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Peace Day Book
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by The People For Peace Project
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The International Day of Peace
NGO Committee at the UN


(2005 World Peace Prayer Society Report)

Alpha Bannie Jalloh, Freetown

International Day of Peace (September 21st)

CADA Report of Activity

Campaign Against Drug Abuse (CADA)  is a self-funding youth organization founded by two Peace and Conflict Studies Students, Alpha Bannie Jalloh and David M. Kamara to advocate against drug abuse and violence among youth. The organization is born out of our desire as Peace Students to fully contribute to Sierra Leone post-conflict peace-building work, for which we learned that drug abuse is disturbing the youths and leading them to violent behavior. So as a way of transforming the youths from a culture of violence to a culture of peace, CADA is founded.

Campaign Against Drug Abuse (CADA) a local non-governmental organization and WAR CHILD an international organization joined heads in joining the world in celebrating this year’s International Day of Peace (September 21st) in two remote villages in the Rokel community, which is situated in the outskirts of Freetown Rural District. Rokel is made up of two villages, which are John Thorpe and Madina villages.

However, it was in these two villages that this year’s Day of Peace was celebrated. The day activities started in John Thorpe village with a short and brief peace statement by the Village Head. The newly built Peace Pole was unveiled and dedicated to the people of the John Thorpe community. Peace songs were sung by the children.

Later, a flamboyant procession comprised of school children from both villages started off from John Thorpe to Madina. During the procession, peace songs were sung, with handkerchiefs waved and peace messages displayed.

At Madina village, school children and community people gathered around the Peace Pole, where the village head addressed the gathering. In his address, he thanked CADA and War Child for their initiative. He called on the people to live in peace among themselves. The Peace Pole was dedicated and unveiled followed by peace songs from the children.


Alpha Bannie Jalloh


Campaign Against Drug Abuse (CADA)

Freetown-Sierra Leone

2005 World Peace Prayer Society Compilation






May Peace Prevail On Earth