is provided

by The People For Peace Project
in service of
The International Day of Peace
NGO Committee at the UN

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Peace Day Book


Proclamations of Peace

Peace Proclamations are a powerful tool to help spread awareness about the International Day of Peace.

In past years, Heads of State, Governors and Mayors have declared Proclamations of Peace for the International Day of Peace, urging their citizens to observe and celebrate Peace Day. City Councils and State Legislatures have declared Peace Day Resolutions, too.

This year, a major global effort is being made to ask governmental leaders on every level to issue Proclamations and Resolutions.

In many cases, past Peace Day Proclamations and Resolutions were obtained by individuals, families, classes of students, and local organizations, simply by asking their leaders to issue them.

They may be simple to obtain, but Proclamations are a powerful tool to use to help raise awareness about the International Day of Peace in your community. When a Mayor or Governor issues a Proclamation it presents an opportunity to have an event at which the Proclamation can be presented to the community. It provides a way to get local and regional media interested and involved in the Peace Day campaign.

When a copy of the Proclamation is sent to and posted on the website by geographic location, all the world can see your city, state or nation's support, which will help inspire more communities to support Peace Day. Your community's Proclamation, when seen together with thousands of other Proclamations and Resolutions, will help engage national and international media, which will grow the Peace Day campaign even further.

Asking for a Proclamation is easy. Just write a simple letter asking your leader to join other leaders around the world in issuing a Peace Day Proclamation, and enclose a sample Proclamation. Once it's issued, don't forget to send a copy to the International Day of Peace NGO Committee (

Sample Proclamations:
Mayor | Governor | President | Prime Minister | City Council | State Legislature (pdf)
Mayor | Governor | President | Prime Minister | City Council | State Legislature (doc)

Sample Letters:
President | Prime Minister | Governor | Mayor

Proclamations Received:
US Governors:
Alaska | Arizona |California | Connecticut | Illinois | Indiana | Kentucky | Maine | Michigan | Mississippi | Nebraska | New Jersey | Pennsylvania | Vermont | Washington

US Mayors :

Adrian, MI |Akron, OH | Cocoa Beach, FL | Colorado Springs, CO | Lake Oswego, OR | Los Angeles, CA | Salt Lake City, UT | San Francisco, CA| Santa Cruz, CA | Talent, OR |

State Legislatures :

County :
Marin County Board of Supervisors

Nations :
Marshall Islands |



May Peace Prevail On Earth!