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Peace Day Book
is provided

by The People For Peace Project
in service of
The International Day of Peace
NGO Committee at the UN

Peace Day Events

The International Day of Peace has been a focal point for community-uniting and peace-inspiring events since its inception in 1981. If all of the events and activities that have taken place for the International Day of Peace over the years were to occur on this International Day of Peace, it would be the greatest day in all of history. This ongoing pictoral archive represents just a tiny fraction of the hundreds of thousands of events and activities that have taken place. It is meant to inspire you to organize or participate in a peace-building event in your community on the International Day of Peace or during the countdown to Peace.

2005- In Melbourne, students carried a 150 meter rainbow flag with the words "Peace One Day" in a parade organized by the Peace Organisation of Australia.
2005- In Devonport, a Community Walk was conducted, visiting the city's first permanent peace pole planted earlier this year.
2005- In Cockburn City in Western Australia, a Peace Day display was set up in the public library inviting the community to participate, and a celebration took place next door at the Civic Center. All participants received a bag of gifts including a copy of the city's Peace Day Proclamation, "May Peace Prevail On Earth" buttons and bumperstickers, and cardboard sheets for making your own peace pole. 4 year old Nina Dakin led everyone in singing 'The Peace Song' and a Peace Candle was lit "to send the light of peace to everyone in the world.”
2005- The Murrindindi Roots & Shoots chapter flew a Giant Peace Dove as part of their celebration of the International Day of Peace.
2004 -The Byron Peace Carnival is a celebration of the spirit and culture of peace that exists in the Rainbow Region. The Carnival gives local groups an opportunity to display the ways that they work to build peace and a sense of community. The festival opens with the descending of a twenty-metre rainbow-peace flag borne by parachutists who land at the Festival site to have the flag blessed by the elders of the Bundjalung people.
2004 -A Peace Pole planting ceremony took place at the Geelong Botanical Gardens on the International Day of Peace. The Mayor of Geelong welcomed the Peace Pole stating, " The more prayers and meditation which goes on, the more harmonious a community becomes."
2003 - In Brisbane, the "Rhythm Of Peace" Multi-Faith/Multicultural Programme included an uplifting World Peace Flag Ceremony with the flags of the world being carried by more than 80 youth, followed by musical performances and interfaith prayer led by leaders from 18 different faiths from the local community,
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Planning a Peace Day Event? Have a Peace Day event photo to share?

Peace Day 2007
Africa | Asia | Europe | North America | Oceania | South America | UN & Global


Africa | Asia | Europe | North America | Oceania | South America | UN & Global

Written Reports
We The Peoples Initiative: 2001 |2002 | 2003 | 2004
World Peace Prayer Society Compilation : 2003 | 2004 | 2005
Groups of Action towards Peace: 2005

May Peace Prevail On Earth