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NGO Committee at the UN


(2005 World Peace Prayer Society Report)

Dagmar Berkenberg, WPPS Munich

I had my first flag ceremony with cardboard flags in public in the St. Elisabeth Catholic church in Salzburg. Can you believe that this Catholic church had a labyrinth circle already painted on the floor in the back of the church? It was IDEAL to put our cardboard flags down, as the mandala shape was already pre-given!

It was really astonishing for me personally to see how the atmosphere in our large circle (70-80 participants) changed once all the countries were on the floor in the shape of a mandala. I would not have thought it. After all the greeting words and opinions towards peace, the audience was so happy to actively participate in peace through the ceremony! At the end of the evening the organizer had to say three times "I am really glad you came" but still nobody wanted to leave the circle.

- Salzburg’s mayor said that the Peace Pole which the organizers donated to the town will find a good spot, most probably Mirabelle Garden, "the" center of Salzburg and the town hall.

- 2 people ordered cardboard flags with me straight after the ceremony, one was a teacher who hopes to open up teenager students through the ceremony. She said it is so frustrating sometimes especially as the young people cannot stand silence, but she is now inspired to work the cardboard flags in her religion lesson and open them up!

- The 2nd person who ordered the flags, a Professor from Salzburg is ....... THE WORLD IS A VILLAGE .... a good friend of CMS Mr Gandhi in Lucknow! He said "I have seen this kind of ceremony in India already" and that gave me the idea to ask him if that was in Lucknow and it was. [At the City Montessori School] The professor already wrote me a mail how wonderful the event was and how happy he is about our connection and recommended me strongly the book "YOU CAN CHANGE THE WORLD" in English.......

- what made me personally happy was a group of handicapped young people were so keen to get a flag. Their therapist said they could not stay, but in the end they could and you should have seen the joy of the young men when they slowly and so proudly read the country’s name. (Part of the evening’s programme was a literature reading of handicapped people, very moving too.) There were also refugees from Afghanistan and Africa.

We danced around the flag mandala Israeli dances, Palestine olive oil was sold and herbs to help the farmers there, and we all left very happy. May peace prevail on earth.

2005 World Peace Prayer Society Compilation






May Peace Prevail On Earth