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Peace Day Book
is provided

by The People For Peace Project
in service of
The International Day of Peace
NGO Committee at the UN


(2004 World Peace Prayer Society Report)



24 HOURS FOR PEACE was the theme of the IDP celebrations in the Philippines which the Peacemakers' Circle in association with the Association of Major Religious Superiors of the Philippines (AMRSP) and Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation Commission (JPICC) and their mission partners organized to commemorate the IDP.

 For 24 hours we dared each person, home, place of worship, community, workplace wherever anyone was, to make an effort to stop every thought and act that was unkind, hostile, violent and evil. For at least 24 hours we would make ourselves aware of the violent conflicts that are already present in the world. For 24 hours we would try…  see …and know… that Peace is not only possible, peace is necessary!

 A celebration program was also organized in the afternoon at the “Liwasang Aurora” within the Quezon Memorial Circle in Quezon City.


Despite the intermittent rains, around 400 people from diverse faith traditions and walks of life turned up to join the celebrations which commenced at 2.30 pm with lilting music of the flute and traditional instruments and an ethnic ritual to invoke peace in the four elements. Prayers for peace from different faith traditions followed. All nations were also blessed by the World Peace Prayer Society with a colorful display of the flags of the various nations, and a Peace Pole was on the stage.


The President of the Quezon City Parks Development Foundation, Inc. Atty. Charito Planas welcomed all to the Circle and complimented us on the undertaking. Sr. Estella Cordero, FdCC. gave the introductory remarks after which the message of the UN Secretary General was read out.

 Colorful and creative presentations from youths of different cause-oriented groups highlighted the plight of the poor, and challenges paused by degradation of the environment, terrorism and violence. Also remembering the martial law period in the Philippines whose declaration in 1972 by President Marcos falls on this same day.    

 A Statement of Unity calling on all people and nations to forge lasting peace with justice was read out by interfaith representatives and endorsed by those present. Three doves were joyfully released in to the sky to symbolize the call for peace.

The highlight of the evening was the lighting of candles for peace and a walk around the Circle. The procession aroused the curiosity of the motorists and commuters, many of whom cheered, waved, and showed their support. The leading TV channels covered the event in their news bulletins.

 The event ended with interfaith representatives leading all in the Peacemakers’ Circle prayer and singing of “Let there be peace on earth” and a call to everyone to continue to build peace in our families, communities, countries and the world. It was a touching and memorable celebration of solidarity that will continue motivating us in our efforts for peace building.


2004 World Peace Prayer Society Compilation





May Peace Prevail On Earth