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Peace Day Book
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by The People For Peace Project
in service of
The International Day of Peace
NGO Committee at the UN


(2004 World Peace Prayer Society Report)

New Vision United Methodist Church, California, USA

 Last Sunday, September 19, 2004, our New Vision United Methodist Church (NVUMC) celebrated the September 21st United Nations and United Religions Initiative (UN/URI) International Day of Peace. The church was decorated on one front wall with a 'peace banner'- multicolored with a white dove in the center, made by HanneLore Nepote, and on the other front wall was a blue and white UN flag.  After Rev. Sun Hee Kim spoke to the children and youth about living with love and the meaning of the UN Flag, the young people placed flags of other nations in front of the altar.  Rev. Jeff Kunkel's sermon on 'The Serenity Prayer' focused our thoughts toward prayerful peace. Following the service the congregation gathered in the patio around the 6 foot 'peace pole,' created and painted by Diana Marcoux, Hanitra Cabannes, Anna Hurrell and Carol Evans, which was surrounded by the international flags - moved there from the sanctuary by the youth.  A lighted peace sign, made by Kay Runkle, hung over the Fellowship Hall door. After Carol Negro led the adult and youth choir and the congregation in singing several interfaith songs, we entered the Hall for a special luncheon.  There was a descriptive display of the history and overview of the United Nations and of the United Religions Initiative.

We shared the fact that the morning's interfaith service and peace event had been a truly heartwarming experience - exemplified in a quote from Sojourners Magazine: 

                  “Nothing that I can do will change the structure of the 
                   Universe.  But maybe, by raising my voice I can help 
                   the greatest of all causes - goodwill among men and peace 
                   on earth.”   – Albert Einstein

 Margaret Jones



The International Day of Peace was a special occasion for the people of Ojai, California, when Meditation Mount offered an inspirational program connecting with all others around the world, praying for peace. Fumi Stewart presented the World Peace Flag Ceremony. Children from Ojai carried the flags as we affirmed, "May Peace Prevail on Earth." Andrea Kay Smith shared details of Peace Gardens and Peace Poles that Partnerships In Peace has planted in Atlanta, Georgia. There was Celtic harp, didgeridoo, guitar, songs for peace, meditation, a peace poem and finally a World Blessing on the terrace. The event brought many people together to focus on the intention of peace. Everyone received a peace button and sticker as we "passed on the peace." Afterwards, we had refreshments and shared our experience.

 Andrea Kay Smith
Partnerships In Peace 


San Francisco

 Greetings of love and peace, and blessings on this International Day of Peace.

 Though it’s still Sept. 20th here in San Francisco, we have been observing the Day of Peace since early this morning in solidarity with our sisters and brothers farther to the east who are a day ahead of us.

 I shared lunch today with Soulieman Ghali, the head of the Islamic Center of San Francisco. We lamented so much hatred, so much destruction and death in the world. But we rejoiced in the interfaith friendships that have blossomed in San Francisco and that are blossoming around the world; and we shared a commitment to continue to plant the seeds of those friendships, trusting that they will increasingly bear the fruits of peace, justice and healing for all.

 So, on this International Day of Peace, I pray that peace may prevail on Earth.


Charles Gibbs
Executive Director, United Religions Initiative



San Jose

 The International Day of Peace resolution and the prayer did happen at our San Jose City Council meeting on September 21st. And, I was also given a few minutes at the time of the awarding of the resolution to speak about the International Day of Peace. The attached photos are of the moment of prayer (sorry missed the people!) and offering information and inspiration about the day with Mayor Ron Gonzales and Councilman Dave Cortese on either side of me.
For us at CSE, the resolution represents the commitment we have made to keep this light of peace on in our community by recognizing this international day each year. It was a good beginning.
With blessings of peace,

Rev. Ellen Grace O'Brian, Spiritual Director
Center for Spiritual Enlightenment



San Ramon

Sowing Peace

M. A. Center

 A grand ceremony was held at the M. A. Center on Saturday, September 25th during Amma’s 51st Birthday celebrations. It was the planting of an international symbol of peace, the Peace Pole, at the entrance to the ashram.

 Four days earlier, on September 21st, Amma suggested that everyone around the world pray together at 12 noon during the United Nation’s International Peace Day.

 “Today, the need for prayer and spiritual practices is greater than ever before,” Amma said. “There are people who think, ‘What can my individual prayers possibly change?’ We shouldn’t think this way. Through prayer, we are sowing the seeds of love. If just one flower were to blossom in the middle of a desert, wouldn’t it at least be something. If a tree were to grow there, wouldn’t it at least provide some small amount of shade? Terrorists, the violent and the warmongers—their love has run dry. They have no compassion. May the prayers of scores of people like us fill the atmosphere with love and compassion and thereby help bring about a change in their attitudes, at least to some extent.”

 More than 200 devotees sat in silent contemplation for some time after chanting 1000 Names of Divine Mother imbibing Amma’s vision of peace and harmony. Each one then wrote their individual prayers on small papers and silently carried them to the patio to be deposited at the base of the Peace Pole. It was truly a sacred moment and many of them were overwhelmed as they carried the prayers in their folded palms.

 While all chanted “Lokah samastah sukhino bhavantu” (May all beings be happy and peaceful), each devotee lovingly scooped a handful of mud to plant the prayers, intentions and anchor the Peace Pole in the earth. Many chanted this prayer in their native language: Choktaw, Arabic, Spanish, Mandarin, Cantonese, French and more.

 This prayerful initiation of the Peace Pole signified Mother’s desire for all of us to “sow seeds of love” through our constant prayers. Ancient and traditional Sanskrit prayers, arati and bhajans on the auspicious occasion of Mother’s birthday combined with a contemporary global ritual reminded us that we are all united with all who yearn for peace on Earth, today.

 We are now consciously linked with yet another powerful global network of peacemakers. More than 200,000 other churches, synagogues, civic centers and homeowners around the world have ceremonially planted the International Peace Pole to affirm, remember and deepen the commitment to anchor and expand the vibration of peace on Earth, now.

 More about the Peace Pole: Amma had blessed this Peace Pole earlier this summer. The Pole is made of cedar, a wood that is considered sacred in the Native American tradition. There are 4 sides to the pole. The words “May Peace Prevail on Earth” is written on each face of the Peace Pole in four languages that Amma chose: Malayalam, English, Spanish and Arabic.

 This Pole of Peace was not merely planted on the soil of the ashram grounds, but deeply planted in everyone's hearts.


Mata Amritanandamayi Center

2004 World Peace Prayer Society Compilation





May Peace Prevail On Earth