Most Ashkenazi Jews are related. Celebrate our shared heritage and the notable people in Our Jewish Family who have helped shape our world!




Serge Haroche

Serge Haroche
(Sep 11 1944)
Nobel Prize-winning Moroccan Physicist

Common Ancestors:
Saul WAHL KATZENELLENBOGEN (1543-1617)+ Devorah DRUCKER (1561-1617)

Serge Haroche 1944-

Valentine Roubleva 1921-1998
Mother of Serge Haroche

Alexander "Sasha" Roublev 1897-1985
Father of Valentine Roubleva

Yevgenia Grunblatt 1869-
Mother of Alexander "Sasha" Roublev

Cecille Katzenellenbogen 1846-
Mother of Yevgenia Grunblatt

Abraham Ben Simha Katzenellenbogen 1798-1873
Father of Cecille Katzenellenbogen

Simcha Katzenellenbogen 1764-1825
Father of Abraham Ben Simha Katzenellenbogen

Joseph Katzenellenbogen 1740-1808
Father of Simcha Katzenellenbogen

Abraham David Katzenellenbogen 1722-1804
Father of Joseph Katzenellenbogen

David Katzenellenbogen 1690-1756
Father of Abraham David Katzenellenbogen

Yehezekel Katzenellenbogen 1668-1749
Father of David Katzenellenbogen

Abraham Katzenellenbogen 1630-
Father of Yehezekel Katzenellenbogen

Yaakov Chaim Wahl Katzellenbogen 1581-1660
Father of Abraham Katzenellenbogen

Saul Wahl Katzenellenbogen 'King for a Day' 1543-1617
Father of Yaakov Chaim Wahl Katzellenbogen

Oliver Hart

Oliver Hart
(Oct 9 1948)
British-born American Nobel Prize-winner in Economics

Common Ancestors:
Benedict GOLDSCHMIDT (1575-1642)+ Rosina WALLICH (1575-1647)

Oliver Hart 1948-

Philip Montagu D'Arcy Hart 1900-2006
Father of Oliver Hart Ethel Montagu 1871-1947
Mother of Philip Montagu D'Arcy Hart

Ellen Cohen 1843-1919
Mother of Ethel Montagu

Louis Cohen 1799-1882
Father of Ellen Cohen

Marianne Joachim 1768-1840
Mother of Louis Cohen

Esther Aron Goldschmidt 1747-1811
Mother of Marianne Joachim

Aaron Benedict Goldsmid 1715-1782
Father of Esther Aron Goldschmidt

Benedictus Baruch Goldsmit-Cassel 1686-1736
Father of Aaron Benedict Goldsmid

Benjamin Wolf Goldschmidt Cassel Levie 1658-1717
Father of Benedictus Baruch Goldsmit-Cassel

Simon Goldschmidt-Cassel 1610-1658
Father of Benjamin Wolf Goldschmidt Cassel Levie

Benedict Baruch Daniel Samuel Goldschmidt 1575-1642
Father of Simon Goldschmidt-Cassel


Paul Heyse

Paul Heyse
(Mar 15 1830 - Apr 2 1914)
German Nobel Prize-winner in Literature

Common Ancestors:
David Mirels NEUMARK (1590-1657) + Rachel HELLER (1594-1664)

Paul Heyse 1830-1914

Caroline Marie Helene Henriette Julie Saaling 1788-1864
Mother of Paul Heyse

Salomon Jacob Salomon 1735-1788
Father of Caroline Marie Helene Henriette Julie Saaling

Miriam Jeitels 1705-1784
Mother of Salomon Jacob Salomon

Rebecca Ephraims -1772
Mother of Miriam Jeitels

Hannele Meyer 1675-1746
Mother of Rebecca Ephraims

Sara Fraenkel Mirels -1712
Mother of Hannele Meyer

Mordechai Marx Fraenkel Mirels 1614-1654
Father of Sara Fraenkel Mirels

David Jacob Koppel Mirels Frankel Neumark 1590-1657
Father of Mordechai Marx Fraenkel Mirels


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Notable NOBEL PRIZE Winners

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | Y | Z

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