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The International Day of Peace
NGO Committee at the UN


(2005 World Peace Prayer Society Report)

Dallas, Texas, USA

Center for Spiritual Living

Anita-Marie Kasmar, Director of Public Relations, CSL

CENTER FOR SPIRITUAL LIVING HOSTS INTERNATIONAL DAY OF PEACE VIGIL Dedication of Peace Pole and Walking Meditation Scheduled for September 21, 2005

DALLAS, TEXAS, September 9, 2005 The Center For Spiritual Living of Dallas (CSL), a

member of the United Church of Religious Science (Ernest Holmes, Founder, UCRS) based in Los Angeles, announced the CSL Living Peace Ministry ceremonial event on September 21, 2005 as part of The International Day of Peace. The “Dedication of Peace Pole and Walking Meditation” will take place from 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at the Center for Spiritual Living sanctuary beginning at the Generes Altar.

In conjunction with many events taking place around the world on The International Day of Peace Vigil 2005, CSL is offering people throughout the Dallas metroplex a place to congregate, meditate and pray for peace in our world during tumultuous times. “Instead of feeling helpless amidst hatred, chaos, suffering, violence and wars that we may experience and witness in our daily lives around the globe, we can each make a difference. Praying together for harmony is an important and effective way to spread our light ofpeace and change the world,” said Reverend Dr. Petra Weldes, CSL Senior Minister.

“The 2005 CSL theme of A World That Works for Everyone, A Life That Works For Me

sums up the sense of unity and positive support we offer our members, the Dallas community as a whole, and larger global peace initiatives. In a world that works for everyone, each of us is an instrument of peace,” said Reverend Robert Mitchell, Assistant Minister.

Patricia Generes, CSL Board President, leader of the CSL Living Peace Ministry and Licensed Religious Science Practitioner, is dedicated to bringing our community together living in the consciousness of peace. “Peace begins with ourselves, living in harmony with one another and with the earth,” said Mrs. Generes. CSL members, friends, neighbors and newcomers are invited to the Center for Spiritual Living to share in The International Day of Peace Vigil 2005 ceremonial event at the new, beautiful location on Wednesday evening, September 21, 2005 from 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.

To learn more about the worldwide peace pole project visit and the International Day of Peace Vigil 2005 visit

Situated in North Dallas just minutes from the Galleria west of the North Dallas Tollway between Inwood and Welch, the Center for Spiritual Living of Dallas is located at International Place, 4801 Spring Valley  Road, Suite 115, Dallas, Texas 75244. Phone: 972.866.9988 Email: Website: Visit the CSL website at for more information about the Science of Mind philosophy, schedule of events for upcoming classes/programs, and to access the Press Room.

Houston, Texas, USA

Houston Dominicans

Dominicans Join International Community of Prayers for Peace,

[09/21/05]--From Houston, TX, where they are preparing for the impending arrival of Hurricane Rita, to Philadelphia, PA where a community of retired sisters prayed together, to Miami Florida, where a group of Barry University students gathered, people prayed for peace yesterday.

The UN International Day of Prayer for Peace united hundreds of thousands of people around the world for one common purpose. They prayed for peace in the world - prayed in whatever faith tradition or spiritual home they found themselves in.

Dominican leaders in the Bay Area sent a joint letter to the editor of the San Francisco Chronicle.

The Houston Dominicans observed the International Day of Peace is several ways. Beginning last Sept. 11th, for the ten days leading up to yesterday's day of peace, sisters participated in a rolling fast, that is, several sisters observed one of the days as a special day of fasting and prayer.

Tuesday evening, they gathered for a prayer vigil and labyrinth walk, invoking God's mercy on the various places in the world where conflict and natural disasters are seen today. A display of white paper doves bore individual prayers for peace, while the labyrinth was used as a tool for seeking inner peace individually. Several sisters who evacuated from New Orleans attended.

At noon yesterday, bells rang out at the Houston Villa and Motherhouse grounds. Students and members of St. Pius X High School joined the sisters for the gathering.

According to JoAnn Neihaus, OP, Communications Director, this is the second year that students and sisters have joined in prayer in observance of the United Nations International Day of Peace.

Photo: Patrick Spedale, Campus Minister at St. Pius X High School, Houston, stands at the Peace Pole with students Kole and Ana.

Houston, Texas, USA

P.K. McCary


The International Day of Peace in the Texas/Louisiana areas saw millions of individuals on the road fleeing to safety from the onslaught of Hurricane Rita.

The Unity Peace Makers, The North Houston Peace Group, the Department of Peace and the Decade of Non-Violence Members gifted Mayor Bill White of Houston with a Peace Pole in honor of the International Day of Peace on September 17th. The Mayor was also asked to give a Declaration of Peace for the International Day of Peace, which he did gladly. I'm impressed by this Mayor. He reaches out to broad sections of the community, doing his best to leave no one or group behind. It's a hard task with so many people vying for not only his attention, but for agendas which don’t always encompass the good of all. He has managed to balance it with compassion and wisdom. We’re hoping that the next step of Peace Education in Schools will be one of his top priorities in this great balancing act.

The Decade of Non-Violence Conference: The Mid-Way Peace Report, held on the 17th of September, was attended by almost 100 individuals, with a third being that of young people between the ages of 16 and 24. They built peace altars which were used as table decorations for the Awards Dinner for the Decade, held on Oct. 22nd.

Peace Week surrounded the International Day of Peace which was “pre-empted” by Rita, but I believe that the International Day of Peace was the perfect day for the Exodus from the storm. It showed us that we could work together as thousands of cars were bumper to bumper on the freeways. People shared not only resources, but I heard stories of several people working together to get rations on foot and bringing back rations they shared with others; that people took care of animals who were anxious and suffering from the heat; that people cared for the elderly and the young first; and that tempers were tempered by the fact that working together was best.

The peace altars on tables (including Peace Poles) from the previous month during Peace Week made the Awards Dinner at the Krishna Temple extraordinary. Again, there were a good number of young people who attended. People made sure that their tickets were paid for so that no young person be denied an opportunity to participate.

Overall, the International Day of Peace opened the door to weeks of activities to celebrate the day, but also opened the door to people living the peace we all need and deserve. It’s a lesson worth learning. We must be the peace we wish to see.

Spring, Texas, USA

Creative Life Spiritual Center: May Peace Prevail on Earth Vigil

Our vigil will begin at 7 pm, We will assemble around a Peace Pole, with “May Peace Prevail on Earth” printed in English, Arabic, French, Spanish, Russian, Hindi, Japanese and Cherokee.

2005 World Peace Prayer Society Compilation





May Peace Prevail On Earth