(Jul 25 1920 - Apr 16 1958)
British chemist
Common Ancestors:
Shabsai KATZ (1621-1663) + Yente Leah TAUBER (1625-1705)
Peres 1923-2016
Sara Meltzer 1905-1969
Mother of Shimon Peres
Zvi Hirsh Meltzer 1865-1942
Father of Sara Meltzer
Mariashka Saladeiche Yitzchok 1822-
Mother of Zvi Hirsh Meltzer
Chaim ben Yitzchok Volozhin 1749-1821
Father of Mariashka Saladeiche Yitzchok
Rivka Rapoport 1724-1782
Mother of Chaim ben Yitzchok Volozhin
Yisroel Hacohen Rappoport 1680-
Father of Rivka Rapoport
Ella Anschel HaLevi Katvan 1660-
Mother of Yisroel Hacohen Rappoport
Tova Katz 1640-1717
Mother of Ella Anschel HaLevi Katvan
Shabsai Hakohen Katz 1621-1663
Father of Tova Katz
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SCIENCE Notables
A | B |
C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P
| Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | Y | Z
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