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Peace Day Book
is provided

by The People For Peace Project
in service of
The International Day of Peace
NGO Committee at the UN

Peace Day Events

The International Day of Peace has been a focal point for community-uniting and peace-inspiring events since its inception in 1981. If all of the events and activities that have taken place for the International Day of Peace over the years were to occur on this International Day of Peace, it would be the greatest day in all of history. This ongoing pictoral archive represents just a tiny fraction of the hundreds of thousands of events and activities that have taken place. It is meant to inspire you to organize or participate in a peace-building event in your community on the International Day of Peace or during the countdown to Peace.

2005- In Salzburg a flag ceremony was held at the St. Elisabeth Catholic Church with 70-80 participants who shared their wishes for peace. A peace pole was given to the Mayor to be planted in Mirabelle Garden, "the" center of Salzburg and the town hall.
The Austrian peace organisation "Peace Power Plant" inaguarated ongoing Peace Dialogues in a Catholic Seminar House in Austria, on the International Day of Peace. After a Peace Pole planting ceremony covered by Austrian TV, guests joined in prayer and songs for peace.
2005 - 400 schoolchildren in Espoo took place in Peace Day activities, including flying a peace dove "to bring peace everywhere where children dreamed her to fly." A slide show presentation inspired the children about the importance of peace and justice.
2004 - United Religions Initiative's Christian-Muslim Dialogue Coperation Circle hosted a panel discussion among Christians and Muslims at the Cultural Center in Helsinki with the title: How to eliminate our prejudices.
2004 - In Berlin, a youth hostel planted a Peace Pole for the International Day of Peace.
2005- Roots & Shoots-Hungary flew small and giant peace doves for their Peace Day celebration in Kaniza. (
2003 - Seán Kelly of Music for Peace led a Peace Pole planting ceremony with music and prayers at the Glencree Centre for Reconciliation in the Dublin mountains. Seán Kelly and Peace Troubadour James Twyman had brought the Peace Pole with them earlier that year as they traveled throughout Ireland promoting peace. (
2005 - An international peace festival, seminar on the role of religions in peacebuilding and a 24 hour prayer vigil were some of the activities in Assisi, the birthplace of St. Francis.
2005- JGI-Italy flew Roots & Shoots Peace Doves as part of their Peace Day celebration. (
2004- The School Sisters of Notre Dame joined with the sisters from the Jubilee Community Center to rededicate the peace pole with prayers for peace at the Generalate in Rome. Over twenty different countries from five continents were represented in this gathering. (
2003- 14 friends and family gathered in Luino, Italy on the International Day of Peace to plant a Peace Pole and conduct a simple World Peace Flags Ceremony and share a moment of silence at 12 noon. (
2005- Service For Peace sponsored a Peace Run to raise funds for peace work.
2005- A 24 hour vigil for peace took place in front of the Peace Palace in The Hague. Many spiritual ceremonies took place including a world peace flag ceremony, wishing all of the countries 'May Peace Prevail On Earth.' The 100 participants were joined by the flow of visitors to the Peace Palace throughout the day.
2004- A giant 19 foot tall Peace Pole was dedicated in Sapinta. Speeches, folk music and the expression of "May Peace Prevail On Earth" in Romanian, Indonesian, English, French and Italian by each of the 35 people assembled was filmed by Romanian TV. (
2005- The Spain Roots & Shoots chapter flew a giant Peace Dove in Andulucia as part of their Peace Day celebration.
Each year at the UN Headquarters in Geneva, the Peace Bell is rung at the exact same time as the Peace Bell ringing at United Nations Headquarters in New York City.
2005 - Student activities organized by Service For Peace included learning how to make peace doves; the students club and faculty of physical training of the National University of Kyiv Mohyla Academy and the youth organization “Kyiv Plast” organized contests in 10 local universities and in Kharkov and Vorzel. He
2005- A young Roots & Shoots member flies a peace dove for the International Day of Peace as part of the Roots & Shoots program.
2002- Peace One Day holds an annual concert at Brixton Academy in south London on the International Day of Peace.
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Peace Day 2007
Africa | Asia | Europe | North America | Oceania | South America | UN & Global


Africa | Asia | Europe | North America | Oceania | South America | UN & Global

Written Reports
We The Peoples Initiative: 2001 |2002 | 2003 | 2004
World Peace Prayer Society Compilation : 2003 | 2004 | 2005
Groups of Action towards Peace: 2005

May Peace Prevail On Earth