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Peace Day Book
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by The People For Peace Project
in service of
The International Day of Peace
NGO Committee at the UN

Peace Day Events

The International Day of Peace has been a focal point for community-uniting and peace-inspiring events since its inception in 1981. If all of the events and activities that have taken place for the International Day of Peace over the years were to occur on this International Day of Peace, it would be the greatest day in all of history. This ongoing pictoral archive represents just a tiny fraction of the hundreds of thousands of events and activities that have taken place. It is meant to inspire you to organize or participate in a peace-building event in your community on the International Day of Peace or during the countdown to Peace.

The United Nations Development Fund for Women helped to organize a Peace Day celebration In Fizuli that brought together 70 women from across the country to discuss women's role in the peace process. (
2005- A multi faith event with prayer circle, poems, songs, dances, and mini plays. Flying the Giant Peace Dove and prayer flags involving over 350 students, parents and teachers, with local musicians and singers joining in as well as students. A Peace Pole re-dedication ceremony also took place.

All Gulf Air flights carried peace doves, made by The RIA Centre's children. At the centre in Adliya, more than 70 children also "planted" pinwheels in the garden as part of the Pinwheels for Peace international project and art exhibit. Each pinwheel carried the child's message for peace.
2005- The International Day School of Beijing's Roots & Shoots chapter celebrated the International Day of Peace.

2004- More than 240 kids, parents and peace leaders participated in a Peace Day event in Bejing coordinated by Jane Goodall Institute China. 2 giant Peace Doves were flown while children flew peace kites they designed and constructed themselves. The Green Eyes Roots & Shots Group in Wenzhou, Zhejiang province, the Zhaoyangchuju Roots & Shoots Group in Gaizhou, Shenyang province, and the groups in Tianjin all held activities to celebrate the International Day of Peace.
2004- organized various activities in Chengdu, China for Peace Day. Participants urged world leaders to seek the peaceful ways to solve the various global conflicts and observe ceasefire where violence has erupted and escalated. We prayed for peace, collected peace prayers in written form, observed silence and lit candles. We made giant peace dove and Peace Poles and we played football and volleyball to show the Olympic spirit.
2005- The CARE Roots & Shoots (Maryknoll Fathers’ School) chapter celebrated the International Day of Peace.
2005- The TREE Foundation flew Roots & Shoots Peace Doves out on boats as part of their Peace Day celebration.
2005- The TREE Foundation also flew Roots & Shoots Peace Doves in a caravan through the city as part of their Peace Day celebration.
2004- In Coimbatore, India 100,000 gathered to celebrate peace through expressions of joy, dance and song.
2003- An International Day of Peace prayer vigil was organized by City Montessori School in Gomtinagar. The event was covered by TV and local print media.
The Jerusalem Chapter of Service For Peace promoted a soccer contest, a kite-flying competition and a peace walk. Israeli and Palestinian youth made a commitment to not only one day but a lifetime of peace (
2005- In Kiryat Ono, Peace Day celebration with children from several schools included a blessing from the city's Mayor, a Peace Play performance, dances, and a flag ceremony with 192 flags of the countries in the United Nations.
