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It took
a lot of blood, sweat and tears to get to where we are today, but we have just
begun. Today we begin in earnest the work of making sure that the world we leave
our children is just a little bit better than the one we inhabit today. --
Barack Obama |
| *
We must come to terms with our responsibility to be the gatekeepers to end childhood
hunger. Our love for life can propel us to share and provide a secure future for
the children of our country. -- Edward
James Olmos, actor |
to become instruments of war, to kill and be killed, child soldiers are forced
to give violent expression to the hatreds of adults -- Olara
Otunnu My
mandate...is to promote the protection, rights and welfare of children... --
Olara Otunnu *
"the time has come to make the protection of children -- all our children
-- a common cause that can unite us across the boundaries of our political orientation,
religious affiliation and cultural traditions. We must reclaim our lost taboos,
and make the abuse and brutalization of children simply unaccepetable."
-- Olara Otunnu |
it not the interest of the human race, that every one should be so taught and
placed, that he would find his highest enjoyment to arise from the continued practice
of doing all in his power to promote the well-being, and happiness, of every man,
woman, and child, without regard to their class, sect, party, country or colour"
-- Robert Owen
"My involvement with UNICEF is particularly important
to me because it is UNICEF that introduced me to volunteerism,
thereby helping me to set my own personal standard of
contributing my time and giving back to others. Working
on behalf of UNICEF‘s lifesaving efforts is one of my
most valued roles."
-- Sarah
Jessica Parker |
"There can be no global security without respect for children. We have to be more
than just observers of children's suffering, we have to be partners with them
in their struggles." -- Landon
Pearson I've
never ceased to be amazed at the survival skills of poor children. I've learned
how much children can actually do for themselves if only we provide the necessary
means. That part is up to us." -- Landon
Pearson |
"We must pay attention
to the millions of children of this generation who are caught up in armed conflicts.
How can we protect them from the worst consequences of war? And when hostilities
cease, how can we take the war out of them? By eliminating landmines, controlling
the sale of small arms, raising the age of recruitment … are all essential measures.
By reuniting children with their families and providing programs of physical and
psychological rehabilitation." -- Landon
I do not believe in a simplistic and inflammatory view of good and evil. I believe
this is a big world full of men, women, and children who struggle to eat, to love,
to work, to protect their families, their beliefs, and their dreams. -- Sean
Penn |
“Kids don’t have a little brother working in the coal mine, they don’t have a
little sister coughing her lungs out in the looms of the big mill towns of the
Northeast. Why? Because we organized; we broke the back of the sweatshops in this
country; we have child labor laws. Those were not benevolent gifts from enlightened
management. They were fought for, they were bled for, they were died for by working
people, by people like us. Kids ought to know that. That’s why I sing these songs.
That’s why I tell these stories, dammit. No root, no fruit!” -- Utah
Phillips |
"As a nation, this is the moment to start seriously investing our time, energy
and resources into proven methods of reducing violence, both within our nation
as well as internationally. The cost of violence to our culture and our children
is simply not sustainable."
-- Joaquin Phoenix
a nation, this is the moment to start seriously investing our time, energy and
resources into proven methods of reducing violence, both within our nation as
well as internationally. The cost of violence to our culture and our children
is simply not sustainable. I have learned that in the United States, youth homicide
rates are more than 10 times that of other leading industrialized nations, this
is just one example of the challenges we face. Is this really a legacy we want
to leave our children? There is a better way. -- Joaquin
All children
are artists. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up. --
Pablo Picasso | |
| *
Let us
be the ones who say we do not accept that a child dies every three seconds simply
because he does not have the drugs you and I have. Let us be the ones to say we
are not satisfied that your place of birth determines your right to life. Let
us be outraged, let us be loud, let us be bold." -- Brad
Pitt |
Small loans can transform lives, especially the lives of women and children. The
poor can become empowered instead of disenfranchised. Homes can be built, jobs
can be created, businesses can be launched, and individuals can feel a sense of
worth again. -- Natalie
Portman |
Together we can prevent genocide from happening again. Together we can make a
better future for our children. -- Dith
Pran | |
If a person would intervene on behalf of one child, shouldn't we all be intervening
for those thousands of children? So we're asking young people to get involved.
