(Jun 12, 1899 - May 9, 1944)
German artist
Common Ancestors:
David Mirels NEUMARK (1590-1657) + Rachel HELLER (1594-1664)
Albers 1899-1944
Toni Ullstein 1877-1946
Mother of Anni Albers
Leopold Ullstein 1826-1899
Father of Toni Ullstein
Hannah Berlin 1794-1858
Mother of Leopold Ullstein
Wolf Loew Berlin 1761-1828
Father of Hannah Berlin
Loew Berlin 1738-1814
Father of Wolf Loew Berlin
Abraham Meier Berlin 1710-1780
Father of Loew Berlin
Rachel Wiener 1685-1723
Mother of Abraham Meier Berlin
Hirsch Ben Mordechai SgîL WIENER-REISS 1640-1715
Father of Rachel Wiener
Pessel Mirels-Fraenkel Neumark 1618-1678
Mother of Hirsch Ben Mordechai SgîL WIENER-REISS
Jacob David Neumark Mirels-Fraenkel 1590-1657
Father of Pessel Mirels-Fraenkel Neumark
(Feb 4, 1931 - Apr 6, 2020)
American artist
Common Ancestors:
WAHL KATZENELLENBOGEN (1565-1630) + Hinda HOROWITZ (1565-1654)
Aylon 1931-2020
Anshel Greenfield 1903-1965
Father of Helene Aylon
Solomon Greenfield 1866-1918
Father of Anshel Greenfield
Avraham Shloima Greenfeld 1843-1915
Father of Solomon Greenfield
Yehoshua Heshel Grunfeld 1820-
Father of Avraham Shloima Greenfeld
Shia Heschel Grunfeld 1808-1896
Father of Yehoshua Heshel Grunfeld
Moishe Grunfeld 1785-
Father of Shia Heschel Grunfeld
Sarah Lifshe Heschel 1765-
Mother of Moishe Grunfeld
Yehoshua Heschel Babad 1745-
Father of Sarah Lifshe Heschel
Binyamin Zev Babad 1710-
Father of Yehoshua Heschel Babad
Yehuda Leib Heschel 1640-
Father of Binyamin Zev Babad
Avraham Yehoshua Heschel 1596-1663
Father of Binyamin Zev Babad
Deborah Wahl Katzenellenbogen 1580-1630
Mother of Avraham Yehoshua Heschel
Meir Wahl Katzenellenbogen 1565-1630
Father of Deborah Wahl Katzenellenbogen
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Notables in the ARTS
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H | I | J | K
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