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(2004 World Peace Prayer Society Report)

Sighetu Marmatiei

Here you can see the cover and the page with the article of the VITA CATHOLICA BANATUS - a catholic monthly journal, where appeared something I wrote for the 21 September, the International Day of Peace:

Catholic magazine:  VITA CATHOLICA BANATUS, Nr:122 (9) September  2004, page 17

     Title:   The International Day of Peace

In material our editors received from Mr. Tatomir Ion-Marius, Rep. for
Romania of the WPPS we read:

"On 21 September around the whole world will be celebrated the International Day of the Peace.

In the context of the critical actual events on global level, there is a greater need than any time for Peace and Understanding. The WPPS, on this important day, invites you cordially to join in saying the simple but powerful prayer: May Peace Prevail on Earth, for a peaceful planet, where there are no conflicts.

Gloria in excelsis Deo et in terra PAX hominibus.”
May Peace Prevail on Earth!


The Peace message for the International Day of Peace appeared in the monthly periodical of the Franciscan Community from Sighetu. Here is an approximate translation of Deborah Moldow's message published in Hungarian (in the black corner):

SZENT FERENC NYOMDOKAIN, XIIth year of publication 2004, September, number 9, page 8.

21 September, on the Occasion of the International Day of Peace
The Message of World Peace Prayer Society

From the World Peace Sanctuary from NY, I’m sending to all of you warm greetings. I m urging you and especially the youth to join us in the universal prayer: "May Peace Prevail on Earth!".

May each country follow the way of Peace freely and in abundance.
May Peace Prevail on Earth!

– Deborah Moldow, Director of the World Peace Prayer Society


Peace Pole Dedication on 20 September 2004


On 20 September, close to the International Day of Peace, WPPS Peace Rep Mr. Tatomir Ion-Marius was present at the Peace Pole dedication by Dr. Bodnar Vasile in Sapinta (a world-renowned village), organized jointly with the Romanian-French Association "Dacia-Mediteranee," the Rotary Club from Sighet, and the Sapinta Nord Association.

Speeches were given by Dr. Bodnar, Dr. Hanciuta, and Mr. Tatomir in the presence of cameramen from TVR Cluj (Romanian Television Cluj) and folk music. "May Peace Prevail on Earth" was said in Romanian, Indonesian, English, French, and Italian by each individual from the group of about 35 people in front of the Peace Pole.

The sculptor, Mr. Popan Vasile, was applauded for his work in crafting the 5,70m Peace Pole with “May Peace Prevail on Earth” in sixteen languages on four sides.


May Peace Prevail in Romania! May Peace Prevail on Earth!

 Tatomir Ion Marius
WPPS Peace Representative

2004 World Peace Prayer Society Compilation





May Peace Prevail On Earth