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Peace Day Book
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by The People For Peace Project
in service of
The International Day of Peace
NGO Committee at the UN


(2005 World Peace Prayer Society Report)

Bridgeport, Connecticut, USA

On Wed, Sept. 21st, my wife and I, along with numerous members of our community and over 100 children and their teachers from three of our local schools dedicated a Peace Pole in our front yard.

What follows is a short "testimonial" of the dedication. We have also included a few digital pictures of the event, along with a copy of the certificate that was presented to the school children and honored guests.

"May Peace Prevail On Earth"

Sincerely, Robb Sauerhoff & Gail Ostrow


Peace Pole Dedication Ceremony September, 21, 2005

The Peace Pole was planted on September 11th as a symbolic gesture in memory of the lives lost on 9/11. We than held a dedication ceremony on September 21st, to honor International Peace Day. Over 120 adults and children from three local schools gathered at the home of Gail Ostrow and Robb Sauerhoff, in the Black Rock section of Bridgeport, CT to dedicate the peace pole. All of the children came bearing signs and banners praying for peace.

Honored guests included Aye Aye Thant, daughter of U Thant, former Secretary General of the United Nations (1961-1971) and President of the U Thant Institute, which initiates dialogue to promote a spirit of one world; Ms. Sovath Nhar and Timothy Chhim, Cambodian-Americans; Ms. Pat Blossom and Bob Sato, Japanese-Americans; Boris Katzenberg, Israeli-American; Tom Mulligan, our local Alderman; family, friends and neighbors; and teachers and students from nearby Black Rock School, St Ann’s School, and Black Rock Preschool.

At approximately 11:00 am, the school children, carrying their colorful posters and banners, some even wearing peace sign hats, rounded the corner and paraded down Bartram Avenue accompanied by their teachers.

With everyone assembled in front of the peace pole, we learned about the origin and history of the peace pole and The World Peace Prayer Society. We were then taught how to say “hello” and “peace” in the four languages on the pole: English, Hebrew, Japanese, and Cambodian by native language speakers from each country.

A letter from U.S. Congressman Christopher Shays was read to the assembly.

The peace pole was blessed by everyone’s prayers for peace for all the cities and countries of the world. Three newly hatched Monarch butterflies were released. And then each person placed a small stone at the base of the peace pole upon leaving as a symbol of remembrance.

Each of the teachers was presented with a miniature peace pole for their classrooms. Each class and honored guest received a certificate based upon a printout of the "Peace Prayer in Many Languages" commemorating the event and thanking them for their participation in the dedication ceremony.

Our local Channel 12 News was on hand to film the event and conduct a short interview with Gail and Robb, which aired on the news a number of times that evening.


Southbury, Connecticut, USA

Students Mark Day

Students gathered around the peace pole at Rochambeau Middle School in Southbury recently, celebrating the International Day of Peace by sharing with each other their reflections on the meaning of peace.

Monita Leavitt's sixth-grade class looked on as Virginia Porter-James's eighth-grade art enrichment students shared their peace posters and explained the symbolism behind their Matisse-inspired works of art.

2005 World Peace Prayer Society Compilation





May Peace Prevail On Earth