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Peace Day Book
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by The People For Peace Project
in service of
The International Day of Peace
NGO Committee at the UN


(2005 World Peace Prayer Society Report)

Boston, Massachusetts, USA

Penny Joy Snider-Light

On September 21st, 2005, it was my supreme blessing and privilege to offer the opening prayer for World Peace at the UN International Day of Peace Celebration, 2005, at the Learning Center for Peace here in Greater Boston.  This is the second year this community has blessed me with this opportunity!

The Learning Center for Peace is the local affiliate of the international Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual Organization, serving the New England area, and like the World Peace Prayer Society, is an NGO-affiliate of the UN, (,  The Brahma Kumaris teaches universal, spiritual values and meditation, as well as service to World Peace.  Over the years, I have come to know and respect this lovely community, and I want to appreciate that it is particularly impressive that everything they offer – is done so with purity of intentions, loving hearts and a profound sense of spiritual service.  Additionally, all programming is free of charge. 

Featured at the UN IDP 2005 Celebration were children singing the popular Beatles song, “All You Need is Love,” and opportunities to honor the essence of Peace – to meditate, and light a candle.  We were all offered gifts of flowers, delicious treats made by this community, and spiritual, personal blessings.  Prior to the celebration, attendees were invited to enjoy the Peace Gallery in the center – where I had displayed a MAY PEACE PREVAIL ON EARTH banner, offered UN IDP Celebration information pamphlets, and had decorated the walls with MAY PEACE PREVAIL ON EARTH stickers.

I joyously shared the following gifts:  UN stickers with the UN logo, inscribed with “SUPPORT THE UN,” and MAY PEACE PREVAIL ON EARTH; MAY PEACE PREVAIL ON EARTH pins and stickers; and beautiful Japanese doll-like bookmarks with the inscription MAY PEACE PREVAIL ON EARTH, from the Goi Peace Foundation of Japan, (, which co-affiliates with the World Peace Prayer Society. Again, I want to express my profound gratitude to this community for blessing me with the opportunity to play a role in celebrating the spirit of Peace at the UN International Day of Peace, 2005.  MAY PEACE PREVAIL ON EARTH!

This is the prayer I offered:


Dear God,

We give You this moment.

As we gather in community at the Brahma Kumaris Learning Center for Peace

to celebrate the gifts and blessings of

The United Nations International Day of Peace, 2005,

We give You this moment.

Pausing in spiritual reflection

We join with humanity all over the world

Who are affirming a commitment in service to Peace.

As we honor this sacred opportunity to dedicate this moment to You,

Likewise, do we honor this sacred opportunity to dedicate ourselves to You,

And we offer our prayers for both personal and planetary Peace.

We pray that You will illumine our minds,

Renew our souls,

Free our spirits,

And open our hearts,

So that our lives may become clear reflections of

Your Love and Your Light.

May we all heed Your Call, God,

So that inspired into blessed Partnership with You,

Each of us may become

An expression of Your Divine Will for Peace.

May we learn Peace,

May we know Peace,

May we teach Peace,

May we be Peace.

O Eternal Source of Peace, Grant us Peace.



Respectfully submitted in service to Peace,

Penny Joy Snider-Light

Peace Representative, Greater Boston Area

World Peace Prayer Society, NGO-affiliate of UN

September 21, 2005

Sturbridge, Massachusetts, USA

Earth Spirits Herbal Apothecary


September is World Peace Month…and September 21st is designated each year as an International Day of Peace. Vigils, prayers, moments of silence, chanting, ceremonies, marches are planned all over the world by all countries to show their support for World Peace. ( Our planet needs us to all to think ‘globally’, what we do no longer affects just us, but ripples out all around the world.

In our gardens stands a Peace Pole – one of 200,000 planted in 180 countries around the world – dedicated as monuments to Peace ( Our Pole has four sides, and the words “May Peace Prevail on Earth” is written on each side. We have chosen those words to be written in four different languages to represent the four races of our World – English for white, Lakota for Native American (red), Tibetan for Asian (yellow), and Swahili for African (dark) – all united together as one on our Peace Pole.

I want to thank all of the people in our community who contributed to the purchase of this Pole during the last year. Thank you for showing your support to world unity and to world peace. We are having an official dedication of the Peace Pole/International Day of Peace ceremony at 6:00 pm on Tuesday the 20th. You are invited to join us. Or when you stop in to visit us, please pause a moment by the Pole to offer your prayer or thought of intention – feel free to place an offering on the stone in front of the Pole as well, a show of your support.

2005 World Peace Prayer Society Compilation





May Peace Prevail On Earth