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(2005 World Peace Prayer Society Report)

Marcus Lee, Devonport

Community Walk to mark International Day of Peace on Wednesday, September 21, Devonport City Council's Bushland Coordinator conducted a community walk in the Kelcey Tier Greenbelt.

Participants walked to see the city's first permanent peace pole that was planted by members of the multicultural youth group Fresh Xpress in June this year.

After visiting the peace pole and taking some commemorative photos, the group walked to the Allison Track lookout to view the giant lizard sculpture known as "Preeatenna".

(“Preeatenna” means “lizard” in the Tasmanian Aboriginal language, reinforcing the important Aboriginal cultural links to the area.)

Members of the public were given some background about the making of the peace pole and why the Kelcey Tier Greenbelt was chosen as the location for it.

During the walk there were a number of opportunities to see native wildflowers in bloom. The weather was fine and everyone who joined in had a great time.

PJ Mahuvawalla, Western Australia

The 21st of September was the International Day of Peace.

This global occasion was celebrated in Cockburn by a gathering of community members and guest speakers, including the representative of the World Peace Prayer Society Mr. P.J Mahuvawalla.

The celebration provided an opportunity for individuals, organisations and nations to create practical acts of peace on a shared date.

Councillor Sue Limbert was one of the guests of honour at the Cockburn Celebration. Cllr Limbert gave the participants an insight into the meaning of peace in her speech.

 “Peace starts with the individual. Spreading peace is as simple as saying ‘hello’ to your neighbour. In many languages the word ‘hello’ means peace.”

 Guests were invited to sing along with 4-year-old Nina Dakin- who inspired the group with an angelic rendition of the “Peace Song”.

Greetings and “May Peace Prevail on Earth”.

Thanks to all those involved at the WPPS for a very harmonious “International Day of Peace”, held on 21 Sept 2005. The Spearwood Library of the Cockburn City here in Western Australia had sent out invitations to the community, posted flyers, put up posters to announce the celebration of the “International Day of Peace”. A display in the centre of the Library for the WPPS was set up. The display featured many of the activities and aspects of the WPPS.

The Mayor of City of Cockburn was invited as the chief guest of honour. But as he would be overseas during the “International Day of Peace”, Councilor Sue Limbert graciously accepted to take the Mayor’s place at the “International Day of Peace” celebration. The venue was in the Civic Centre of the City of Cockburn (next to the Spearwood Library).

The hall was prepared with another display featuring the WPPS, with the copies of the International flags, balloons and other pamphlets.

Mr. Duncan Furphy, Manager Library Services/City Librarian also graced the event with his presence. On one side with “May Peace Prevail on Earth” and WPPS booklets, was a candle. The attendees arrived by 10.15 am and the WPPS ceremony began at 10.30 am. We also had the presence of two Promotions Officers from the Council.

Each person received a Library (red) Cloth Bag with the following items.

1)      WPPS information pamphlet

2)      Peace Pole Project

3)      Cardboard sheets (cut/stick/make a Peace Pole) for group activity

4)      How to assemble your Peace Pole sheet.

5)      “May Peace Prevail on Earth” in various languages/flags to cut-out and stick on cardboard Peace Poles

6)      “May Peace Prevail on Earth” Bumper sticker

7)      “May Peace Prevail on Earth” Button/pin

8)      Peace Song words

9)      Peace Pals information pamphlet

10)  “May Peace Prevail on Earth” candle (to take home)

11)  Global Link Newsletter (Summer 2005 issue)

12)  “International Day of Peace” information

13)  Proclamation for the “International Day of Peace”

14)  Write-up about the history of the WPPS

15)  8th Annual Int. Peace Pals Art Competition and Exhibition sheet.

16)  “What would you do for Peace?” – [For One’s inner Peace & For the Community]

Questionnaire sheet.

17)  Feedback sheet for Library info.

·        Luba Kambourakis who is the Adults Services Librarian, opened the morning events with a brief speech of welcome, mentioning the WPPS and the prayer “May Peace Prevail on Earth”.

·        Councillor Sue Limbert gave spoke next, elaborating on the role of WPPS, and speaking extensively about the founder of WPPS, Masahisa Goi, and his inspiration of “May Peace Prevail on Earth” prayer.

·        Councillor Sue Limbert was requested to light the Peace candle “to send the light of peace to everyone in the world”, and officiated the Peace Ceremony and celebration.

·        Nina rang a Tibetan Prayer Bell thrice, repeating “May Peace Prevail on Earth”. (each time the bell was rung.)

·        Nina sang the “Peace” song, ‘Let there be Peace on Earth’, as a solo performance.

·        After her solo, the entire group sang the “Peace” song in unison.

·        PJ (Peace Rep. WA) gives his talk, mentioning the founder of WPPS, the role and activities of WPPS, the Peace Pole Project, and ended with “May Peace Prevail on Earth”. He also mentioned that the Book “Peace Offerings” was now available at the 3 libraries of the City of Cockburn to read, or borrow.. And that to please inform PJ if anyone wishes to purchase copies. (The idea was to get all the State Libraries (almost over 50) to purchase “Peace Offerings” to add to their book collection.

·        PJ announced to the attendees of the coming “Making Peace Wind Chimes Workshop” on the 15 Dec 2005, and that the invitations and information will be sent out by the Spearwood Library.

·        Luba Kambourakis- conducts the making of the Cardboard Peace Poles,(group participation).

·        Group discussion for 15 minutes, ‘On Peace Questionnaire –“What can I do individually for Peace?” ‘

·        Vote of thanks and some group photographs for Council, Spearwood Library, and local media.

·        Light refreshments served.

·        Event ended 12.15 pm.

The Spearwood Library requested that the WPPS display (in the Library) be left for another week. The Cardboard Peace Poles were taken to the Library to be added to the WPPS display. (These would be collected by those who made them at a later date.) Next year’s “International Day of Peace” has been tentatively booked and I trust it will be a bigger event. It has been a harmonious and sacred event.

Thanking you, PJ Mahuvawalla-WPPS Representative for Western Australia.


2005 World Peace Prayer Society Compilation






May Peace Prevail On Earth