We can dream about a time when the human family will
strive to get along and work together to create a better
world. But most of us have our own families where our
peacekeeping skills and better world lifestyle will
be constantly tested. Creating more peaceful families
can be one of the most rewarding and difficult tasks
for a peacebuilder.
A family is one of the most basic models of what a better
world can be like. And yet, like the world, most families
don't feel connected because they forget or don't recognize
the common goal they share that unites them. The members
of a family are joined by bonds of love; they help each
other meet all of their physical and emotional needs.
A family that strives to become a better world family
can help each member to feel more fulfilled and better
about themselves and the world.
The first step to becoming a Better World Family is
to decide to become one. It will be an ongoing learning
experience with lots of mistakes. You'll need all of
the tools you've learned as peacebuilders. You might
decide to set a regular time to discuss and work out
family problems and issues. You'll want to make sure
that you show your concern and encouragement for each
other, regularly. You'll need to let things go and apologize
and accept apologies and make amends when apologies
aren't enough. You're a team and you want to work it
out. You may decide to work together on DO ONE THING
projects for a better world as a way to strengthen your