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Peace Day Book
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by The People For Peace Project
in service of
The International Day of Peace
NGO Committee at the UN


(2004 World Peace Prayer Society Report)

Christian-Muslim Dialogue CC, Finland From left to right: Pekka Y. Hiltunen, Lutheran - Aino Nenola, Orthodox - Egal Jama Abdellahi, Muslim - Isra Lehtinen, Muslim

This photo was taken Saturday, Sept. 11 when our Christian-Muslim Dialogue CC in Helsinki, hosted a panel discussion among Christians and Muslims with the title: How to eliminate our prejudices. We also had a Peace Pole with us in the Cultural Center in Helsinki.


The audience felt comfortable asking many difficult questions and the honest sharing was held in a warm atmosphere of understanding. Their dialogue was a concrete example about how to take the first steps toward overcoming prejudices.

We also had a wonderful peace celebration with children (about 30) today. We had a peace dove, which in our event "flew" all over the world to wish and hope that peace will prevail on earth. Children picked the country or any area in the world or in the whole universe and then we said together: "May Peace Prevail in that and that country or place." The dove even went to the sun ( - that was good, because it was raining so badly today that we could not go outside with the dove.)

May Peace Prevail on Earth.
Heidi Rautionmaa
United Religions Initiative, Helsinki



2004 World Peace Prayer Society Compilation





May Peace Prevail On Earth