Organizing a Better World Assembly at a local school
or a Better World Fair at a school, community center
or place of worship is a community-building experience.
Your Better World Club can invite organizations that
are working for change to participate with a booth or
activity. A Better World Fair spreads the message that
WE WANT A BETTER WORLD but it can also be fun, with
music, games, and arts & crafts.
The preparations to create your Better World Fair provide
an opportunity for free newspaper, radio and television
coverage, so that your message of CELEBRATING FOR A
BETTER WORLD will be shared and spread. A Better World
Fair can also raise money for a local charity or a national
organization that is helping to make the world a better
Preparing for a better world festival also promotes
creativity and expression as ways to share a wonderful
message. A contest in schools can encourage children
to write and draw about what creating a better world
means to them. Putting their works on display gives
the children, their parents and the community a feeling
of pride. Artists, musicians and artisans will be encouraged
to focus their creative efforts to create works that
promote peace, compassion, justice and equality.