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right to free speech should not be proportionate
to their bank accounts."
~ Sen.
Bernie Sanders
a result of the Citizens United Supreme Court decision,
American democracy is being undermined by the ability
of the Koch brothers and other billionaire families.
These wealthy contributors can literally buy politicians
and elections by spending hundreds of millions of
dollars in support of the candidates of their choice.
We need to overturn Citizens United and move toward
public funding of elections so that all candidates
can run for office without being beholden to the
wealthy and powerful."
~ Sen.
Bernie Sanders
a result of the disastrous Supreme Court decision
in the Citizens United case, the American political
system has been totally corrupted, and the foundations
of American democracy are being undermined."
~ Sen.
Bernie Sanders
is one person, one vote and a full discussion of
the issues that affect us. Oligarchy is billionaires
buying elections, voter suppression and a concentrated
corporate media determining what we see, hear and
~ Sen.
Bernie Sanders
said it before and I'll say it again. I will not nominate
any justice to the Supreme Court who has not made
it clear that he or she will move to overturn that
disastrous Citizens United decision which is undermining
our democracy.
~ Sen.
Bernie Sanders |
elected president I will have a litmus test in terms
of my nominee to be a Supreme Court justice. And
the nominee will say, we are going to overturn this
disastrous decision on Citizens United because that
decision is undermining American democracy. I do
not believe that billionaires should be allowed
to buy politicians."
~ Sen.
Bernie Sanders
the last presidential election Obama and Romney
raised about $1 billion each. The Koch brothers,
the second wealthiest family in America, now say
they will raise nearly $1 billion for the 2016 elections.
When one family can raise as much as an entire party,
the system is broken. This is oligarchy, not democracy.
We must overturn Citizens United."
~ Sen.
Bernie Sanders
billionaires and their super PACs increasingly control
the American political process. This is not democracy.
This is not what brave Americans fought and died
to defend. This is oligarchy. This is government
of the few, by the few and for the few. We must
overturn Citizen United and move to public funding
of elections."
~ Sen.
Bernie Sanders
are many major crises facing our country. At the
top of the list is the need to overturn Citizens
United. If billionaires are able to buy elections
and elect right-wing candidates, there is no way
we will ever address climate change, college education,
affordability, job creation, raising the minimum
wage and taking on Wall Street."
~ Sen.
Bernie Sanders
are three major political organizations in this
country: the Republican Party, the Democratic Party
and the Koch Brothers Party. With billions to spend
on campaigns. think tanks and 'educational' organizations,
the Koch brothers are the most powerful. We must
overturn Citizens United, move to public funding
of elections and pass real tax reform."
~ Sen.
Bernie Sanders
the Supreme Court did in Citizens United is to say
to these same billionaires and the corporations
they control: 'You own and control the economy,
you own Wall Street, you own the coal companies,
you own the oil companies. Now, for a very small
percentage of your wealth, we're going to give you
the opportunity to own the United States Government.'
This is the essence of what Citizens United is all
about - and that's why it must be overturned."
~ Sen.
Bernie Sanders
the Supreme Court essentially said in Citizens United
was that it was not good enough for the billionaire
class to own much of our economy. They could now
own the U.S. government as well. And that is precisely
what they are trying to do."
~ Sen.
Bernie Sanders
included for educational purposes under the Fair Use provision
of the US Copyright Law, Title 17 U.S.C. section 107.
Heroes are included for illustration purposes. No endorsement
Robert Alan Silverstein & The People For Peace Project
are not associated with the Bernie Sanders For President
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A Better World