In Jerusalem, the Interfaith Encounter Association brought together 60 Muslim, Jewish, and Christian brothers and sisters to celebrate together with the lighting of a Peace Candle, offering traditional prayers for peace from the three religions, eating together, singing and sharing about the work of the different IEA groups in Jerusalem, then signing a Declaration of Intention to work and pray for peace daily.
2003- 70 people celebrated the International Day of Peace together at the Rose Garden opposite the Knesset, the Israeli Parliament in Jerusalem, with prayers, songs and dedicating a Peace Pole.
2005- The Goi Peace Foundation in collaboration with the United Nations Information Centre in Tokyo helped to coordinate Peace Day activities in schools throughout Japan. 62 Japanese schools reported on activities involving more than 25,000 students. Activities ranged from Peace Assemblies to essay, poster and song contests as well as observing a minute of silence at noon with the prayer May Peace Prevail On Earth.
2005 - In Tokyo, High School students played volleyball and college students from six Asian nations discussed how to improve historic resentments between their countries and Japan. Flowers were brought to the Moyai statue in Shibuya for victims of 9/11 and other tragedies. In Hiroshima, volunteers displayed an exhibition of 170 peace pictures drawn by students of elementary, junior and high schools and held a vigil at the memorial to those killed by the atomic bomb in 1945. (
2005- Vehicles in Tokyo promoted Peace Day.
2003- Under typhoon conditions, 150 volunteers of the Goi Peace Foundation and their friends gathered at the United Nations Information Center in Aoyama Tokyo for a Peace Flag ceremony and then, despite the weather, did a Peace Walk to Yoyogi Park.
2005- 130 international students from Japan, China, Taiwan, Mongolia, Nepal, Thailand, Russia, Belorussia, Kenya, Hungary, Chile joined together to create 2005 pieces of Origami to be distributed to senior homes and hospitals.
2005- URI - Korea (United Religions Initiative) helped to coordinate a number of interfaith celebrations in numerous churches and temples and universities, including a meditation with 300 students at Joaseonsil of Dongguk University.
2005- The Seoul Foreign School Roots & Shoots chapter flew a giant Peace Dove as part of their Peace Day celebration.
2005- The South Korea Roots & Shoots chapter flew giant Peace Doves as part of their Peace Day celebration.
2005 - More than 40 schools in Ulaanbataar observed the minute of silence, and volunteers from all faiths gathered around the Bell of Peace in Sukhbaatar Square after a day of service. Students were invited to the ‘Lighted Window’ TV studio to make a children’s peace program. (
2005- The Mongolia Roots & Shoots chapter flew a Giant Peace Dove as part of their Peace Day celebration.
2005 - Volunteers in Nepal provided colorful uniforms for street children to participate in the IDP program. Working side by side with college students and high school students the street children were uplifted as valuable resources to the community that need access to opportunities for education. (
2005- United Religions Initiative Cooperation Circles in Nepal helped to organize a peace poetry contest for students, and peace meditations.
2005- The Nepal Roots & Shoots chapter flew a Giant Peace Dove as part of their Peace Day celebration.
2004- In Kathmandu several Peace Day events took place. Campaign Against Violence organized the lighting of thousands of candles in memory of the 10,000 people who have died in Nepal in the past 8 years of violence. UNDP also organized an event which included lighting peace candles, and singing songs for peace.

