes me to tremble for the safety of my country....corporations
have been enthroned and an era of corruption in high
places will follow, and the money of the country will
endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the
prejudices of the people until all wealth is aggregated
in a few hands and the Republic is destroyed. I feel
at this moment more anxiety for the safety of my country
than ever before, even in the midst of war.
-- Abraham
political system is not for the people. The people
are secondary to the economy. It's about what generates
money, not about what benefits the people.
-- Ziggy
students I've been with these twenty years are looking
for a world where it becomes a little easier to
love and a lot harder to hate, where learning nonviolence
means that we dedicate our hearts, minds, time,
and money to a commitment that the force of love,
the force of truth, the force of justice, and the
force of organized resistance to corrupt power are
seen as sane and the force of fists, guns, armies,
and bombs insane.
-- Colman

is as endangered by surplus as it is by deficit. If
there is too much money floating around it enables
people to have no need of each other.
-- Bill
case for recycling is strong. The bottom line is clear.
Recycling requires a trivial amount of our time. Recycling
saves money and reduces pollution. Recycling creates
more jobs than landfilling or incineration. And a largely
ignored but very important consideration, recycling
reduces our need to dump our garbage in someone else's
-- David Morris of the Institute for Local Self-Reliance |
We could dramatically accelerate innovations in sustainability
and social justice just by making choices to use our
money for positive solutions.
-- Carol
have an obligation and a responsibility to be investing
in our students and our schools. We must make sure
that people who have the grades, the desire and the
will, but not the money, can still get the best education
-- Barack
day, water, sun, moon, night -- I do not have to purchase
these things with money.
-- Plautus

advertisers spent the same amount of money on improving
their products as they do on advertising then they
wouldn't have to advertise them."
-- Will
is the art of convincing people to spend money they
don't have for something they don't need."
-- Will
is not in the mere possession of money; it lies in the
joy of achievement, in the thrill of creative effort.
-- Franklin
D. Roosevelt |
time has come to end this charade. The debts are unaffordable.
If they won't cancel the debts I would suggest obstruction;
you do it yourselves. Africa should say: 'thank you
very much but we need this money to meet the needs
of children who are dying right now so we will put
the debt servicing payments into urgent social investment
in health, education, drinking water, control of AIDS
and other needs.'
-- Jeffrey

only way in which a nation can make itself wealthy
and prosperous is by good housekeeping: that is, by
providing for its wants in the order of their importance,
and allowing no money to be wasted on whims and luxuries
until necessities have been thoroughly served.
-- George
Bernard Shaw

policy of letting things alone, in the practical sense
that the Government should never interfere with business
or go into business itself, is called Laisser-faire
by economists and politicians. It has broken down so
completely in practice that it is now discredited; but
it was all the fashion in politics a hundred years ago,
and is still influentially advocated by men of business
and their backers who naturally would like to be allowed
to make money as they please without regard to the interest
of the public.
-- George
Bernard Shaw |
global economy is a runaway train that is causing
more and more suffering in the world. The current
'profit before people' system is causing the gap between
the very rich and the very poor to grow larger each
year. In
order to transform the global economy into a true
global community, we need to create a Better World
Economy - an economic system that gives value to other
commodities besides money. Then we can create more
sustainable local, national and global communities.
-- Robert
Alan Silverstein
is all about making a positive difference in the world
by devoting your resources and your time to causes
you believe in. In my case, I like to support causes
where “a lot of good comes from a little bit of good,”
or, in other words, where the positive social returns
vastly exceed the amount of time and money invested.”
-- Jeffrey
was the first price, the original purchase - money that
was paid for all things. It was not by gold or by silver,
but by labour, that all wealth of the world was originally
-- Adam Smith |
In the long run the purpose is to form a new security
system in a world when nobody goes hungry because
we spend money on armaments.
-- Inga
The essence of all slavery consists in taking the product
of another's labor by force. It is immaterial whether
this force be founded upon ownership of the slave or
ownership of the money that he must get to live.
-- Leo
Tolstoy |
lack of money is the root of all evil.
-- Mark

Markets and money must again become the servants and
not the masters of our vision and values.
-- Jakob
von Uexkull
mythology about the UN is absolutely breathtaking.
People believe it costs a great deal of money to the
United States. Completely untrue: it doesn't. The
United States makes a net gain. People believe it's
a world government, although the UN is a pathetically
weak organization which improvises in emergencies
to try to prevent the worst from happening.
-- Sir
Brian Urquhart
is multidimensional. It extends beyond money incomes
to education, health care, political participation
and advancement of one's own culture and social organisation.
-- Atal
Bihari Vajpayee
would be nice if the poor were to get even half of the money
that is spent in studying them."
-- Bill Vaughan
money help a man to do good to others, it is of some
value; but if not, it is simply a mass of evil, and
the sooner it is got rid of, the better.
- Swami Vivekananda |
War and the preparation for war rob resources from
human security. As long as we honour war and warriors
we maintain fear and hate, always based on ignorance;
and fear is the enemy of learning, it gives ignorance
its power. As long as we misplace money for weapons
– we keep water polluted, we keep far too many women
illiterate and unskilled, we prevent health care and
education from being universally enjoyed – we promote
poverty. These are among the root causes of violent
-- Cora
you focus on expands, and when you focus on the goodness
in your life, you create more of it. Opportunities,
relationships, even money flowed my way when I learned
to be grateful no matter what happened in my life.
are risk takers, willing to roll the dice with their
money or reputations on the line in support of an
idea or enterprise.”
-- Victoria
... join
the betterworld