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Peace Day Book
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by The People For Peace Project
in service of
The International Day of Peace
NGO Committee at the UN


(2004 World Peace Prayer Society Report)


I managed to arrange a World Peace Prayer Ceremony for the UN International Day of Peace!

 We had a delightful group of seven ladies who met on a hilltop overlooking the ocean. We beamed our loving thoughts of peace and healing energy out over the ocean to all countries, especially those most in need at the present time, so that the Light of Peace encompassed the earth, linking up with the global vigil of prayers for world peace.

 Infinite Peace to all those who strive for global harmony!

Infinite Wisdom to all those who believe that violence is the only solution to their problems.

Infinite Healing Love to all those who have been injured through violence and terrorism.

May Peace Prevail on Earth

Sending you Infinite Love, Light and Peace.

Kerry McCarthy
WPPS Peace Representative

Byron Bay
Celebrating Peace in the Rainbow Region

The Byron Peace Carnival is a celebration of the spirit and culture of peace in the Rainbow Region. Community members are invited to join in the rally, parade and celebrations to be held in Byron Bay on Sunday, 19 September.

 The Byron Peace Carnival's origins are broad and political, with both local and international significance. Since the Aquarius Festival, over thirty years ago, the Rainbow Region has been known throughout Australia for its culture of peace, and its people have worked to maintain this culture through activism, vigilance, and "walking their talk" of peace and love. The Carnival gives local groups an opportunity to display the ways that they work to build peace and a sense of community in the region.

 From a global perspective, the Carnival coincides with the United Nations International Day of Peace, a day when all peoples of the world are called to acknowledge the devastating effects of war and reflect on the universal goal of peace.

The sky will be filled with the colours of the rainbow as a huge peace flag descends to earth signaling the opening of the festival. The spectacular, twenty-metre flag will be borne by parachutists from Skydive Byron Bay and will land at the Festival site to be blessed by the elders of the Bundjalung people.

Bold, bright rainbow colours adorn the peace flag designed by Nimbin identity Benny Zable as the symbol for the Byron Peace Carnival. The flag expresses the colourful diversity of our regional identity, with the dove carrying our message of peace to the people of the world.


 A friend, Chrysanne Ferguson, sent me a copy of the photo and article in our local paper of the Peace Pole planting in our Botanic Gardens on the International Day of Peace.

 Jenny Funston
WPPS Peace Representative

Western Australia 

As the International Peace Day (Tuesday 21 September 2004) was approaching, communities around Perth, Western Australia had planned celebrations for the International Peace Day. However, one community centre decided to celebrate a day earlier on Monday, 20 September 2004. Our local newspaper The Cockburn City Herald had on page 3, an eye-catching article “Giving Peace a Chance”, with a photograph of the organisers.


Dee and I had a Science and Health display at the “Women Health and Wellness Day” held on Friday 17 September 2004 and a chance encounter with the organisers of this event who had visited this function, stopped by and invited us participate in the Atwell Community Centre’s International Peace Day celebrations.


Early on Monday morning, Sept. 20, we were at the Atwell Community Centre and we set up our displays. WPPS had the centre focus, smack in the middle of the function hall. Dee with her Science and Health display table was next to me.

 The Atwell Community Centre decided to celebrate peace and cultural diversity with the info stalls and displays. Tanya Linford, the Community Centre Project Officer, City of Cockburn said the event aimed to promote non-violent conflict resolution and let the community learn about the community services available to them. The Atwell Family Support and the Metropolitan Migrant Resource Centre helped with the project which ties in with International Peace Day. So here was WPPS with groups and events which included the International’s Women’s Choir, Science and Health, the Cockburn Library Services, Lakelands Senior High School, the Atwell Baptist Church, Beeliar Senior Citizens Club, the Cockburn Baha’i Community, Peace and Leadership Consultancy, the Cockburn Family and Children’s Services, The Learning Centre Link, the Anglican Parish of the Transfiguration (of Atwell and Success), Amnesty International as well as henna body painting, belly dancing and children’s face painting. We had a mid-morning get-together with refreshments - tea/coffee and snacks. Visitors loved the indoor and outdoor displays and events and it was a most delightful and relaxing day.

The celebrations began at 10 AM with the traditional Aboriginal blessings and welcome ritual/ceremony, honouring the true owners of the land. The welcome was made in both Aboriginal dialect and in English by Marie Taylor, who is the Associated Lecturer for the Kulbardi Aboriginal Centre at the Murdoch University. This was followed an address by the Chief Guest, the Hon. Dr. Carmen Lawrence our Federal Member of Parliament (also Ex-Premier of Western Australia).

 The WPPS display table had three small Peace Poles with “May Peace Prevail on Earth”, an extra large poster with the words of the [Peace Song] –“Let there be Peace on Earth” was hung as a backdrop. A table had WPPS pamphlets, brochures, information sheets, “May Peace Prevail on Earth” badges and bumper stickers, etc. The attractive “May Peace Prevail on Earth” balloons added that festive touch to the display. We had many visitors including the VIP Guests, stopping by and asking questions on WPPS and the Goi Peace Foundation, the Peace Pole Project, the Peace Pals Program, Youth for Peace, and other activities. Information materials on all were presented, and genuine interest was shown by all visitors.


The Peace Offerings Booklet (published by The Peace Pals Program of the World Peace Prayer Society and the Goi Peace foundation) was a big highlight and generated a lot of queries.

 The “May Peace Prevail on Earth” badges were very popular, and so were the Car Bumper stickers. The WPPS and Peace Pals websites were promoted, as well as the Peace Pole and the Peace Wind chimes Projects.

Thanks to the Atwell Family Support and the Metropolitan Migrant Resource Centre who have helped make this event successful. Thanks also to Tanya, Linda and Sam.

May Peace Prevail on Earth.

Dee and PJ Mahuvawalla
WPPS Peace Representatives

2004 World Peace Prayer Society Compilation





May Peace Prevail On Earth