We want young people especially to know what's going on and to figure out what
they can do about it." -- Benjamin
Quinto | |
How unthinkable
that, in a country of such bursting plenty, so many people are facing ongoing
hunger and poverty. If we are truly each other's keepers, let's support school
lunches, food stamps, neighborhood garden projects, and so many other wonderful
programs working to put an end to this cruel and needless blight once and for
all. -- Bonnie Raitt
| |
mines, torture equipment, cluster bombs, chemical weapons are weapons designed
to inflict pain and death on human beings. Most victims are civilians, women and
children. How can arms manufacturers, weapons designers, plant managers, politicians,
who have families of their own whom they love, be so insensitive when it comes
to the suffering of other human beings?
-- José Ramos-Horta
As long
as people and the planet are being exploited, and billions of dollars are being
made precisely because laborers and the environment are being abused and used
up, there will be children going hungry and ecological destruction.
~ Ocean
Robbins | |
Are we
doing enough to help our children create a more peaceful world? -- Debbie
Robins What is
truly more important, how our children do on standardized tests or what kind of
human beings they are and will become? I believe it is our obligation, as mothers,
to get peace into our classrooms so our children can study, learn and practice
peace. Then, and only then, can we rest assured they will fulfill their divine
destinies as peacemakers and the world will become a more peaceful place. --
Debbie Robins |
our children are
viscerally aware of the heightened violence on this planet. It has permeated every
aspect of their lives. They are hungry to make a difference, desperate to affect
their reality in a positive way, but they are unsure of how to do it. -- Debbie
Robins What
is the solution? To make peace a class, in every school, at every grade level,
in classrooms all over the world so our children can learn the 'art' of getting
along, which isn't easy, reflected by the current state of the world -- Debbie
respect and patience are acquired skills, they are learned
attributes, practiced choices, and until our children begin
to study, learn and practice peace, I believe this is as
good as it gets.
-- Debbie
"I hope
to leave my children a sense of empathy and pity and a will to right social wrongs"
-- Anita Roddick |
after all, do universal human rights begin? In small places, close to home - so
close and so small that they cannot be seen on any maps of the world ... Such
are the places where every man, woman and child seeks equal justice, equal opportunity,
equal dignity without discrimination. Unless these rights have meaning there,
they have little meaning anywhere. -- Eleanor
Roosevelt |
If there is any
one duty which more than another we owe it to our children and our children's
children to perform at once, it is to save the forests of this country, for they
constitute the first and most important element in the conservation of the natural
resources of this country. -- Theodore
Roosevelt The
function of our Government is to insure to all its citizens, now and hereafter,
their rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. If we of this generation
destroy the resources from which our children would otherwise derive their livelihood,
we reduce the capacity of our land to support a population, and so either degrade
the standard of living or deprive the coming generations of their fight to life
on this continent. -- Theodore
Roosevelt | |
people like you and me have the chance to make a tremendous difference for mothers
and their children worldwide -- Meg
Ryan |
time has come to end this charade. The debts are unaffordable. If they won't cancel
the debts I would suggest obstruction; you do it yourselves. Africa should say:
'thank you very much but we need this money to meet the needs of children who
are dying right now so we will put the debt servicing payments into urgent social
investment in health, education, drinking water, control of AIDS and other needs.'
-- Jeffrey Sachs |
"I want my child to walk in a world guided by love. This means that everybody
will have a job, or the resources to take care of basic needs. A world where families
are not oppressed and are connected to their neighbors and their communities,
where the best in humanity is honored. That's when we will truly be at peace."
