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Peace Day Book
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by The People For Peace Project
in service of
The International Day of Peace
NGO Committee at the UN


(2004 World Peace Prayer Society Report)



I would like to tell you that on 21th September 2004 we had a nice and very big programe in our Church and there were four speaker in the programe: Kamal Chaughtai (Advocate), Parvez Mushtaq (Artiste), Kausar Bano and myself, Pastor.Ajmal Chaughtai, and we told to people about peace and about WPPS. In the programe we had 300 hundred men and women and near to 200 children. We had a nice rally after prayers and a programe with candles and with big banner.



May Peace Prevail On Earth,

Pastor Ajmal Chaughtai,
Founder and President of
Pakistan CLM Faisalabad


Gujranwala & Indo-Pak Border



URI family & WPPS,

 I would like to share the events of World Peace Day-2004 celebrated by the TTI-CC with PDF-Pakistan & St. Mary’s Church-Gulberg, The International Harvest Church, Up Church, Pentecostal Church, PDF-Women Circle.

 1.Prayers in Churches

 19th September-2004, being Sunday, was observed World Peace Day in different churches. Organized by the Tehreek Taraqe-E-Insantia-URI-CC, and Peace & Development Foundation-Pakistan with coordination of said church's heads. In Sunday prayer services the members of TTI & PDF explained about the world peace day in Details and also highlight the vision of URI, WPPS & Peace x Peace about the day.

Peace songs were sung together with congregation and also the choirs presented beautiful song reflecting the International prayer: "May Peace Prevail on Earth" with lightening the candle and offered special prayers led by the members of TTI, PDF, women circle. Meaningful messages were delivered by the relevant pastors & fathers on the Peace Day and also recall the peace builders all over who are doing tremendous work while facing the difficulties and acceptances of challenges of peace breakers. Relevant pastors & fathers extended great tribute to the members of TTI and PDF.

 Special prayers for peace & harmony were offered for: Iraq, Kashmir, Palestine, Afghanistan, India and Pakistan and also for the world peace.

 2. Community Meeting

 On 20th evening the members of PDF organize the Community meeting in the Forman Christian College-Lahore, in which Mr. Younis Maish promoted the community for celebration of World Peace Day and explained about the peace walk to Wagha border-Indo-Pak. Special prayers were offered by the ladies, youth and children for world peace and peace candles were lighted

3  Interfaith Children’s Peace Walk

 21st. morning at 10:00 a Peace Walk was organised by the St. Peter's School-Gulberg & Peace & Development Foundation-Pakistan with coordination of TTI-CC, wherein about 500 interfaith children (Muslims & Christian), parents of the school, councilors and clergy from different denominations participated. The walk was started from the school passing over the Henry Ke-Colony to Ferozepur Road, while the general public also joined the peace walk. The school children were holding banners, peace slogans such as:


·         Yes Peace No War

·         Children Want Peace & Love
·         Children Want Culture Of Peace
·         We Condemn The Terrorism
·         We Love Pakistan
·         Pakistan Is Peace Country
·         May Peace Prevail on Earth
·         May Peace Prevail in Pakistan.

4  Peace Walk to Indo-Pak Wagha Border

On 21st after noon peace walk to Wagha border was held, while the following organizations participated:

 St. Mary's Church Gulberg-3, Lahore
St.Thomas School-Makkah Colony-Lahore
St.Thomas Youth-Gulberg
Peace & Development Foundation-Pakistan
Tehreek Taraqe-E-Insaniate-Uri-CC

 The above orgs. reached Wagha border in their own way journey and got together near the border. The special permission was obtained by the government by myself for the event. The walk was started 2 kilometers before the border. When the participants reached near the boundary the high official received us with pleasure. All the participants were holding banners, beautifully painted with peace slogans, while hundreds of people from India & Pakistan were there while a flag down ceremony was supposed to be held. Mr. Yuel Bhatti explained about the event in detail and also extended the Peace Day messages of Ex. Director URI, Father James Chanan, WPPS & Peace x Peace and their vision. Scripture from the Holy Bible was read. Father Maurice Jalal briefly gave a message on peace quoting the Bible references and also prayed for peace and harmony especially in India & Pakistan, worldwide peace dream for united world and wish & offered friendship & brotherhood to Indian Friends.

A large peace candle was lighted together with organisation heads. From that candle all participants lighted their candle with prayers.

      May Peace Prevail in India

     May Peace Prevail in Kashmir

     May Peace Prevail in Pakistan

     May Peace Prevail on Earth.

 Beautiful peace songs were sung by the participants, specially led by the youth members.

