Take the Peace Pledge
United Nations has asked that the International Day of Peace on September
21 be observed as a Global Ceasefire and Day of Peace. The Countdown To
Peace -- an International countdown to Peace Day -- was launched on June
13, 2003. Individuals, families, communities, cities, states and nations
around the world are joining together to try to create humanity's first
day of peace. They are pledging to find ways to share the spirit of peace
in their homes, in their communities and between nations on that Day and
during the Countdown To Peace. If the world can live in peace for one
day, we can learn to solve our problems peacefully together, one day at
a time. |
Take the Peace Pledge:
The International Day of Peace
September 21, 2004
and pledge to do all that I can to keep peace in my heart,
and share the spirit of peace in my home and my community
on Peace Day and during the Countdown To Peace, beginning today.
will you share the spirit of peace
on Peace Day and during the Countdown To Peace?
Email the activities your family, community, school, organization or
place of worship is planning for Peace Day to info@pathwaystopeace.org
_________________________________________________________ Organization/School/_____________________________________________
Phone __________________________ Fax: __________________________
Email: __________________________ Web: _________________________
We will share the spirit of peace on Peace Day and during the Countdown To Peace
by: _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________
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May Peace Prevail On Earth!