Bernie Quotes
for a Better World

Bernie Sanders

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"After 14 years in Afghanistan and 12 years in Iraq, after the loss of almost 7,000 troops and the expenditure of trillions of dollars, I very much fear U.S. involvement in an expanding and never-ending quagmire in that region of the world." ~ Sen. Bernie Sanders

"Do we substantially increase military spending and prepare for endless war in the middle-east, or do we make college affordable for all Americans, regardless of income. My answer: I will soon be introducing legislation that will make public colleges and universities tuition free." ~ Sen. Bernie Sanders

"I do not believe that we must maintain a bloated military budget which spends almost as much as the rest of the world combined and may lead us to perpetual warfare in the Middle East." ~ Sen. Bernie Sanders

"I oppose sending U.S. ground troops into combat in another bloody war in the Middle East. I therefore cannot support the resolution, in its current form, without clearer limitations on the role of U.S. combat troops."
~ Sen. Bernie Sanders

"I voted against the defense budget because it is absurd to spend 60 percent of our discretionary budget on defense when we have so many unmet needs in terms of education, infrastructure, nutrition and health care. Everyone knows the defense budget has tens of billions of dollars of waste and fraud. It's time to get our priorities right."
~ Sen. Bernie Sanders

"I voted against the war in Iraq, which I think will go down in history as one of the worst foreign policy blunders that we have ever seen, leading to the enormous destabilization of that region right now." ~ Sen. Bernie Sanders

"It is absurd that Republicans in Congress want to cut nutrition programs for low-income Americans, while expanding military spending. We must listen to the cries of hungry children, not the lobbyists for the military-industrial-complex."
~ Sen. Bernie Sanders

"Let us wage a moral and political war against war itself, so that we can cut military spending and use that money for human needs."
~ Sen. Bernie Sanders

"Saudi Arabia is controlled by one of the wealthiest families in the world. It also has the fourth largest military budget. Maybe, just maybe, Saudi Arabia might want to take the lead in fighting ISIS, rather than having American troops and taxpayers do it for them."
~ Sen. Bernie Sanders

"The U.S. currently spends more money on the military than the next nine countries combined. Yet, despite some 45 million Americans living in poverty, 35 million without health care and veterans throughout the country sleeping on the streets, the only program that Republicans want to increase funding for is the military. Why?"
~ Sen. Bernie Sanders

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of the US Copyright Law, Title 17 U.S.C. section 107.

BetterWorld Heroes are included for illustration purposes. No endorsement implied.
Robert Alan Silverstein & The People For Peace Project
are not associated with the Bernie Sanders For President campaign

We Can Build A Better World