Organizational Support Form
We Support
The International Day of Peace
and will let our membership know about the Global Ceasefire
and worldwide day of peace and nonviolence on September 21.
___Personal ___ Government ___ Religious Organization
___ Family ___ School/University ___ Humanitarian Organization
___ Corporate ___ Civic Organization ___ Other ________
Phone ____________________ Fax: ___________________
Email: ____________________ Web: __________________
Name:____________________ Position:________________
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Dear Friend,
The United Nations declared that September 21, the International Day of Peace, should be observed as a day of global cease-fire and non-violence, and has invited all nations and people to honor a cessation of hostilities for the duration of the Day.
Individuals, families, communities, organizations, cities, states and nations around the world are joining to try to create humanity’s first day of peace on the International Day of Peace. They are pledging to find ways to make peace in their homes, in their communities and between nations on that day, knowing that if the world can live in peace for one day, we can find a way to work out our problems peacefully together, one day at a time.
Please join Heads of State, Governors, Mayors, City Councils, organizations, schools, families and individuals who are part of the growing global movement to celebrate, honor and observe the International Day of Peace on September 21 through community service projects, cultural exhibits and performances, a moment of silence, religious services in our places of worship, and other education and public awareness activities. Together we can help establish a global day of peace in our homes, our communities and between nations.
Please send a copy of this support form to the International Day of Peace NGO Committee to be listed on as a supporter of the International Day of Peace.
Please also consider inviting your membership to request a Proclamation of Peace from their Mayor, Governor and Head of State for the International Day of Peace. Requesting a Proclamation is easy to do, but when you send the International Day of Peace NGO Committee a copy and we post it on the website, the world will see how vast our global community's desire is for a more peaceful, just and sustainable world. You can find sample text for Proclamations on the website.
This website is maintained by a consortium of NGOs in association with the United Nations Department of Public Information, including the NGO International Day of Peace Committee, Pathways To Peace, Peace One Day, and The World Peace Prayer Society and the United Religions Initiative.
May Peace Prevail On Earth,
Monica Willard, Michael Johnson, Deborah Moldow
Co-Chairs, International Day of Peace NGO Committee