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Peace Day Book
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by The People For Peace Project
in service of
The International Day of Peace
NGO Committee at the UN


(2004 World Peace Prayer Society Report)


Gainesville Monthly Meeting (Society of Friends)

International Day of Peace Commemoration


9/21- 6:30 PEACE POLE DEDICATION. Our Meeting will rededicate the Peace Pole at a Peace Social to be held at the meetinghouse on Tuesday, September 21 from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. This day was chosen since it has been declared International Day of Peace by a United Nations resolution.  Karen Porter will tell us some of the history of a Day of World Peace. Eve McMaster will give a prayer. To celebrate the international character of our community, we will be inviting individuals to recite May peace prevail on earth in many different languages, and the group will respond with the prayer in English. Annie McPherson will lead us in song, and we will close the formal part of the celebration with the lighting of candles. Then we will have social time with dessert and coffee.

 Children are welcome. Those so led may choose to invite an international student, colleague or friend to their home for a quick supper before bringing them to the Peace Social and dessert.


May Peace Prevail on Earth. These simple words are a prayer, a vision and a powerful tool for healing ourselves and our planet. People all over the world are taking these words into their hearts, joining in a thoughtwave of light and love that is growing brighter every day.

 The prayer for world peace was the inspiration of a Japanese poet and philosopher named Masahisa Goi (1916-1980). After witnessing the terrible destruction of the Second World War, Mr. Goi searched for a way to bring people together in our common desire for peace. May Peace Prevail on Earth came to him as a universal prayer that transcends all divisions of nationality, religion, race or culture.

 There are more than 250,000 Peace Poles in 180 countries around the world. Most of them are 4-sided pillars about 7 feet high proclaiming, "May Peace Prevail on Earth," in different languages. The Peace Pole dedication ceremony brings the community together in celebration, and then the Peace Pole remains to link earth and sky in silent vigil for peace on earth, part of a great network spanning the globe.

 Contributed by Jean Larson 


Yesterday [Sept. 21] in Sarasota, Florida we had a lovely World Peace Prayer Ceremony with over 35 people attending. In addition, I offered free yoga classes throughout the day to cultivate "individual peace." We also had live music with Elaine Silver and Jay Littlehawk, singing peace songs. Each person left uplifted and united in the spirit of PEACE.
In addition, last Saturday, September 18, I participated In EarthDance 2004, a large gathering of people participated to celebrate peace with music, prayers, dancing, and other joyful and peaceful activities including blessings, yoga & massage. I led World Peace Prayer Ceremonies throughout the day. The children especially seemed to enjoy the ceremonies and playing with the flags from all the countries.
Blessings, love and light,
Harmony Ananda
World Peace Prayer Society Representative

2004 World Peace Prayer Society Compilation





May Peace Prevail On Earth