 In the end prayer was offered by the Rev. Hanook Haq and the beautiful peaceful event was ended. Thereafter we all join the flag down ceremony at sun set time. 150 participated & cold drinks were served.

 5. Peace Candle rally

 7:30 p.m. on the way coming back, the Peace and Development Foundation-PDF & TTI-CC held a peace candle rally on the road by the Press Club-Lahore.

All the events appreciated by the media, general community & government officals. The following heads took active part in the events: Fr. Mauric Jall, Pastor Salim Bashir, Pastor Salim Bashir, Pastor Nawab, Akhtar Murad, Shama Murad, Elishba Yuel, Younis Maish, Shakeela Samuel, Nabeela Danaiel, Shamila, Sumble & Yuel Bhatti.

Events were held in Gujranwala by the Peace and Development Foundation.

 May Peace Prevail on Earth!

Yuel Bhatti, Coordinator-CC
Tehreek Taraqe-E-Insaniate
Peace & Development Foundation
Member: WPPS 




On 21 September 2004, Women And Children Development Org, IPB, WPPS, and URI celebrated the International Day of Peace in collaboration in Lahore.

Ceremony started with the prayer for peace in the world. Special prayers offer for the peace of
India, Peace of Pakistan, Peace of Kashmir, Peace of Afghanistan and Iraq. During the walk children raised slogans: “STOP THE WAR”, “NO WEAPONS NO WAR”, “MAY PEACE PREVAIL ON EARTH.”

Children were holding different placards on which it was written,  “WE ARE PEACE BUILDERS”, “WE ARE PEACE WARRIORS”, “WE ARE THE PEACE LOVERS.” Flags of different countries made the ceremony colourful. The ceremony ended with a peace song.
May Peace Prevail On Earth

Anila Gill                                                                                   Sister Livina Herman Gill
Youth Coordinater                                                                      WPPS Peace Representative
Women and Children Development Org.                          



Dear peace lovers,
I would like to share this blissful news with you that the URI Pakistan, World Peace Prayer Society in
Pakistan and the Pastoral Institute Multan, Pakistan have started the observation and celebration of the UN's International Peace Day. These programs will last for 24 hours from the eve of 20 Sep to the eve of 21st September.
This evening (20 Sep) the staff and students of the Pastoral Institute Multan had two hours peace program to commemorate the International Peace Day. The students of the Pastoral Institute presented peace tableaus, hymns, drama and dances. Speeches were also given on the imperative need of peace all around the world. The hall was beautifully decorated with peace slogan on it, with the symbol of white dove, branches of olives. The staff and students put stickers of the World Peace Prayer Society on which it is written “May Peace Prevail on Earth. Strengthen the UN." We also offered prayers around the Peace Pole with lamps shining around it and all praying together:
May Peace Prevail on Earth!
May Peace Prevail in
May Peace Prevail in
May Peace Prevail in
May Peace Prevail in our homes!
May Peace Prevail in our families!
May Peace Prevail in our hearts!
Little doves of peace painted on papers were offered to each other while saying " Peace be with you". Fr Channan gave historical  background of the declaration of the UN's International Peace Day. And also highligted efforts of the URI and World Peace Prayer Society in making a more humane and peace loving society.
Tomorrow morning at
6.30AM (21 September) Holy Mass will be offered for the world peace. At 12.00 Noon we will observe one minute silence and pray for peace. In the late afternoon at 3.30 one conference on "International Peace Day" is organized by the URI Civil Society CC Multan Pakistan. This conference will take place in the Auditorium of the Pastoral Institute Multan. We are expecting over 100 Muslims, Christians, Hindus and Bahai's for this event. Dr. Karamat Ali, Vice-Chancelor of the Bahauddin Zikria University will be the Chief Guest. Whereas, Sr. Naseem George, Coordinator, of Civil Society Multan CC and Fr James Channan, Coordinator Pakistan MCC are the organizers and hosts of this one day peace conference.
In Peace,
Fr James Channan OP   


 I have been able to put together a new Interact Club (Junior Club of a Rotary club) with the cooperation of one of our Rotary member who owns a high school in a nearby community, Peace will be the major focus of this new club through out the year. Most of the residents of the community belong to middle class and lower middle class and there is so much that can be done in that area in terms of community development and spreading the message of Peace.
I was called a week before September 21, to give them an orientation on how the Interact club can work specially for the cause of Peace. I spent almost two hours giving them an orientation and answering their queries. I am so happy to share that they celebrated the Peace Day on September 21, with our slogan "May Peace Prevail on Earth" in focus, and all the members vowed that they will work to propagate this message.

 Noreen Mirza

WPPS Peace Representative

2004 World Peace Prayer Society Compilation





May Peace Prevail On Earth