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by The People For Peace Project
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The International Day of Peace
NGO Committee at the UN


(2005 World Peace Prayer Society Report)

Sergio Valdivia, WPPS Santiago

International Day of Peace

In the Spanish-Speaking World Office

September 21st 2005

The Peace event began with a welcome speech and an explanation of this celebration on behalf of the Office Director, Mr. Sergio Valdivia.

Next, a slide show made by Nelida Alamos was exhibited. It was about Nobel Prizes in Peace and a brief explanation of the peace work performed by them. Participants learned how different personalities from the World have consecrated their lives for this ideal.

Then, an artistic presentation by Ernestina Pereira was performed with occasion related songs.

At the same time, the finalist Peace Cards, from the last contest on a Hispanic Speaking level were exhibited.

A celebration with a musical and dance choreography followed, directed by Sergio Valdivia, with the performance of Norma Alamos, Jenny Bravo, Nelida Alamos and himself. Each one of the dances carried and danced with an imaginary sphere that was being joined to each othersī until a celestial imaginary blue sphere was built as a representation of our planet.

Then the dancers along with several guests formed a living emblem of the Prayer Society, pronouncing the prayer for all the people of the world, divided by continents.

Next, Osvaldo Muņoz, Peace Representative, directed a beautiful and deep meditation for Peace.

The act ended with a party with all the participants.

Itīs important to say that the International Peace Day is just after the National Holiday Celebration of the country [Chile], making it difficult to have a massive event. Nevertheless, this experience opens hope in us of organizing something with more concurrence next year.

Sergio Valdivia
Director Spanish-Speaking Office
The World Peace Prayer Society
Santiago, CHILE

2005 World Peace Prayer Society Compilation






May Peace Prevail On Earth