(Aug 8, 1924 - Apr 16, 2020)
American animator, comics artist
Common Ancestors:
LOEW (1512-1609) + Perel SHMELKES-REICH (1516-1610)
Deitch 1924-2020
Ruth Shirley Delson 1899-1999
Mother of Gene Deitch
Alexander Delson 1871-1961
Father of Ruth Shirley Delson
Hannah Gittel Strashun 1840-1919
Mother of Alexander Delson
Yosef Strashun 1815-
Father of Hannah Gittel Strashun
Sarah Strashun 1795-1854
Mother of Yosef Strashun
Avraham David Strashun 1760-1842
Father of Sarah Strashun
Matisyahu Rip 1740-
Father of Avraham David Strashun
Naphtali Hirsch Rip 1720-
Father of Matisyahu Rip
Aryeh Leib Rip 1700-
Father of Naphtali Hirsch Rip
Aaron Rip 1680-
Father of Aryeh Leib Rip
Joseph Sobotka 1659-1706
Father of Aaron Rip
Rabbi Juda Sobotka 1626-1697
Father of Joseph Sobotka
Moshe Sabatka Rabbi, of Posen 1590-
Father of Rabbi Juda Sobotka
Tilla Loew [Maharal dau. #5] 1551-1603
Mother of Moshe Sabatka Rabbi, of Posen
Judah ben Bezalel Loew 1512-1609
Father of Tilla Loew
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Notables in the ARTS
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H | I | J | K
| L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S
| T | U | V | W | Y | Z
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