Bernie Quotes
for a Better World

Bernie Sanders

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Banks | Better World | #BlackLivesMatter | Budget Cuts | Campaign Finance Reform | Childcare | Citizens United | Climate Change | College | Death Penalty | Demilitarize Police | Democratic Socialism | Discrimination | Economic Inequality | Energy | Equal Pay | Family Leave | Family Values | Federal Deficit | Fracking | Gay Rights| GMO Labeling | Gun Control | Healthcare | Immigration | Infrastructure | #IranDeal | Issues-Based Campaign | Job Creation | Keystone XL | Living Wage | Marriage Equality | Media Monopoly | Middle Class | National Defense | NSA | Oligarchy vs Democracy | Palestine | Patriot Act | Political Revolution | Poverty | Prison Reform | Progressive Agenda | Racism | Social Security | Social Media | Standard of Living | Tax Reform | TPP | Unemployment | Unions| Unite | Veterans | Vote! | Voting Rights | Wall Street | War on Drugs | We Can Win | Women's Rights | Worker's Rights | Other Bernie Memes | Bernie in Cartoons


"If we can bail out Wall Street, we can bail out families. "
~ Sen. Bernie Sanders

"It is unacceptable that the typical male worker made $783 less last year than he did 42 years ago."
~ Sen. Bernie Sanders

"Let us wage a moral and political war against the billionaires and corporate leaders, on Wall Street and elsewhere, whose policies and greed are destroying the Middle Class of America."
~ Sen. Bernie Sanders

"Let us wage a moral and political war against the billionaires and corporate leaders, on Wall Street and elsewhere, whose policies and greed are destroying the Middle Class of America."
~ Sen. Bernie Sanders

"One of the major reasons why the middle class is collapsing is because of the greed, recklessness, and illegal behavior on Wall Street."
~ Sen. Bernie Sanders

"The fact of the matter is that there is a war going on in this country today. And I'm not talking about the misguided and unnecessary war we waged in Iraq. I'm talking about the 40-year war against the American middle class, the American standard of living and the American dream of owning a home, sending kids to college and having a secure retirement."
~ Sen. Bernie Sanders

"There is far too little discussion [in Washington] about the collapse of the middle class... Almost no discussion at all about the incredible income and wealth inequality in this country and the fact that we're moving towards an oligarchic form of society."
~ Sen. Bernie Sanders

"We need to encourage business models that provide employees the tools to purchase their own businesses through Employee Stock Ownership Plans and worker-owned cooperatives."
~ Sen. Bernie Sanders

"What kind of nation are we when we give tax breaks to billionaires, but we can't take care of the elderly and the children."
~ Sen. Bernie Sanders

Photos included for educational purposes under the Fair Use provision
of the US Copyright Law, Title 17 U.S.C. section 107.

BetterWorld Heroes are included for illustration purposes. No endorsement implied.
Robert Alan Silverstein & The People For Peace Project
are not associated with the Bernie Sanders For President campaign

We Can Build A Better World