2003- Bells were rung for 2 minutes straight at Noon on the International Day of Peace throughout Nepal as part of a massive "Ring for Peace' campaign to declare Nepali children a zone of peace. Radio Nepali broadcast the chimes of Ghantaghar at noon to begin, and across the nation people rang
temple bells, bells at home, bicycle bells and car horns to call for an end 'to conflict and violence. (

2003 - A Peace Walk through the City of Lahore took place and peace prayers were offered in holy places across the nation.

2005- The United Religions Initiative was involved in coordinating more than a dozen programs for the International Day of Peace in Multan, Lahore, Gujrat and Islamababad. More than 150 participated in a Peace Walk in Multan. More than 23 organizations cosponsored an interfaith conference on peace that was held at the Pastoral Institute in Multan. Peace Seminars took place in Lahore, Gurjat and Islamabad and a Peace Walk for children was held in Lahore.
In Lahore, children at the Basharat-E-Ibn-Mariam School participated in a Peace Festival where there was prayer for peace, a peace walk, peace speeches by young children, peace poems and peace songs. There was also a peace pole planting ceremony at the end of the program.
At the Press Club In Lahore 250 participated in an interfaith conference on peace and harmony with speeches, peace songs, prayers for peace around the peace pole, and the lighting of peace candles.
In Faisalabad the Christian Life Ministries Church Worship Hall was open all day for prayers for peace. Evening observancs included worship, peace candles, and children singing peace songs and dance.
In Multan the Christian Life Ministries Church Worship Hall was open all day for prayers for peace. Evening observancs included worship, peace candles, and children singing peace songs and dance.
2004- Numerous events throughout Pakistan were organized by United Religions Initiative Cooperative Circles and World Peace Prayer Society Representatives, including prayers and songs in churches and mosques and community meetings in many cities. An Interfaith Children's Walk brought together More than 800 Muslim and Christian children and their families.
2004- Another Peace Walk was held to the Indo-Pak Wagha Border where candles were lit, songs were sung and prayers offered for peace in India, Kashmir, Pakistan and all on Earth.
2004- Students of the Pastoral Institute Multan presented peace tableaus, hymns, drama and dances as part of a Peace Program. Speeches were also given on the imperative need of peace all around the world. Prayers were offered around the Peace Pole with lamps shining around it and all praying together, "May Peace Prevail On Earth." Little doves of peace painted on papers were offered to each other while saying " Peace be with you".
2003- Numerous Peace Day observances throughout Pakistan included a Peace Rally in Faisalabad in the daytime followed by a candelight vigil that evening.
2003- A caravan of 34 vehicles drove across Pakistan towards Tolli Peer, the highest peak in Kashmir, to promote interfaith harmony in Pakistan and Kashmir. A crowd of over two thousand awaited their arrival on the International Day of Peace, and they enjoyed a moving three-hour program of speeches, prayers and songs together, with the planting of 11 peace poles in the area.
2005 - Throughout the Philippines more than 3,000 volunteers participated in IDP observances coordinated by Service For Peace and contributed more than 15,000 hours of community service. (
2005- Students from Pura Kalaw Elementary School celebrated the International Day of Peace with Pinwheels for Peace. (
2005- At Miriam College, nearly two hundred students, teachers, administrators and guests "planted" their Pinwheels for Peaces at the rotunda in the school campus. This was part of a week-long celebration of the International Day of Peace that the Center for Peace Education has spearheaded since 1998. Other activities included a Forum, Exhibit and Mini-program, a Peace Booth at a popular city park and a Film-showing. (
2004- Despite intermittent rain, 400 participated in a celebration at the Quezon Memorial Circle in Quezon City. Celebration included music, prayers from different faith traditions, and the World Peace Flag Ceremony. A Statement of Unity calling on all nations to forge lasting peace with justice was endorsed by all and three doves were released to symbolize the call for peace. In the evening candles were lit for peace and a Peace Walk took place around the Circle, concluding with singing "Let there be peace on earth." (
2003- The Manila Peace Day celebration started with a procession of religious symbols from the interfaith community, after which we rang the PEACE BELL, then held interfaith prayers, followed by a World Peace Prayer Ceremony and ending with a candle lighting and sharing the LIGHTS, as sharing the PEACE with everyone. (
2005 - The Moscow chapter of Service For Peace organized two days of “Lessons of Peace.” 160 teens joined in an exploration about peacemaking. After lessons there was a minute of silence and all participants had an opportunity to sign a Young Peacemaker Pledge. (

2004 - Over 3 million people in Sri Lanka participated in the International Day of Peace Vigil coordinated by the Sarvodaya Movement.

In Anuradhapura, the peace organization Samasevaya organized a prayer session with 30 Buddhist, Christian, Islamic and Hindu Priests and 500 people belonging to all four religions to pray for peace, sharing the prayer "May Peace Prevail on Earth." An hour-long radio broadcast on peace issues was also arranged. (

At the center of town in Anuradhapura, 500 gathered to light lamps for peace in an event organized by Samasevaya. (

2005- The Washington Bilingual School Roots & Shoots chapter flew peace doves for their Peace Day celebration.
2004 - Stamp commemorating the International Day of Peace was issued.
2005 - Stamp commemorating the International Day of Peace was issued.
2005 - SFP and Samuharath Bumrung Community held “Sport for Development and Peace”with Watsamuharath Bumrung in Lumlookk.. There were 280 participants from students Assumption University. The winner’s cup for soccer was given by Prime Minister Taksin Chinawat.
2003 - numerous activities included a national radio and television broadcast on peace with questions and answers from the nation's President; Peace Concert and vigil and a Bicycle Ride for Peace around the capital, Dili.
2003 - School children in “Peace Dove” campaign write messages of peace in Uzbek, Russian, English and Dari on peace doves.
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Peace Day 2007
Africa | Asia | Europe | North America | Oceania | South America | UN & Global

Africa | Asia | Europe | North America | Oceania | South America | UN & Global

Written Reports
We The Peoples Initiative: 2001 |2002 | 2003 | 2004
World Peace Prayer Society Compilation : 2003 | 2004 | 2005
Groups of Action towards Peace: 2005

May Peace Prevail On Earth