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Peace Day Book
is provided

by The People For Peace Project
in service of
The International Day of Peace
NGO Committee at the UN


Celebrations of International Peace Day by GAPs
(Groups of Actions toward Peace)



DATES: 15th-22nd September-2005

PLACE:  Baidoa National theatre show and National Afar irridood of Baidoa.

Kind of the event: Lectures, debates and Drama shows.

Themes: Culture of Peace and Celebration of international peace day.

Organized by: GAP-Somalia, Somali Civil society Forum, Baidoa Women Development Network.


Main purpose of GAP in Baidoa National theatre show and National Afar irridood of Baidoa.

Ø      Promote peace culture and widen GAP Somalia in order to have GAP expanded.

Ø      Promote the Culture of peace and Understanding (anti youth delinquency) 

Ø      Lectures and debates provided for the target audience in conference rooms.

Ø      Drama Shows on peace, since the Somali communities are oral society.

Target Audience.

School Children, Women, and Youth, Elders, Authorities, Professionals and Marginalized people.

GAP  SOMALIA  Report on peace day.



21st September, International peace day is a global peace day celebrated all over the world; Baidoa is one of the areas that had an opportunity to celebrate the day.

The celebration of the peace day was jointly prepared, arranged and implemented by GAP Somalia, Bay women Net work and Civil society forum.                

    The international peace day preparation started 10th September 2005, it started by consulting all the stakeholders in the region especially Women, youth, Elders and Religious  leaders.

    It was a brief consultation made all over; mainly this was how to carry the peace day ceremony and peace match in the region.

    In our schedule we have planned to start direct involvement with our stake holders as from 17th Sept 2005, to clearly identify good strategies and ways of jointly celebrating the peace day.



Our target audience.

 Peace working groups.

  1. Youth.
  2. Women.
  3. Elders.
  4. Militia officers. 

 6.   Local authorities.

7.      School children.

8.      Business groups.

9.      Former Government officers.

10.  Sports groups.

11.  Networks.

Ceremony and its speeches.

 The arrangement of the ceremony was identified two committees an arrangement and refreshment committee to facilitate the festivals.

The festival started as follows:-

 It started eight in the morning of 21st September 2005, all those who were invited come and the ceremony begun and it was attended by 300 participants of different parts of the community including NGOs, C.B. Os and Local Authority.

.Hassan Adan Mohamed from Isha human rights was coordinating the program and started program by Opening with Koran.

 The occasion officially opened by Nurudiin representing international agencies and in his speech he focused the importance of peace and explained that its global festival in the world to mark such a day and he thanked the organizers of the workshop and those who participated. 

Bay Child protection Network:-Ibrahim Ahmed Shegow

The chair person of CPN in Baidoa also addressed the need for peace and our role as communities, he added that children are vulnerable to the problems and we must contribute to any peace processes.

Bay women network.

Hawa Hussein adan. - She welcomed the participants and explained the importance of the day “Women are the most vulnerable of conflicts”. And then thanked to the organizers of this occasion and participants.

Community care center.

Chairperson of CCC Mr. Mohamed Abdi Mayow briefly explained the importance of the day and he said it’s important that well all engage our self to promote peace and plan on how we can co-operate to form our regional autonomy so that we can cope up with the on going Somali politics and save our people from sufferings.

 Isha human rights organization.

 Alin hilowle Hassan spoke on the conflict that has ravaged all the communities in bay region of Somalia socio-politically and economically, he also explained that during conflicts grave human rights violations happens and mass displacements and therefore he urged and requested the participants of the ceremony to stand for peace and help innocent civilians to be saved.

 Elders-Abdullahi sheikh Hamud. “Today is the world Peace day” and then he said if all of us here are true of what we are doing and we stand for a change we can do, please fear GOD and let us forgive each other and force our people to negotiate and build trust among ourselves.                                                                             

Religious leader

Sheikh Hassan Doyow. Addressed about Islam and the importance of Peace explained how Allah has emphasized in his Koran and in the prophets sayings, he gradually requested all the people living in the region to solve disputes and be the parents of peace.


Mohamed Hassan Osman (Aanjeex) and Isaack abgaalow. Addressed about the importance of peace.

Bay haw Band

After the conclusion of the speeches of participants, Bay haw Band performed a drama concerning Peace, and sung songs about the importance of peace. 


Strategies Used in celebrating the day.

  1. Consultation meetings.
  2. Drama Shows.
  3. Media coverage.
  4. Speeches in the ceremony.
  5. Slogans.
  6. Message development.
  7. Dissemination Peace declarations.
  8. Dissemination of Kofi Annans Speeches.
  9. Audio visual.
  10. Peace matches.
  11. Poetries.
  12. Religious lectures.
  13. Minute of Silence.

Weakness and challenges.

Communities not very much familiar with the peace day and needs more orientation.



                   I.      Successful Celebration of the peace day.

                II.      Mass participations.

              III.      Integrations among the community.

             IV.      Vibrant civil society oriented.

                V.      Successful peace matching. 

Baaq Nabadeed

Baydhabo soomaaliya.

Ayadoo ay maantu  tahay maalinta nabada aduunka ee ku began 21 September 2005, Lagana xusayo dhammaan daafaha aduunka oo dhan loona aqoonsaday in ay noqoto maalinta nahbada aduunka Sanadkasta 21September in laxuso ayaa anagoo kafaideysaneeyno munaasabadaan nabada laguxusaayo ayaan waxaan baaq nabadeed ujeedinneynaa dhammaan umada somaaliyeed meel kastoo ay jooganba,gaar ahaan kuwa kudhaqan gobolada Bay,Bakool iyo Gedo iyadoo ay geysteen dagaallada xadgudubyo

Isugu  jira Dil,kufsi,dhawaco,jirdil iyo barakac, bulshaduna ay laildarantahay tacadiyadaan aan joogsiga laheen oo lagula kaco shacabka aan waxba galabsan. 

Haddaba Anagoo  kala aha hayadaha aan dowliga aheyn oo isku baheeystay xusida muunaasaba daan ayaan waxaan soo jeedineynaa:- 

1.      In la taageero dadaallada nabadeeynta isla markaana loo istaago sidii  loo dhameystri lahaa nabadeynta.

2.      In laga hortago falkasta oo dhalin kara iska horimaad.

3.      In si wada jir ah looguguntado sida loo joojin lahaa dadaalada soo noqo noqda.

4.      In lacanbaareyo ruux kasatoo loo arka in uu bulshada dhexdeeda ku abaabula dagaal sokeeyo danbe.

5.      In la dhowro nabada iyo xuquuqda aadanaha.


Mosques/Public stadiums/Schools


Amounts of people










Bulo jimac




Baidoa Stadium.




Baidoa Model School




Aran Girls primary School




Salahudii primary and secondary school.




Organized by:  GAP Somalia.




People participants

Drama             Show.

Somali Communities

Grass root people

Lectures and Debates

Somali Communities

Youth, women and School Children





DATE: 21st SEPTEMBER Promoted by: GAP Somalia and Mosques.           


TOTAL                                                       18,300

   Media covered:

. National Television and National radios will cover and report the events.

2005 GAPs Compilation


Africa | Asia | Europe | North America | Oceania | South America | UN & Global

Written Reports
We The Peoples Initiative: 2001 |2002 | 2003 | 2004
World Peace Prayer Society Compilation : 2003 | 2004 | 2005
Groups of Action towards Peace: 2005

May Peace Prevail On Earth