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The International Day of Peace
NGO Committee at the UN


(2004 World Peace Prayer Society Report)


Brooklyn - On September 26, 2004, The Church of Gethsemane in Park Slope, Brooklyn, NY, hosted their Second Annual International Peace Day Interfaith Celebration. Six faiths were represented (Hindu, Islam, Christian, Buddhist, Jewish, and Humanist), and nine local religious communities (Hindu Kirtan chanting group led by Sistashree, Kolot Chayeinu: Voices of our Lives (a progressive Jewish congregation), Rabbi Ellen Lippmann,

 The Church of Gethsemane (a Presbyterian congregation founded by prisoners, ex-prisoners, and their families), Rev. Liz Alexander, Pastor and Minister Chibueze Okorie, The Community of Mindfulness: The Energy Center Sangha, Dennis Bohn, The Park Slope United Methodist Church, Rev. Herb Miller, The Imam of a Mosque in Brooklyn, Debbie Almontaser, Brooklyn Society for Ethical Culture, Lisel Burns, Leader, All Souls Bethlehem Church, Rev. Tom Reiber-Martinez. A total of 120 people were present.

Some of the other participants in the interfaith worship service and peace pole dedication included: Rafael Mutis, Coordinatior for the Seven Neighborhood Action Project, JusticeWorks Community, Pam McAllister, Director of Music for The Church of Gethsemane and Park Slope United Methodist Church, Perry Dell of The Brooklyn Ethical Society, Martha Gallahue, NGO for the National Service Conference of the American Ethical Union, and members and children of the above faith communities.

 The event began with an organ prelude by Pam McAllister and then Kirtan chanting led by Sisrashree with accompaniment. Members and children of The Park Slope United Methodist Church and The Brooklyn Ethical Society met in Prospect Park and marched to Gethsemane together carrying peace signs and banners. The procession was led by a white dove waving on a long pole. These two congregations entered the church during the Kirtan chanting and surrounded the sanctuary.

 After some words of welcome by Rev. Liz Alexander, Pastor of The Church of Gethsemane, led everyone in a Litany for Peace. The service included prayers, songs, sacred texts, and reflections on peacemaking by all the congregations. Mr. Chibueze Okorie of The Church of Gethsemane led a prayer for those on death row following Prayers for the People.

During the final song, everyone processed out the front door and into the garden to dedicate the World Prayer Society's Peace Pole that had been planted in the church garden.  We began the dedication with a Buddhist walking meditation. Martha Gallahue read a letter from Deborah Moldow, Director of the World Prayer Society, and gave a short background about the Peace Pole Project. Then everyone prayed the words "May Peace Prevail on Earth" together in the languages of those present. The 8 languages on the Peace Pole were selected by members of Gethsemane and reflect the congregation and the Park Slope neighborhood. They are: Ibo (Chibueze Okorie's Nigerian language), Italian (reflective of the old times in our neighborhood), Chinese, Hebrew, English, Spanish, Arabic, and Hindi.  If we had more room we would have added Japanese, Russian, Korean, and another South East Asian language for our friends from Pakistan. We closed with a song led by members of The Community of Mindfulness.

 Light refreshments were served in the garden following the dedication. There was a wonderful community spirit and spiritual connectedness among everyone present. It was truly a day to remember.

 Many of our neighbors who pass the Peace Pole in our garden stop to thank us for "planting" it. It is a reminder to all who pass by that it is up to us to bring peace on earth.

 Rev. Liz Alexander, Pastor
The Church of Gethsemane

Sept. 19–International Day of Peace Vigil,

Central Park, New York City


An International Day of Peace Vigil was held in New York City’s Central Park Band Shell on Sunday 19 September 2004. Hundreds of people of all ages gathered to put forth their positive messages and prayers for peace to mark the International Day of Peace. The morning opened with a Native American invocation and followed with a sacred water blessing and vibrational music from crystal bowl tones. Music for peace was performed by artists representing many cultural traditions from around the world. Children presented art for peace projects and prayers for peace were put forth from a variety of religious traditions. The afternoon closed with a World Peace Prayer Ceremony with the flags of all nations. Participants formed a circle with the flags and set forth their positive prayers for peace for the people and land of each country as its flag was presented. Concluding the flag ceremony, Gemma sang her song “We Rise,” dedicated to the International Day of Peace. The event was sponsored by the United Nations Staff Recreational Council (U.N.S.R.C.) Feng Shui Group and the World Peace Prayer Society. May Peace Prevail on Earth!

Nickolai Parker
WPPS UN Representative



The World Trade Center Site

 Dr. Jane Goodall joined with members of her worldwide organization, Roots and Shoots, by flying Giant Peace Doves on September 21 to mark the International Day of Peace in New York City at Ground Zero.  As a Messenger of Peace for the United Nations, she joined Secretary-General Kofi Annan when he rang the Peace Bell at the United Nations to begin the commemoration for the International Day of Peace.  That afternoon, Monica Willard, United Religions Initiative UN NGO Representative, made arrangements for Jane to meet with Fr. Lyndon Harris, the Executive Director of The Sacred City Project.  As the former Vicar at St. Paul's Episcopal Church across the street from the site of the World Trade Center, Fr. Harris began and directed the nine month, 24 hour a day relief operation that offered food and comfort for all of the rescue workers at Ground Zero. His Sacred City Project now connects faith communities to the rebuilding effort for lower Manhattan. 

