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Peace Day Book
is provided

by The People For Peace Project
in service of
The International Day of Peace
NGO Committee at the UN


International Day of Peace
More than 2000
Supporting Organizations
in 200 nations

Africa | Asia | Europe | North America |
Oceania | South America | International


- Albanian Youth Alliance
- Intelektualet e rinj, Shprese (IRSH)

- PEACE- A Youth Public Organization, Echmiadzin
"Spitak" rescue centre, Yerevan
- Zartonk-89 NGO, Yerevan

- Aktionsgruppe Taizé in Wien, Vienna
- Art Miles Mural Project, Vienna
- Culture of Peace Galleria, Vienna
- Decade for Peace and Non Violence for the Children of the World, Salzburg
- Föderation für Weltfrieden, Vienna
- New Peace - The New Spiritual Peace Movement, Dürnstein
- Österreichisches Netzwerk für Frieden und Gewaltfreiheit Salzburg
- Public Library of Lienz
- Service for Peace - Youth Club Steyr, Steyr
- Subud Peace Forum, Vienna
- Women's Federation for World Peace International, Salzburg
- Yoga in Daily Life, Vienna

- Azerbaijan Youth Union for Peace and Security, Baku
- CANCAR (Culture against Nationalism, Conflicts and Racism, Baku
- National Network of IDP women

- Gernika Peace Museum Foundation, Gernika-Lumo
- Bizikidetza eta Bizitzarako Trebetasunen Programak-Programas de Convivencia y Habilidades para la Vida, Bilbao

- Altera, Minsk

- bibliotheek H.Graf, Bilzen
- de oogappel, gent

- European Office of the Church of Scientology Intl, Brussels
- Huize karibu, Leuven
- Inspiration Consulting, Sint Joris Weert
- KAV, Christion womens movement, Ardooie
- Nonviolent Peace Force, Bruxelles

Peaceflame, Tuzla

- Altera, Minsk
- American University in Bulgaria, Sofia
- Hristo Botev Secondary School, Vratza
- Service For Peace, Sofia

- Yoga in Daily Life, Split
- Yoga in Daily Life, Zagreb

- Future Worlds Center, Nicosia
- Holy Cross Catholic Church, Nicosia
- Planetary Awakening Network
- United Nations Association of Cyprus
- Women's Federation for World Peace - Middle East, Larnaca

Brahma Kumaris Czech Republic, Pizen
- International Relief Friendship Foundation, Prague
- Yoga in Daily Life Czech Republic, Strilky

- Humanity's Team -Denmark, Hilleroed
- International Church of Copenhagen, Copenhagen
- Polaris Centret, Kirke hyllinge

-Tallinn Youth Work Centre, Tallinn

English Language Playschool, Tampere
- ENO Programme -Environment Online, Lehmo
- United Religions Initiative's Christian-Muslim Dialogue Coperation Circle

- Arche de Saint Antoine, St. Antoine l'Abbaye
- Association Massilia Cosmopolitaine, Vitrolles
- Association Terralliance (Festival Mondial de la Terre)
- Aromatherapy Center, Paris
- CISV France (Children's International Summer Villages), Paris
- Communauté de l'Arche de Lanza del Vasto, France
- Community Intelligence Labs, Paris
- Coordination Française pour la Décennie, Paris
- Docteur honoris causa de l'Académie mondiale de la culture et des arts, Vénissieux
- groupe de préparation pour le 21 septembre 2006, strasbourg
- Harmony
- Houses for Peace, Collonges
- IRFF France, Villejuif
- Peace World Cup, Saint Sornin La Marche
- Sisters of St. Joseph of Lyon
- Universal peace pantheon, Lyon

- Imereti Youth Union

- The Club of Budapest, International, Neuss
- Evangelische Kirche Berlin/Brandenburg/schleisisch, Berlin
Mindfulness at Work, Frankfurt am Main
- International Initiative for Inter-Religious Peace, Munich
- Interreligiöse Gemeinschaft, Passau
- Kölner Buddhismus Center e.V., Köln
- Malteser Hilfsdienst e.V., Marburg-Schröck
- Naturfreundejugend Deutschlands, Remagen
- Peacemaker Gemeinschaft Deutschland, Solingen
- Sarvodaya Deutschland e.V., Neuss
The Temple Project Association, Munich

- Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University

- New Humanity Centre, Athens

- Club of Budapest, Budapest
- Foundation for Human Rights & Peace Education, Budapest
- Nemzetközi Segítség és Barátság Egyesület, Pécs
- Roots & Shoots-Hungary

- Varmahlíđarskóli

- Bon Secours Sisters, Tralee
- The Interfaith Roundtable, Dublin
- Music For Peace, Greystones
- Riverbrook Cross-Border Initiative, Riverstown
- SHE Women's Group, Tipperay Town
- Stewarts Hospital Services, Dublin
- World Centers of Compassion for Children, Inverin