-- Malika Sanders
if you can just see all
the children of the world as your own, all the mothers of the world as you are,
we can make a huge difference. -- Susan
Sarandon *
When my children wake up in the morning they know they will eat breakfast, get
hugs from their parents, go to a good, safe school. Plates are full and store
windows are glittering. But at the same time the great majority of the world's
children and women stand - no - shiver on the precipice -- Susan
Sarandon | My
intent is to speak on behalf of those whose voices are less readily heard - children
and women at risk -- Susan
Sarandon Like
most parents in the US, they are trying, with a little help from UNICEF, to do
the best they can to help their children reach their full potential... --
Susan Sarandon
is the key to stopping the spread of AIDS. Yet millions
of children are missing an education. Missing their teachers
who have died of the disease. Missing from class as they
stay home to care for their dying mothers and fathers. Children
are missing your support. United for Children. Unite against
-- Susan Sarandon "Whether
children have first amendment rights is a vexed legal question, but what is not
in question is that they someday will. Constraining them from expressing their
views is no preparation for exercising those rights." -- Crispin Sartwell
| *
"As a new mother, I want to give my children the best start in life but millions
of children affected with AIDS don’t live with such certainty. We can all do something
to give them a future worth living for. We can make a difference in a child’s
life by joining with UNICEF to ensure that mothers and children are given the
treatment that they deserve, in order to live a life free from HIV and AIDS.”
-- Claudia Schiffer
Everyone is
always talking about our defense effort in terms of protecting women and children,
but no one ever asks the women and children what they think. ~ Patricia
Schroeder *
is an ancient Indian saying: "We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors;
we borrow it from our children." If we use this ethic as a moral compass, then
our rendezvous with reality can also become a rendezvous with opportunity. ~
Patricia Schroeder
I feel
that our planet is in peril and that creating a sustainable planet for my children
and my children’s children is the most important thing I can do in this lifetime.
-- Kyra Sedgwick
Ever since I
had my first child I have been passionate in my commitment to preserve our precious
resources for my children and their children’s children. This is the obligation
of all of us visiting this planet for a limited time. -- Kyra
Sedgwick |
are the ancestors of our grandchildren's children. We look after them, just as
our ancestors look after us. We aren't here for ourselves. We are here for each
other and for the children of our grandchildren." -- Roy
Sesana |
"The schools
play an important role when it comes down to protecting children against violence.Violence
is one of the principal reasons why children don't go to school. It's also one
of the causes of the alarming school dropout rates." --
"We know that many boys and girls leave school because of poverty, because they
have to work. However, there are an important number of children who abandon their
studies because of the abuses they're subject to by teachers and their own parents."
-- Shakira
hunger in America is as much a paradox as it is a tragedy. Why, in the wealthiest
country in the world, should hunger darken the lives and dreams of 12 million
children and their families? I believe that, when Americans learn the facts and
understand how their involvement can make a difference, banishing childhood hunger
will be a national, local and personal priority. -- Martin
Sheen | |
"My goal
in life is to leave behind a safe and healthy world for our children. Before I
leave this world, I want to be satisfied that at least I tried. I know I can make
a difference, even if it might only be a small one." --
Maisie Shiell |
the past, children were all too often viewed more
as property than people. Many victories for children's
rights have been won in the last 100 years, such as
child labor laws, protecting children from having
to work long hours in unsafe conditions; public education,
allowing all children to have access to learning;
and laws preventing child abuse. But there is still
much to do in protecting children's rights around
the world.
-- Robert
Alan Silverstein
I live
in a country where we put children in shackles and in concrete cells. Working
together, with righteousness and hope, we can create a country that is about reverence
and reconciliation, not a world of shackles and concrete cells. -- Lateefah
Simon | |
...180 million kids are engaged in the worst forms of child labour. Put it all
together and it is not only morally unacceptable, but politically dangerous.
-- Juan Somavia |
Can we make a better world for our children? I believe we can, if enough people
are concerned and get involved in changing what is wrong with society. --
Dr. Benjamin Spock *
It's up to each of us to help create a better world for our children. --
Dr. Benjamin Spock |
the children in reverence, educate them in love, and send them forth in freedom.”
-- Rudolf Steiner |
"It used to be believed
that the parent had unlimited claims on the child and rights over him. In a truer
view of the matter, we are coming to see that the rights are on the side of the
child and the duties on the side of the parent." -- William G. Sumner, 1840-1910
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