 Fr. Harris led a small group holding the Peace Doves as we walked and prayed at Ground Zero by the Peace Pole there. We remembered those who died at this site and those who die and are injured by violence everywhere. Together we recognized the International Day of Peace Resolution that calls for ceasefire and nonviolence as we called for peace, justice and healing in our hearts, our nation and the world.  

 We walked to St. Paul's where Jane Goodall concluded the observance by ringing their Bell of Hope.  The group included Captain Scott Shields and his rescue dog, Theodore; Deborah Moldow, Nickolai Parker and Angelica Cubides from the World Peace Prayer Society; students from the Hewlett School; and members from the Wisconsin-based Course in Miracles. The four from St. John's Episcopal Church in Cold Spring Harbor brought their giant Peace Dove via the Long Island Railroad and subway to be part of the observance.    

Monica Willard, UN Representative
The United Religions Initiative
WPPS Peace Representative


September 21st: Our Voices, Our World


We, The World coordinated 11 Days of Global Unity, a convergence of local and global consciousness-raising events that took place in over 100 cities around the world from Sept. 11-21, 2004. 11 Days Honorary Co-Chairs included Jane Goodall, Deepak Chopra, Irene Khan (Secretary General, Amnesty International), Marianne Williamson, Hazel Henderson, Ervin Laszlo, Barbara Marx Hubbard, Robert Thurman, Riane Eisler and others. We are working with Amnesty International, the Jane Goodall Institute's Roots & Shoots Youth Program, Dennis Kucinich's Department of Peace Initiative, the Earth Charter Initiative and many other partner organizations.

 11 Days consisted of festivals, concerts, broadcasts, coordinated civic actions, voter registration, and other activities designed to maximize public awareness of the challenges humanity faces, and to celebrate and facilitate involvement in the solutions.  This was the first in an ongoing series of global gatherings that inspire, inform and involve increasingly large numbers of people in creating a world that works for all!

The culminating event in New York was a colorful gathering at Avalon on September 21st, featuring music and inspiring speakers. An extraordinary array of speakers, performers and exhibitors combined to produce an evening of inspiration, information and action! Marianne Williamson brought down the house with her riveting talk about the Dept. of Peace and integrating spirit and activism. Dr. Jane Goodall, DBE touched people's hearts and her whole team was there from DC and other places (including a rescue dog) unfurling 4 Giant Peace Doves that moved through the audience. Gemma and her spectacular "Million Voice Choir" sang We Rise as the climax of a "wave" of choir voices singing through each time zone across 80 countries! Adotei Akwei with Amnesty International, other initiatives and the many exhibitors provided ways the public could get immediately involved. Exceptional performances were interspersed between speakers to create an evening that was inspiring on many levels. A World Peace Flag Ceremony closed the event, which was webcast live.

 Rick Ulfik, Founder,
We, The World

 Franciscans celebrate International Day of Peace in New York and around the world

 Sep. 24, 2004

 NEW YORK — As part of an international observance to celebrate peace, Franciscans International (FI) invited a prominent peacemaker to share her vision of peace with New York area Franciscans.

 Kathie Uhler, OSF, former director of FI and a current member of Christian Peacemaker Teams (CPT), spoke on the International Day of Peace (IDP), 21 September, to share her experiences as a nonviolent observer in the ancient city of Hebron on the West Bank in Israel. CPT members travel to conflict areas of the world, including Colombia and Iraq to help civilians negotiate peace.

Sr. Kathie has been traveling to Hebron for seven years as a member of CPT, where is involved in non-violent conflict resolution in potentially violent interactions between Israeli soldiers and Palestinian civilians.

 Despite witnessing numerous violations of the Geneva Conventions and international law, Sr. Kathie remains optimistic about the prospects of peace in Israel. Palestinians have been subjected to "collective punishment" in the form of roadblocks, arbitrary detention and regular dehumanising treatment, but Sr. Kathie believes that "getting in the way" will lead to a peaceful conclusion in the Middle East. Sharing her first-hand experiences and knowledge gave the NY IDP participants a new respect for civilians caught in the Israel-Palestine conflict.

"After listening to Kathie, not only did I feel more compassionate towards the Palestinians, whose stories were made so real to us, but I felt like doing something about it," commented Maria Karapetyan, FI intern, from the former Soviet republic of Georgia. 

 Numerous other Franciscan groups celebrated the International Day of Peace, including at least eleven communities in North and South America. In Bolivia, 1200 school children offered "peaceful future" pictures to a community gathering.  

In the United States, Franciscans prayed around newly planted Peace Poles and held 24 hour vigils.

 Additionally, FI's Geneva office participated in an ecumenical prayer service held at the World Council of Churches.


Story from Franciscans International:

2004 World Peace Prayer Society Compilation





May Peace Prevail On Earth