- Beloved Community, Rome
- Brothers of the Sacred Heart, Rome
- CGD Maddaloni ( CE ), Maddaloni
- City Council, Ciampino
- City Council, Malnate
- Commission on Inter-Religious Dialogue, USG/UISG, Rome
- Good News Agency, Rome
- Int’l Children’s Peace Council (Assoc. ICPC Italia), Milano
- International Dominican Commission for Justice & Peace, Rome
- Lama Gangchen World Peace Foundation, Albagnano di Bee
- Nithyananda abliss Team, San Benedetto del Tronto
- Pensiero, Ambiente, Vita- Int’l Children’s Peace Council, Milano
- Sacerdoti lavoratori sposati, Chia di Soriano nel Cimino
- United Artists for Peace, Perugia
- Universal Peace Federation, Rome

- ProPeace - Platform of NGOs
- World Vision - Kosovo

- The Chalice of Peace, Riga
- Creative Group MYSTYLe art

- Tipps und Infos für Junge Leute, National Youth Agency

- Peace United, Lithuania

- Fondation Internationale de Secours et d’Amitié (IRFF UN-DPI), Luxembourg City

- CIVIL, Skopje
- Journalists for children and women rights and protection of environemnt in Macedonia, Skopje
- NGO Art Studio, Skopje
- NGO Ethno center - Balkanica, Tetovo
- PERFECT YOGA - yoga centar

- Eurolinks Foundation Malta

- IRFF Onlus, Chisinau
Service For Peace - Moldova, Chisinau

- IRFF Onlus, Chisinau
Service For Peace - Moldova, Chisinau

- QSI International School of Montenegro

AllOne Foundation, Amsterdam
- Association of World Citizens, Bussum
Aventurijn-primary, secondary and high school, Loenen
Brahma Kumaris Spirituele Akademie, Amsterdam
- Davidhuis Foundation,
- European Centre for Conflict Prevention, The Hague
- International School of Amsterdam, Amstelveen
- Quakers in the Hague, The Hague
-, Netherlands
- Silence For Peace, The Hague
- Spieringshoek, Schiedam
- Stichting Elan Vital Nederland, Amsterdam
- Subud Peace Forum, Twello
- 13 Travelers, Nijmegen
- Unitieve Psychotherapie, Rotterdam
- UNOY (United Network of Young Peacebuilders), The Hague
- Vredesnetwerk, Zutphen
- Youth Meting Centre Ysselsteyn, Ysselsteyn

Belmont House Special School, L'Derry
- Brownlow Integrated College, Craigavon

- Monkstown Community School, Newtownabbey

- The Bridgebuilders, Třnsberg
- Center for Peace Studies, Tromso
- IRFF-Norway, Auli
- United Nations Association of Norway (FN-sambandet i Norge), Oslo

- hand in hand arts at Lokalna Cafe, Warsaw
- Ignacy Lukasiewicz School

- Colegio Primeiros Passos
- NaveDourada ND-11, Oeiras

- PATRIR, Cluj-Napoca

- Scoala Pancesti, Pancesti
- The Universal Alliance, Sighetu-Marmatiei
- World Peace Prayer Society-Romania Chapter

- "Assembly Of Russia Nations" Primorsky Regional Branch, Vladivostok
- Bashkortostan Volunteer Service, Ufa
- Center For International Studies, Maritime State University, Vladivostok
- Charitable non-profit organization 'Club 'Raft', Vladivostok
- International Federation for Peace and Conciliation, Moscow
- International Public Institute for Culture of Peace, Vladivostok
- Luch Baha'i Newsletter, Moscow
- New Education, Vladikavkaz
- PPPSEAWA (Russia), Vladivostok
- Primorskiy Regional Branch the Russian Peace Fund, Vladivostok
- Russian Pugwash Committee at the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow
- ''Talisman'' Volunteer Centre, Kostroma
- Volunteer Service (Service For Peace Affiliate), Moscow
- World Without Violence, Tula

- Universal Peace Federation

- Consciousness Raising Group, Galashiels

- Cross-Party Group on Creating a Culture of Peace in Scotland, Edinburgh
- Findhorn Foundation, Forres
- St Ignatius Primary School, Wishaw
- Scottish Green Party, Edinburgh
- Spirit Aid
- World Peace Prayer Society - Scotland

- GPKT Youth Council, Presevo
- Subud, Zrenjanin
- World Vision-Kosovo

- IRFF (International Relief Friendship Foundation Slovakia), Bratislava
- IIFWP, Interreligious and International Federation for World Peace, Bratislava

