Most Ashkenazi Jews are related. Celebrate our shared heritage and the notable people in Our Jewish Family who have helped shape our world!




Isaac Bashevis Singer
(Jul 14, 1904 - Jul 24, 1991)
Nobel Prize-winning Polish-American writer

Common Ancestors:
Simcha MEISELS (1548-1624) + Dreizel ISSERLES (1551-1601)


Pinchas Menachem Mendl Singer 1872-1929
Father of Isaac Bashevis Singer

Teme Blime Meisels 1850-
Mother of Pinchas Menachem Mendl Singer

Rabbi Dov Berish Meisels 1798-1870
Father of Teme Blime Meisels

Rabbi Yitzchak Meisels 1765-1837
Father of Rabbi Dov Berish Meisels

Chaim Meisels 1660-
Father of Rabbi Yitzchak Meisels

Raphael Meisels 1625-1693
Father of Chaim Meisels

Moshe "Chelkas M'chokek" Meisels 1605-1658
Father of Raphael Meisels

Yehuda Leib Meisels 1588-
Father of Moshe "Chelkas M'chokek" Meisels

Simcha Isaac Wolf Bunim Meisels 1548-1624
Father of Yehuda Leib Meisels


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Notable NOBEL PRIZE Winners

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | Y | Z

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