The Peace One Day video has been seen by audiences in more than 100 nations. This
inspiring award-winning documentary shows the journey of actor/filmmaker Jeremy
Gilley's efforts to help create humanity's first day of peace on September 21.
IDP Education Resource Packet from Center for Cooperative
Principles PDF - 1MB
UN International Day of Peace poster (PDF
- 2 MB)
printing of the newly designed UN International Day of Peace Poster was co-sponsored
and donated by Mayors for Peace, the World Harmony Foundation and Global Family
to the United Nations and the Global NGO Community. The Sponsors originally printed
25,000 of the IDP Posters, but due to the high demand for this inspiring Poster
Mr. Frank Liu, President of the World Harmony Foundation has approved the printing
on another 25,000 to be available within the next week.
For further
information on the new UN International Day of Peace Poster please contact Margo
LaZaro who represented the co-sponsors for the UN IDP Poster Project, at
hope that you will display this poster and share it with members of your own community.
Pathways To Peace Peace Day logo created by Irene Kai may be used
for any Peace Day activity. A Poster of this image is also available
and a portion of the proceeds benefits Pathways To Peace's work as Coordinator
of the Culture of Peace Initiative and the website.
& SERVICES These products & services
are not associated with or endorsed by Pathways To Peace or the International
Day of Peace NGO Committee at the United Nations. These links are provided for
information purposes only. Let us know about your products & services for
Peace Day -
portion of the proceeds from the sale of the Pathways
To Peace Peace Day Postergo towards supporting Pathways To Peace's work
as host of, and as secretariat of the Culture of Peace
Initiative (
a UN-designated Peace Messenger Initiative.