World Peace Prayer Society Report)
Peace has much meaning for the people of Tajikistan, now living in
peace after five grueling years of civil war. A large group of all
ages and many faiths gathered for singing, praying and heart-felt
sharing to celebrate the UN Peace day, and in particular, the successful,
if hard won, cooperation between the Peace forces of Tajikistan, Afghanistan,
Iran and Russia.
Students, teachers, journalists, diplomats and children gathered in
the garden of the Z. Shahidi Museum of Musical Culture in Dushanbe,
Tajikistan to celebrate the United Nations Day of Peace. The role
of the United Nations in peace making work has special significance
in Tajikistan since the Tajik Peace Agreement of 1997 was greatly
facilitated by the U.N. after five years of civil war.
Dr. Yusuf Nasirov, Chairman of the Tajikistan Peace Committee, spoke
of the Tajik Peace and the importance of the U.N. throughout the world,
and concluded his speech with the recitation of poetry of Khafis that
speaks to how peace is the basis of all life on God's blessed earth.
Both the Afghan Ambassador in Tajikistan, Mr. Davud Panjshery, and
Rashid Abdullo, a representative of UN office in Tajikistan spoke,
referring to not only the Tajik peace process, but also that of Afghanistan
in which both countries, along with Iran and Russia, had been actively
involved. Rashid also praised the development and vision of the Tajik-Afghan
peace-building movement.
After the official speeches, women from Tajikistan and Afghanistan
shared heartfelt conversations about the suffering of women who had
lost husbands, brothers, and sons in the Tajik War. The celebration
ended movingly with the singing together of peace songs, followed
by a concert of the Orchestra of Young Tajik-Afghans, and dinner.
In the words of URI Global Council member Munira Shahidi, "It was
a happy day of understanding and love."
Munira Shahidi
Multiregional United Religions Initiative Council for Women CC
World Peace Prayer Society Compilation

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