- Drustvo za planetarno sintezo v Sloveniji, Tabor
- DRUŠTVO ZA MEDNARODNO POMOC IN PRIJATELJSTVO (IRFF, International Relief and Friendship Foundation)

- Asociacion La Paz es Posible, Madrid
- Asociaciónde Mujeres por la Paz mundial, Madrid
- Avalon Project (Initiative for a Culture of Peace), Cordoba
- Brahma Kumaris, Madrid
- Comunidad del Santo Sepulcro, Zaragoza
Maya Sun Serpent Mysteries School, Malaga
- Paz Y Cooperacion, Madrid
- Quiron Team of Educational Research, Madrid
- Sotogrande International School, Classes 7 and 8, Sotogrande
-, Mallorca

- Bjäre Kultur och Meditationscenter, Bĺstad
- Soltemplet the (Suntempel), Malmö
- SweFOR, Stockholm
- Sunlight Network, Hedesunda

- Dancing City Entertainment, Adlikon
- Decade to Overcome Violence, Geneva
- Heyyanka Foundation Switzerland, Courtemaiche
International School of Geneva, Geneva
International School of Lausanne, Lausanne
- Journee Mondiale de la Paix, Geneve
- Music 4 Peace, Reigoldswil
- Peace School / Global Initiative, Wintesthew
- Universal Pantheon University, Geneve
- Universal Peace Embassy, Geneve
- Universal Peace Family, Geneve
- World Goodwill, Geneva
- World Peace Day, Geneva

- International Relief and Friendship Foundation, Kyiv

- Action Network/Wales in Action, Cardiff
- Action of Churches Together in the Vale of Leven
- Ahimsa In Common, London
- The ASH, London
- Avalon Rising, Glastonbury
- Bandwagon Studios, Mansfield
- Brahma Kumaris - Wolverhampton
- Bridge of Peace Women's Federation for World Peace, Watford
- Centre for Greater-Self Awareness, Swansea
- Centre for Int’l Peacebuilding, Buntingford
- Children of the World 2000, Hale, Cheshire
- Circle of the Old Ways, Littlehampton
- Community 2000 Charitable Trust, Llandrindod Wells
- Corrymeela, Ballycastle
- Earthwalker/Paul Coleman Peacewalk Project, Twiickenham
- Fourlanesend primary school, Nr Torpoint, Cornwall
- Global Woman, Dorset
- Glocal 3000, Corsham
- Greater Manchester Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, Manchester
- Grimsdyke First and Middle School, Hatch End
- Halberton Primary, Halberton
- Harmony Church and Healing Sanctuary, Burniston Scarborough
- INEH- Int’l Network of Esoteric Healing, Chorleywood
- International Alert, London
- Isis Natural Therapy Centre, Bedford
- Lawthorn Primary School, Irvine
- Lincoln College, Lincoln
-, London
- The Market Weighton School, Market Weighton
- Mossbourne Community Academy, London
- Northbury Junior High School, Barking, Essex
- North Lincolnshire Multi-Faith Partnership, North Lincolnshire
- Peace Child International, Buntingford
- Peace One Day, London
- The Rainbow Stage Company, Maidstone, Kent
- Rochdale Parade For Peace, Rochdale
- Schumacher Society, Godstone
- The Selfseeders, Bury St Edmunds
- Service For Peace, Lewisham
- Silent Minute, London
- St. Joseph's Catholic Primary, Fishponds
- St. Mary's Middle School, Puddletown
- St. Paul's, Walkden CE Church, Manchester
- St. Peters Church, Peebles
- Sundial House Group, Tunbridge Wells
- Tamil Councillors Association, London
- Unlimited Productions, Hove
- World-Action, Douglas
- World Centre of Service, London
- World Family, England
- World Goodwill, London
- WYSE International, London

- Message From First Minister Rhodri Morgan

- Action Network/Wales in Action, Cardiff
- Cardiff IDP Planning Group, Cardiff
- Soka Gakkai UK (Cymru), Cardiff

International Day of Peace
More than 2000
Supporting Organizations
in 200 nations

Africa | Asia | Europe | North America |
Oceania | South America | International

Ask your favorite organization, association, group, school, church/mosque/synagogue to become a Peace Day Supporter to be listed on the website.

Fill out the support form below or print out the form to mail or fax.

*The opinions of these organizations are their own. The International Day of Peace NGO Committee at the UN does not necessarily support the views expressed by these organizations that support the International Day of Peace.


We Support
The International Day of Peace

and will let our membership know
about the Global Ceasefire and worldwide day of peace and nonviolence on September 21.


We will promote the International Day of Peace by:


Join the Countdown to
The International Day of Peace
Peace Day - September 21
All United Nations member countries agreed
to a Global Ceasefire
and day of nonviolence...

May Peace Prevail On Earth!