One of the goals of the Better World Movement is to
supply society with the blueprints we will need to create
the infrastructure for a better world.
Many documents have been created as attempts to lay
out in a concrete way the conditions that are necessary
to create a better world. The United Nations' Declaration
of Human Rights, for example, is still a shining example
of how we should be treating each other.
The Earth Charter was produced after thousands of individuals
collaborated for more than ten years. It sets forth
a wonderful blueprint for a more peaceful, just and
sustainable planet.
Dr. Robert Muller (former Assistant Secretary General
under three Secretary Generals at the United Nations)
has 5000 Ideas & Dreams for a Better World on his website
that will continue to inspire other visionaries and
leaders of the better world movement for generations
to come. (
Better World Handbook ( provides
an extensive look at the problems facing our world,
and hands-on ways that we can solve these problems and
create a better world.