peace on earth an impossible dream?
you answer, think about what it would be like if everyone
really had a chance to have a good life.
What if we lived in a world where the rules really were
fair for everyone?
if the system was set up so that working for a more
peaceful, just and sustainable world was the common
goal that all families, communities, businesses and
nations shared?
What if we taught our children the skills they needed
to get along better with others and make the world a
better place, instead of just how to 'get ahead'?
If it were easier to choose to do the right thing, wouldn't
people be more likely to do it?
Maybe peace on earth is an impossible dream, but if
we changed the rules, this world could be so much better.
why do we allow an unfair system to rule us by fear?
don't we work together to create a better world and
bring hope!