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Peace Day Book
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The International Day of Peace
NGO Committee at the UN


United Nations
(2004 World Peace Prayer Society Report)


Annual Student Observance 2004


This year, the World Peace Prayer Society, the United Religions Initiative and Pathways to Peace joined together as NGO hosts of the Dept. of Public Information annual observance of the International Day of Peace for school children, held on Friday, Sept. 17 at United Nations headquarters. This year’s theme was Peace Through Sport, highlighting the Olympics and the upcoming 2005 International Year for Sport and Physical Education. Young people in New York were linked via satellite to youth and athletes hosted by the UN Peacekeeping Missions in Afghanistan, Kosovo and Sierra Leone.


After a song by Gemma, the program was introduced by Mr. Shashi Tharoor, Under Secretary-General for the Dept. of Public Information. Next came a welcome from annual guest, Mrs. Nana Annan, wife of the Secretary-General. Speakers by satellite included Mr. Adolf Ogi, Special Adviser of the Secretary-General for Sport, Development and Peace (speaking from the Athens Olympic site), and Mr. Johann Olav Koss, Olympic gold medal skier and UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador, from Canada. Mr. Ogi made the compelling case for sports as the best training-ground for peace. Guests in New York included Ms. Anna Cataldi, Italian author, journalist and Messenger of Peace, and Ms. Audrey Kitagawa of the Office of the Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict.

Monica Willard of the United Religions Initiative, Mrs. Annan and Ms. Cataldi called on some young people to participate in the 12 noon ringing of a Peace Bell made from recycled weapons of war.


Students heard from young people and athletes at the UN peacekeeping missions in Afghanistan (UNAMA), Kosovo (UNMIK) and Sierra Leone (UNAMSIL). The New York students were especially moved to hear about the girls of Afghanistan participating fully in sports.


The event continued the tradition of a World Peace Flag Ceremony in which the youth at all the sites presented each nation’s flag and all together sent to every UN Member State the message “May Peace Prevail on Earth.”


Deborah Moldow, Director

The World Peace Prayer Society

2004 World Peace Prayer Society Compilation





May Peace Prevail On Earth